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Vroom Vroom! Dis Ish My New Car!


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the check was done, to my understanding, at my request. i still have the pms to prove it.

as for you pointing the finger at me being the reason it died, i rang you the second i got home to tell you

# 1 the car just stalled in my driveway

# 2 the door doesnt lock and you didnt tell me

# 3 the suspension is f**ked

then when i came to pick up liscence papers, you 'neglected' to tell me that the oil pressure gauge was 'broken'. and assured me it was. 10 seconds later i was at cypher with a gauge connected to it to test, adn was being told i needed a new bottom end and there was no way i did that damage.

i dont know what sort of relationship you have with your mechanic, but from the looks of it, i think he got his mechanics experience from playing with toy cars.

either way, i am now lumped with no car and have to take a loan to get the car back on the road, and also just lost my job.

im allowed to be pissed.

As has already been said so many times...all this is your problem..no point blaming anyone but yourself. If you buy a car that has issues there is no way to prove that they were there when you bought it or wether the owner had any idea that those issues existed.

Some kid bought a car off me two years ago, called me a week later and said "hey mate, just wrapped the car around a poll" :P I told him tuff luck mate, and hung up...not my problem...

Moral of the story get independant checks done on the car you are interested in ..get one, two, three as many as it takes so you are satisfied of the outcome...

Klown stop being a.....errr Klown.. :sorcerer:

My Two Cents (plus tip)

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note to self: dont buy car of HIPSI.

kidding :P

but seriously, yeh i get all that no point in telling me i already understand, im just pissed off, as, despite everybody's 'infinte words of wisdom and tips' im sure you can empathise. jsut a little. im pissed off, and ill get over it, but for now, leave me be :D

ps. heres a tip for ya, be good to your mum :D


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Klown - You're only 19. Welcome to the world of cars and the problems they cause. Please grow up and show some maturity, cop it on the chin and move on.

Like someone else said, an RB20 is cheap as chips (750bux?) and can be done pretty easily.

No point on dwelling on the past eh!

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you are embarrassing yourself !! Sounding like a whinging girl

Its not your fault though..your parents should have insisted you get an inspection...Im sure all of ours did when we were buying our first cars when the excitement clouded common sense

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Just jumpin in at the end without really reading most of the posts, so this may have been covered... but.. ffs Steve, buyer beware! No one would like to buy a car and have somethin go horribly wrong with it after only a few days of owning, but f**k, shit happens. Thats what you get dealing with people. Next time maybe get an inspection.

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Oh and yeah, dont ask for money off the previous owner! Laugh my f*king arse off! Even if a car I sold blew up half way out of my driveway as the new owner drove off, its just tooooooo baaaaad.

Sorry, just my opinion. Got a little worked up... Oh, and I know all about engines blowing up and rebuilds... enjoy.

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your just telling me what i already know. opinions valid. but im pissed off, and when im pissed off i dont really care about rationality :P

like i said, leave me be, il get over it.

thanks for input, and btw, i dont like being called a whinging girl, so f*k u :( jk.

oh and im 18 not 19 :(

thanks guys :)

oh and thanks johan....for nothing. best of luck with the new car.


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Geez you're a hard hearted bunch of armchair experts

I feel ya pain KlowN

Big ends in reasonable nick don't die that quickly.

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dont get me wrong, i feel for klown aswell, no one wants a kill an engine the first day they get their car , there are a few things to be clarified here, No inspection was done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Secondly and i think this is the biggest, you shouldnt be playing/purchasing these kinds of cars if you cant afford to replace a cheapass rb20det. seriously, an rb20det costs less than what most places charge for a 100,000 service ffs. oh and lastly, klown you post up a thread looking for an r32 or 33 under 13k, basicly looking for one of the cheapest skylines you can find, dont get it inspected then bitch when it blows up and ask for money back, thats the crunch, do i need to mention that he has all kinds of threads posted up looking for aftermarket/performance parts which would have amounted to more than an rb20det./

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thanks for the empathy guys, it makes me feel better knowing your not all a bunch of iron hearted pricks :)

but seriously, jolinator, i dont need someone to run a personal check on evry post ive made, but thanks n e way. leave it to the professional PI's aye?

and on another note, yes i was looking for aftermarket parts, its called scouring the market for prices to se what you can get and what price you can get. then you match up everything and decide whats more important to you and what you can afford. how about you just keep your nose in your own business, and if i want a PI ill look for one. thanks.

case closed, all the best with the car johan, i wish nothing bad on you, im just angry as you all can understand. end of the day, its done and theres nothing i can do about it. next time ill run my own checks, and not rely on the word of the previous owner.

expensive lessons to learn, but the more expensive, the better youll remember them i guess.

peace, steve :D

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I reckon theres enough flaming on both parties. As a Trader/Installer/Dealer, my advice:

Klown: Good luck in selling your car and just get a check before you buy your next car. If you need any help in the future, give me a call at Jshop 9 358 4969 or 0422 993 143. By any chance as well if you need help installing the RB20 motor cheaper than quoted, just call.

Johan: Its not your fault either but dont take your mechanic's word for granted the next time, unless its in writing. That way, both parties can pursue the matter legally.

Cheers everyone.

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