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I'm still in Halo 2 world I play it on line on my Xbox 360 every Friday and Saturday for about 4 - 6 hours on these nights easy.

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Well i finished GRAW2 on 360.

Took me about 3 and a half hours on regular difficulty and i achieved the rank of "Ghost"

so thats a damn short game, thank goodness i got it for free.

Still playing FFIII will probably play a bit of it tonight.

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Been playing Stalker since yesterday.......

Jury is still out for me but i can deffinately say its a challenge!

You will want a decent rig to have this running max settings.

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Just finished call of duty 2 half way on splinter cell 2 tried to play supreme commander but lost cd-key already didn't even get to install it :P


Here ya go man. No on-line play but atleast you'll get to play.

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Well have been playing a bit of STALKER, i quite like it, you can tell that it is a few years too late by the feel of the game. But i think i'll probably end up finishing it.

Still playing FFIII as well, slowly getting through it.

And thats about it at the moment. Haven't played any 360 or ps2 for a few weeks now.

I did try the TDU on ps2 and it's ok, maybe a litte too ambitious for the ps2 console, but it was free so no need to complain.

Also surely people should have some comments about some ps3 games now that it's out!!!

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Completed Disgaea 2... the ending was uneventfully boring, very unsatisfied... then again the storyline wasnt really solid from the start...

i wanna try the new TMNT!! made by makers of Prince of Persia!!!

i wonder if its free roam like the spidey games? i sure hope so!!!!!

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Alright I posted this is the "Who's Buying A PS3" and was told I should post here as well.

Currently the PS3 is taking up most of my time until I get C&C3 the full version. Just so you know I only have a old school Sony Triniton which doesn't even have component inputs as a TV so I am playing the PS3 in the lowest res possible.

Motorstorm (PS3): Great game, Very nice visually. The game gets harder the further you advance and the handling for each vehicle is different so there is abit of a learning curve with each new vehicle you race. Online is abit annoying as you have to wait for the race to finish and have no way of telling how many laps are left.

Resistance Fall Of Man (PS3): Completed the game in 2 nights with a friend and I must say this game is great. I don't normally play FPS on consoles but this one had me sucked in for all 30 levels. If playing late at night with no lights on and surround sound there is a few of those "crap yourself" moments in it.

Formula1 CE (PS3): Only done a couple of laps on this game and I am impressed so far, once again visually very nice and its one of the few racing games I have played that actually gives you a sense of speed when playing.

Tony Hawk Project 8 (PS3): Well all I can say its another Tony Hawk game, if you have played one you have played them all.

Ridge Racer (PS3): Very nice visually for the arcade feel and game play is very smooth. A little different to control compared to Ridge Racer on the PSP but still I am slowly getting into it.

GT HD (PS3): Once again nice visually and the R32 Skyline GTR is a very nice to drive, The only major problem is 1 track but with 10 different cars to take around the track it feels different for each car. Also most people I have spoken have been annoyed with the drift mode because they think its going to be very unrealistic and too "Arcady" but I must say the drift mode is very hard and can't wait to try it out with a steering wheel.

Command and Conquer 3 (Demo, PC): I have been a fan of C&C for years and the demo has been keeping me entertained since it came out and now all I need to do is find the funds to purchase the full version. Visually it is the best C&C yet, The new units are great and they have kept some of the old fav units. Very nicely setup game and it has the chick from the TV show "House MD" so what can I say that keeps me VERY VERY happy.

After looking through all of this I am really sounding like a geek :happy:

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Got My PS3 on Friday with Motorstorm and resistance which both are friggin awesome

other then them im running S.T.A.L.K.E.R, C&C 3, supreme Commander and Fear on my PC

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Command and Conquer 3, pure eye candy and totally satisfying (plus the hot asian girl in the cut scenes)

I have supreme commander too but I cant get into it, all the units look the same so I end up zooming in and out all the time just to see what kind of tank it is. Starts off smooth but as soon as I build my army and base it tuns into a slide show on my PC even with my 7600GT video card.

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Am now playing Naruto Shippuuden: Narutimate Accel, the RPG mode is fun, abit hard as my japanese is rusty...

the battle gameplay is pretty much the same but with 10-15 new/improved/older-versions-of characters, not much different to Narutimate Hero 3 really...

Goes up to the end of the Rescue Gaara arc (for anybody who watches naruto)

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FFXII is simply HUGE!! ive logged 35+ hours into it and im pretty sure im still prob 10+ more hours off finishing.. i have been spending a fair amount of time lvling my characters and doing side quests though.. truely an epic game.

The ps2 imo is the greatest games console that has ever been released (and iv owned almost all of them to judge by too).. still to this day, 7 years after release it is coming out with brilliant games.

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