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Anzac Day Supercruise 2007


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No plan because every year there is a plan on this cruise the police change it.

I remember reading about these kind of situations, EG: raves, doofs, street drags (never been to one but I read in National Geographic they use tactics like last minute destinations.........via sms lol) Tragic.

Enjoy all, stay safe.

Edited by Savman
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No plan because every year there is a plan on this cruise the police change it.

I remember reading about these kind of situations, EG: raves, doofs, street drags (never been to one but I read in National Geographic they use tactics like last minute destinations.........via sms lol) Tragic.

but its not hard to miss 30 odd cars passing through the same area at the same time.

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hey just like to say for the cruise, every1 meet up at roselands car park at 9:30am. i have been hearing the the rotary boyz will b meeting up at the car park as well at that time and there should b alot of cars. As far as the drive the we dont know yet but im isuming that it will b either the gong or around oran park. f*k the coppers they cant sit there defecting all of us!! Hope the rain wil stop,if not i dont think anything will happn.

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hey just like to say for the cruise, every1 meet up at roselands car park at 9:30am. i have been hearing the the rotary boyz will b meeting up at the car park as well at that time and there should b alot of cars. As far as the drive the we dont know yet but im isuming that it will b either the gong or around oran park. f*k the coppers they cant sit there defecting all of us!! Hope the rain wil stop,if not i dont think anything will happn.

I hope they get you... mostly for your spelling and grammatical errors, but also for your ignorance and your attitude towards the police force...

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hey man .. u cant swear bout the cops .. cummon they do there job n do it well .. if your doing something dodgy u get caught .. fact of life ..

if u were in trouble u'd hope they came to ur aid so give them a break

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hey im not saying about doing anything dodgy, going on a harmless cruise having a good time.they are the ones looking bad in this situation. who ever wants to come down, feel free 2

Edited by justBOOSTit
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if your car has a defect its dodgy .. of course they always get someone down there who spoils it .. I really want to go down for the big v8s those babies blow me away..

as it is .. i duno if ill be going it took a no-music drive to get home .. pissing down so hard

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Well seemed to go down without to much trouble .. Roselands was swarming with cars (90% cops) and the whisper got around to take off to a few places.

I ended up lining up everyone for a photo shoot down at bevo train station for a few mins then all off the punchbowl or lakemba maccas n then off to roselands where I lost everyone n then it was on and everyone took off (after a massive effort to catch up) we lost them again ..

Finally catching up to them at maccas with the jap crap crew they decide the big V's are going home to my dismay! I wanted to cruise with them lol

Oh well anyways didnt chicken out and went to the gong .. unfortunately chris (my bad dude) a bloke from here got done.. First for GOING TO SLOW! and then for to low and then exhaust .. what a joke .. $250! contest I say!

Cops preched crap to me about get my food and piss off which I was quite upset about because I treat them with respect and it was not returned I told him to get lost which he wasnt happy about .. but seems he got over it .. anyways went to the beach and the light house and happy laps was on .. nice rides there .. and some nice babes in a lotus too!

end of the day ended up losing everyone again but crap weather overall and no fines .. have to say it was fun but would have been better if the cops just left it .. I mean we are car enthusiasts .. just leave us alone .. the people around the area wouldnt cause trouble so why would your show of force and pain in the ass tactics need to wreck a good day ..

Edited by DECIM8
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Oh well anyways didnt chicken out and went to the gong .. unfortunately matt a bloke from here got done.. First for GOING TO SLOW! and then for to low and then exhaust .. what a joke .. $250! contest I say!

p.s My name is Chris and it sukd hard

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sorry mate, was on the phone to another bloke called matt when I wrote that haha my bad..

Heaps sori to hear u got done .. cant believe it either pure bs..

P.S Dont take offence to this but you caught a good one with ur misses .. hold onto her...

and if its not pissin with rain come out this weekend .. ill find out on friday sat nights where we are going about 2-3 hours before we do .. so if you wanna come let me know .. give jesse my number too .. or jessi jessy how ever its spelt ..

its abit more exciting than the gong cruise and we actually stay together

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haha its alrite..

yeh it i pure bs especially wen they checked the height of my car on grass, and i realli dont kno wats wrong wid my exhaust

and being a RED P plater i was doing my speed limit of 85-90 . do they want me 2 speed??

anyway it was a realli gud day wid lots of fotos and laps round the light house n the gong, it mite be my last cruise aswell i dun hav a license from may till august.

i like cops :P:D

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