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Cleaning Engine Bay

lach 32

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Bit of petrol on a rag works really well, just dont let it sit on the paint too long or it will probably damage it a bit. Just use some common sense with it and it will work very well :)

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I haven't tried it myself yet but ive heard mr sheen works wonders on all plastics and metals in your engine bay.

Yup the best engine bay ive ever seen was at our SnS a couple of years back and all he used was Mr Sheen (forgot his name but im sure he is on the forums).

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Tell ya what guys, once you get your engine bays all nice and shiny, buy 3-4 cans of silicone spray in a can. There is one you can get from repco in a black can which is a few bucks per can. Spray your whole engine bay liberally with this, and it means that buildup of scum will be much slower as it's harder to stick to the surfaces.. also the next time you clean your engine bay the dirt will just slide off. It leaves a nice show car gleam and is functional too :)

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sounds good.....does it matter if you get any on the actual engine? wont burn and start smelling will it?

Nup, not at all.. It's got a nice lemon scent when it goes on but its completely odourless when the engine heats up.

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  • 1 year later...

what about WD-40 or AB80? and also what about cleaning on the underbonnet since you cant use petrol stuff on the paint/bodywork and you cant do the wet sponge, will a wet towel of water will do? and whatabout cleaning the body around the engine because using somethign liek petrol and methelated spirits might damage the paint andy suggestions on that?

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