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Sauwa Friday Night Cruise *** Friday 10th August***


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Wow we weren't expecting so many cars!! Obviously due to lack of maps haha that was my fault paul asked me how many he thought we needed im like "Cant really see anymore than 50 coming" But it was a great turnout!

The places we thought we would have cop trouble like Hillaries and Midland we had none. Cruise was pretty event free which was good. Even though the cops showed they didn't hassle us and noone got yellows from what i could see - i think a couple of people may have got a caution. Wish the cops were in Midland for the friggin V6 Commodore iwith neons idiot who decided to do the most unimpressive burnout ever.

Thanks to everyone that showed :(

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funny thing is the 5 or 6 cops cars rocked up at malaga in a matter of minutes, they never seem to get to crimes scenes that quick or when u actually need them...we must have been doing something reaaallly BAD...f*kn cops

its more important to catch a hoon than it is a murderer or drug dealer in this state coz cars are an easier target for them

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i liked how the cool guy in the commodore came back after wards and just casually goes "hey guys" LOL

I like the way he was ignored when he did this when all our cruise guys turned their back on him LOL then he just sat there for 5 minutes!

Was he waiting for someone to go up and say "wow man, cool V6 auto commodore with single spinning rear wheel, open da hood bro, lets see what makes dis puppy so dam impressive...actually, do you want to swap cars?" LOL

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I'm really sorry I missed it, sound like you all had a good time.

Judging by what people are posting, I'm getting mixed signals about the police presence. Were they just hanging around to make sure nobody was misbehaving (fair enough) or were they being antagonistic? Is it true that they blocked the exits at one meet point? I wonder why they do that. Anyone here in the "service" and able to shed some light?

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My mate in his White WRX got Hooned, Was really a good turnout tho even tho cops where around I still enjoyed myself, and a hand to everybody because I would say noone really did anything stuped Few quick squits and slight drag here and there but no burnouts and being stuped at the stops,

The car that crashed was a R34 not sure about any more details other then that.

Canot wait til the next SAUWA cruise

O PS: "7yphon slaps dan" Where the F^@k where you, you PICKER!!!!

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I would not have said the police presence was over the top or anything. Think they just wanted everyone to know they were there and around so behave your selves.

Who was the hero that was mouthing off to the copper at Mindarie? Was your point made at all? That cop seemed friendly enough.

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go here

he was the hero mouthing off at mindarie

What a tosser with an attitude problem A few guys were telling him to shut the f**k up and most others were shaking their heads in disbelief.

Overall though, a FANTASTIC turnout and a great cruise. Wicked fog and well behaved crowd :( I did have to laugh at the irony of the two guys at Mindarie beating each other up while the two cops cars were cruising around all our cars 100m away.

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Morning all,

Good turn out last night, Good to see that most of us controlled ourselves in the conditions.

Hopefully everyone else made it home safely.

Charlie nice meeting you and Michael.

Scotty you are a bad man for buying a Honda Civic a real hairdressers's car.

Sam your booster seat is still in my car.

Brad, you and Scott make an attractive couple.


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fantastic turnout!!, when i got to the city i thought i'd step onto the set of "fast&furious - skyline division"!! hahahahha

only 20 or so got to midland..too cold/too far/too foggy.. oh well

most of the pics i took didn't turn out so good (i hate night shots, bring on da day cruise!)..but i'll put up the ones that look good small!

yes, all those little heads were there for the cruise..bout 100+cars????






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Who was the P plater in the commonwhore? He was doing snakies behind me when pulling away from the lights at Joondalup and Hodges... idiot!

Anymore pics? I saw someone take 2 of my car at City West :(

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