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The Cops Just Threatened To Sticker ......


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No not the R33 ......

No not the 350z .......


Our 2007 Ford Focus stock as a rock hatch. Oh yes folks apparently a window chip is a stickerable offence (or work order as they put it)! :) Now that's the last car of ours you'd think would get a sticker.

I have been pulled over so many times in so many cars that actually i could understand why they would want to sticker ...... this car is only 3 months old and its the first time i've been threatened with a canary. god damn funny.

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well steve said that he got stickered in a stock as a rock toyota a couple of weeks ago - because apparently there was tinting on the from windscreen which didnt even exist!!!!!!!

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No not the R33 ......

No not the 350z .......


Our 2007 Ford Focus stock as a rock hatch. Oh yes folks apparently a window chip is a stickerable offence (or work order as they put it)! ;) Now that's the last car of ours you'd think would get a sticker.

I have been pulled over so many times in so many cars that actually i could understand why they would want to sticker ...... this car is only 3 months old and its the first time i've been threatened with a canary. god damn funny.

If it is a chip then it's deffo bs....but a crack that can't be repaired (like 2.5cm or longer in front of the drivers seat) that can be given a defect notice :D

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so like a chip the size of say a half a 5c coin would that be deffo? n they can't sticker u unless they find like 3 things wrong with the car rite?

but damn on a brand new ford focus honestly they must have alot of free time on their hands:P

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i was being good .... i had a lot of warning because i went past like 5 of them on Gnangarra Rd until i got to these guys then past about 3 more until i got home! I literally have never seen so many cops in one place that wasn't a big event etc.

Ford Focus the new hoon mobile!

The stone chip is about 2/3rd the way down in the middle of the windscreen - wouldn't say its above driver .... be about 2cms and its not a crack.

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actually no they'd just rip it off

and not have to deal with the subsequent $5000 fine that the wa law puts on you for tampering with the sticker


what WOULD be good

is to that the ECU scrambling devie that the US cops have (or at least i THINK that exsists...)

from my understanding you simply wave it over the car n it disables all electrics

or the ecu

or something,

they had it in 2f2f

...so it's GOTTA be real...

i think tonight i'm gonna stay in n watch fnf / 2f2f... haha

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the sticker states "must not be removed from vehicle."

so as far as the sticker goes... we can put it in the boot. as long as its not removed from the vehicle

actually no they'd just rip it off

and not have to deal with the subsequent $5000 fine that the wa law puts on you for tampering with the sticker


what WOULD be good

is to that the ECU scrambling devie that the US cops have (or at least i THINK that exsists...)

from my understanding you simply wave it over the car n it disables all electrics

or the ecu

or something,

they had it in 2f2f

...so it's GOTTA be real...

i think tonight i'm gonna stay in n watch fnf / 2f2f... haha

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is to that the ECU scrambling devie that the US cops have (or at least i THINK that exsists...)

from my understanding you simply wave it over the car n it disables all electrics

or the ecu

or something,

they had it in 2f2f

...so it's GOTTA be real...

i think tonight i'm gonna stay in n watch fnf / 2f2f... haha

lol NY cops now have cars that auto read a number plate and check to see if its stolen. without the occupants having to do anything. the car also shoots a gummy GPS chip onto cars in a chase so they can track them without causing a hazard to other drivers

true story

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lol NY cops now have cars that auto read a number plate and check to see if its stolen. without the occupants having to do anything. the car also shoots a gummy GPS chip onto cars in a chase so they can track them without causing a hazard to other drivers

true story

prove it?

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Well come to think of it - you get a sticker for your windscreen - which you will have to replace ...... but could cop a fine for tampering with the sticker ..... what do you do?

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Well come to think of it - you get a sticker for your windscreen - which you will have to replace ...... but could cop a fine for tampering with the sticker ..... what do you do?

Its a conundrum wrapped in mystery, inside an enigma :D

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I think when you get a sticker and replace the windscreen, the window guys put it on the new window . . i think, from what ive been told.

Dan, i like your thinking lol. . rip the sticker off and whack it in the boot haha when you get pulled over and mr plod asks you about it just open the boot, show him and explain that the sticker wasnt any good on the window as it didnt go with the colour theme of the car haha

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Well come to think of it - you get a sticker for your windscreen - which you will have to replace ...... but could cop a fine for tampering with the sticker ..... what do you do?

You tell him to go have sex with him self :teehee:

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