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I'm sick of lazy arseholes living behind words some lab coat came up with to describe skinny lazy f**ks and fat lazy f**ks.

Skinny lazy f**ks blame their 11 year old school kid figure on being an "ectomorph" oh I'm a hard gainer.. oh it's hard to eat.. oh I feel sick.

fat lazy f**ks blame their jabba the hut like figures on being a "fatshitmorph".. oh I've tried every diet there is.. oh exercise just doesn't work for me.. oh i did a 15 minute walk today so I can treat myself with these 3 pizzas for $11 from dominos.

You are the way you are because of the way you are.

there will be a very small percentage who has some sort of medical condition, the rest of us are either lazy, emotional eaters, or just don't want to put in the effort.

If you want something bad enough, you will do whatever it takes.

that means puting it BEFORE everything else.

going out, your prescious $10k skyline, booze, smokes etc etc.

You will weigh your food

you will cook it all up and preapre it.

you will finish every rep of every set.

you will sit there and eat the food even if you feel sick.

you will say thanks but no thanks to a beer with all your best bogan friends

you will take all the teasing and shit talking on the chin from your pie eating friends while you crack a tin of tuna in to a container of salad.

If you come here complaining - everyone else is just rolling their eyes at your cry baby post behind their fancy monitors.



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You are the way you are because of the way you are.

If you want something bad enough, you will do whatever it takes.

Quoted for absolute f**king truth.

I have told so many people time and time again, if you are skinny and want to get bigger and you want it bad enough, it will happen. If you are fat and you want to get thinner bad enough it will happen.

Eventually bad enough will mean putting that goal before everything else and it is phenomenal what a person can achieve when they REALLY want to achieve something.

I had all the same excuses, can't eat enough, weight won't stay on me, can't lift enough to get bigger blah f**king blah. Eventually it became enough of a goal to put it before everything else, and it bloody well happened.

Yes some of it does get easier as you get older and your metabolism slows down, if you are a skinny kent like I was, but the bulk of it, pun intended, is just hard friggen work.

I find that attitude is far more prevalent in fat kents and it shits me to tears. Enough that it was a big reason in me ditching a GF years ago, yea I'm that much of an asshole. No way could I live out my life with someone who is just a victim all the time.

And end rant.

Edit: BN and ON seem to popular, I'm using Dymatize Elite Fusion 7 which compares well to ON according to many forums, I've not tried the ON but am happy enough with the Dyamtize, my goals are not huge though.

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I didn't come here to get shouted at and told I'm a useless excuse making so-and-so.. I came here asking for advice. I admitted that my problem was weekends.

Thanks for the advice, go chuck sand up your arse for the attitude that came with it.

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Mate I rolled in very much after your question, I'm just jumping on GTST bandwagon. I have NFI what your question was.

That said the advice is sound, the scorn is directed at people who continously complain and don't do anything about it.

If you're the type of guy who says I'm skinny or fat and I hate it and does something about it, then you're A-OK. If you're the type of guy who moans for 5 years about either of those conditions and does nothing about it, then the scorn is directed at you.

I'll have the sand waiting depending on which catagory you fall into :D

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I felt so bad I went back and read your questions so I knew wtf was going on.

Again, I'm with GTST, I'm working off a modified version of that basic routine he posted. For me it works well enough but I'm a 3 times a week, keep me in decent shape and looking OK type of guy so I like to do everything in one session - Not a different muscle group every day for max gains get huge guy.

As for the weekends, if you're a skinny kent (how skinny are we talking dude and at what height as I still get called skinny by my bigger mates and I'm what I consider a healthy 80-82kg at 6ft - my point being it's all relative) eating some junk on the weekend isn't going to kill you. A bit of extra fat on your in the early days won't hurt too much, be thankful you can get away with it.

If you're drinking like a fish though that's a different matter. You're asking your body to improve and perform at levels it doesn't normally perform so being hung over won't help. If you want to look bigger all the time you have to lead a lifestyle, with exercise and diet, that maintains that reflects that so it will mean watching what you eat and drink within reason.

For some it's not eating too many carbs/protein, for others it's eating more carbs/protein. Both require dedication and commitment.

For me: You will never stop me going to pub with the guys for lunch during the week once or twice and eating whatever comes my way on the weekends :D

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I find that attitude is far more prevalent in fat kents and it shits me to tears. Enough that it was a big reason in me ditching a GF years ago, yea I'm that much of an asshole. No way could I live out my life with someone who is just a victim all the time.

Wow...that's disgraceful. You were with a fat girl?

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lol no dude (but yes if I think about it) Nothing that would get Boz excited but big enough to warrant addressing in my books.

Was with a girl who started out normal enough then over a few years started to get plump, not the end of the world, but the real issue was her whining about it and doing ZERO about it and at that stage was when I was smashing gym a fair bit so I was more than happy to help her, exercise with her etc. She had a million excuses and I just got jack of that attitude as it extended to other aspects of her life as well.

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so fresh so clean is a light guy.


I assume by "my weekends" he means he goes out and enjoys life instead of taking a small esky loaded with the food he has to eat for the 8 hours he's out and about.

no attitude version (ps - my post wasn't about you only.. it was about anyone who complains they can't gain or lose weight)

do the routine I posted, as posted.

eat more than you think you can.

wash each meal down with a glass of fullcream milk

eat like that for 6 days a week

choose 1 day of the 7 to go out and live your life.

do it for 12 weeks and lets see if you are still 65kg.

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Birds has the look i'm going for. I rarely complain about not being able to gain weight because I know I don't eat nearly enough but what shits me is how quickly I lose mass if I slack off even a little bit. I take two Weeks off for exams and i'm having to bust ass just to be lifting what I was before.

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so fresh so clean is a light guy.


I assume by "my weekends" he means he goes out and enjoys life instead of taking a small esky loaded with the food he has to eat for the 8 hours he's out and about.

no attitude version (ps - my post wasn't about you only.. it was about anyone who complains they can't gain or lose weight)

do the routine I posted, as posted.

eat more than you think you can.

wash each meal down with a glass of fullcream milk

eat like that for 6 days a week

choose 1 day of the 7 to go out and live your life.

do it for 12 weeks and lets see if you are still 65kg.

Ahh, well I started out at 65kg too SFSC, peaked in the mid 90s, now hover in the low 80s happily enough. Takes time.

If you don't seem some gains on that routine above I'd go get checked to make sure you haven't got worms or something stopping you processing your intake properly.

A supplement won't hurt either and 1 day off a week isn't going to cause you too much grief, gotta live a little.

I take two Weeks off for exams and i'm having to bust ass just to be lifting what I was before.

That's pretty much the same for most people though, take two weeks off and you won't come back to pushing your max weight straight up. I always give it a week to bounce back (3 sessions for me).

SFSC needs to start a build thread and come at this like a spider monkey for 12weeks.

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I use Ultimate Nutrition ISO Mass Xtreme Gainer...VANILLA ICE CREAM FLAVOUR! Tastes pretty good with water.

Googled that, 65g of protein per serve seems pretty intense lol! I use cytosport cytogainer choc malt flavour... 54g protein, 72g (i think) carbs.

In other news, I'm starting a winter bulk.

Sitting on a lean 81kg and looking to get up to 85-90kg by the end of winter. I downloaded an app called "MyFitnessPal" to my phone the other day in order to log my food each day, so I can see what percentages I'm reaching each day in nutrients, as well as see how much protein, carbs, and fats are in my diet. After entering in some basic details (height, weight, age, etc.) it calculated how many calories a day approx. I should be eating.

This number came up as 3100 calories per day to bulk, but after logging all my meals for yesterday (10 meals total) I found that I had actually in fact consumed 3975 calories made up of the following (main components):

Total Fat (g) 104 - saturated 27, polyunsaturated 4, monounsaturated 16

Total carbs (g) 563 - dietary fibre 43, sugars 173

Protein (g) - 235

Overall I'm pretty happy with this, protein intake is a bit high, but i'd rather over-do it and pee it out than under-do it.

Starting next week, I'll be undertaking 8 weeks of hypertrophy, followed by 4 weeks of strength, then 1 off-loading week of bodyweight training (ghetto training haha), crossfit, endurance etc.

I plan on training a 5 day split, with a 6th day where compound exercises will be focused on solely before a full rest day of absolutely nothing. I will also be increasing my number of hours of sleep each night slightly to accommodate the increased workload. The compound day is in there because I'm going to work on a basis of hitting each muscle group twice a week for greatest stress on the body forcing extra growth.

Any opinions on diet or training layout would be appreciated happy.gif

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I'll have the sand waiting depending on which catagory you fall into :D

Haha hold the sand dude, wasn't really directed at you :P

so fresh so clean is a light guy.


I assume by "my weekends" he means he goes out and enjoys life instead of taking a small esky loaded with the food he has to eat for the 8 hours he's out and about.

no attitude version (ps - my post wasn't about you only.. it was about anyone who complains they can't gain or lose weight)

do the routine I posted, as posted.

eat more than you think you can.

wash each meal down with a glass of fullcream milk

eat like that for 6 days a week

choose 1 day of the 7 to go out and live your life.

do it for 12 weeks and lets see if you are still 65kg.

Thanks, that's more the type of advice I was looking for.

Ahh, well I started out at 65kg too SFSC, peaked in the mid 90s, now hover in the low 80s happily enough. Takes time.

If you don't seem some gains on that routine above I'd go get checked to make sure you haven't got worms or something stopping you processing your intake properly.

A supplement won't hurt either and 1 day off a week isn't going to cause you too much grief, gotta live a little.

SFSC needs to start a build thread and come at this like a spider monkey for 12weeks.

Yeah, looks like my routine wasn't the best. Probably the case of me unconsciously playing to my strengths rather than attacking the weaknesses. Also trying to behave myself on the weekend.. I tend to stay up late, sleep in (missing meals), as well as having a few too many beers.. But that's gotta change.

I'll start the new routine next week, I've had a week off because I was feeling pretty uninspired.

As far as diet goes I've been eating:

Protein Shake

Bowl of muesli

2 pieces toast

Up 'n Go


2 x chicken/salad rolls

1 piece fruit

Protein shake

Muesli bar

Stir fry with noodles

Milo snack yoghurt thing

Protein shake before bed.

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Yeah, looks like my routine wasn't the best. Probably the case of me unconsciously playing to my strengths rather than attacking the weaknesses. Also trying to behave myself on the weekend.. I tend to stay up late, sleep in (missing meals), as well as having a few too many beers.. But that's gotta change.

I'll start the new routine next week, I've had a week off because I was feeling pretty uninspired.

As far as diet goes I've been eating:

Protein Shake

Bowl of muesli

2 pieces toast

Up 'n Go


2 x chicken/salad rolls

1 piece fruit

Protein shake

Muesli bar

Stir fry with noodles

Milo snack yoghurt thing

Protein shake before bed.

I hear ya, I've only recently started doing leg/back/shoulder things as my legs are weak and always have been (the resdt I needed to straighten me out as I was starting to hunch over from too much front/upper body work), it's been hard work but I've gotta say that getting my stiff leg dead up to equal weight with my bench has been a pretty enjoyable milestone for me.

I'm not sure what others think but 3 protein shakes could be overdoing it just in the sense that you will excrete what you don't use so it could be costing you more than it needs to. What supplement is it and how much protein/carbs per serve? Otherwise You're eating is similar to mine in frequency but bigger in terms of intake which is what you need at the moment.

Something to consider if you haven't been reading a few pages back is something I ran into when having too much protein and not enough carbs = smelly sweat/bo when exercising. The "cure" was a carb rich snack before exercise sessions and more water through the day. Nobody else on here seemed to echo my comments though.

For those that had taken any interest in that, in actually showed up in a recent blood test I had (for an OS trip to check what disease boosters I need) Dr asked me straight up, have you been drinking enough water and is your urine strong in colour/odor both. I explained to her through that not long after that blood was taken was when I'd cottoned on to the strong BO smell when exercising and had started having more carbs and water = problem solved.

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SFSC don't get hung up on a consistent diet, because it is very difficult (physically and mentally) to eat the same shit each and every day. Just make sure you are getting heaps of natural carbs and protein. I don't know what protein you're using but 3 a day sounds a bit excessive to me. Eat as much meat as you can and when you're not eating meats, eat high carb meals like pasta. Carbs = not your worst enemy when you are thin. And yes, chug down some milk.

Birds has the look i'm going for.

Does that include some MJ-esque surgery?

Googled that, 65g of protein per serve seems pretty intense lol!

Yeah it's got a lot of protein per serve but the serving size is big (150 grams, 3 scoops), so it's deceiving when you compare "serving size" to other proteins. I usually do 2 scoops cause it's more about aiding muscle repair than stacking on the kilos for me. They also recommend you have 3 shakes a day LOL. In other words, a 4.5kg tub is supposed to last you 10 days...

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Yeah it's got a lot of protein per serve but the serving size is big (150 grams, 3 scoops), so it's deceiving when you compare "serving size" to other proteins. I usually do 2 scoops cause it's more about aiding muscle repair than stacking on the kilos for me. They also recommend you have 3 shakes a day LOL. In other words, a 4.5kg tub is supposed to last you 10 days...

Yep important to note, my supp suggest 2 massive scoops twice daily. I have one scoop in a shaker with full cream milk post workout then a smaller scoop with milk/water the morning after.

It's a 5lb+ tub and it would be gone in no time if I used it as suggested on the label for MAX gains.

I'm like Birds in that it's a recover/maintenance thing for me.

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