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Gym And Supplement Discussion


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Why bother putting oats? Why not just buy a protein with carbs that's half concentrate and half isolate as a meal replacement? I honestly don't know what people's obsession with oats in shakes is. Also waxy maize is gay, you can't mix it with your shake because it slows down how fast the protein gets into your body, glucose does the same thing anyway even better and at 4x less to buy. Research into it, the internet is chockablock full of information. Take what everyone says with a grain of salt and research yourself.

My uncle has been a bodybuilder for 20 years and my old man used to compete, doesn't mean i take everything they say for gospel... you gotta find out stuff for yourself especially when it comes to supplements. All you NEED is a whey isolate and glucose powder for a PWO. iIf you need creatine make sure it's a monohydrate as everything else is a gimmick, don't trust online reviews of supplements as most of the time it's faked or idiots who think it's doing something when it hasn't just because they have taken it.

Generally I give most things a try to see if it works for me. I will give the oats a go for a while,It may help for some-may do jack for others. One way to find out for myself I guess. I have to admit I have never tried the Glucose yet, However I am hearing quite good response regarding it so I will give it a go...Just have to shop around and see whats the best deal

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Geez, there seems to be quite a bit of inaccurate information in this thread. Anyone trying to "bulk" up taking all these extra substances really are wasting time, protein is basically all you need, the rest are just a waste of money. Oh and protein has a saturation rate which is undetermined, so 30-40,100,200 per sitting, no real evidence behind it, but on a strict measure of calorie consumption, 300g of protein a day is exceptional within the afternoon/night. Majority of carbs should be consumed in the morning and early afternoon, and then your protein based meals. Ideally you want to deplete your body of glycogen thus eliminating any chance of carbs morphing into fat. This is obviously achieved through heavy weight training, and then you go for your typical 20 minute interval cardio session right after.

And GTR-32U, there is no real proof of body adaptation to increased workload, if anything it can detract from it if you understand how BMR works. Unfortunately the exercise/training industry has such an overflow of information (being a multi-billion dollar industry) it has gotten to the point where every theory has a contradictory theory to detract it.

But what I know and what I do seems to be working very well so I’ll stick it :-)

Yep good post...And you are correct , There is so much Bullsh^t information floating around Gyms and the net these days..I often go onto Bodybuilding websites however 99% of the time the guys in the forums are some scrawny 16 yr old kid talking out of his Ass, something he may have heard from somebody who heard from somebody else instantly becomes carved in stone...This is why I am never afraid to try out new diet routines etc..

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last year in yr12 i was gymming pretty hard 4days a week, pretty much good diet pasta everyday for lunch at school. protein shake.

was only on protein and purple wrath if anyone knows that, tasted like shit near the bottom but gave me that extra energy to go bit harder. each to there own. anyway got near to exams so i stopped. said i would continue after exams...never happened....didnt step back into a gym for about 10months and i put on a stack of weight over that time. i just recently joined again and just taking protein to help recovery.

i got mates who dont take anything who put on muscle then i got another mate who is a skinny little twig and has tried many supplements, +eats twice as much as me throughout the day and cant put on any muscle, everythign goes straight through him.

here are two pics from about a month after i stopped gym last year and when i use to have a shaved head lol



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was at about 100-110kg there..always been quite heavy though. at the time still needed work on stomach though but i find it bit hard as i had a lump removed from the skin near bottom of my spine so i find it hard to work stomach as i cant put to much pressure back there with situps or anything.

atm now lol i dont wanna even know me weight, lost mass put on weight = pain in the ass to get back in shape =]

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Yeah I understand bro, the key to the stomach is the diet...and it annoys me becuase I could do as many situps/ab workouts as I want but the skin covering the musclees will always hide it haha. I am slowly getting there though.

Currently fasting for the month though so I'm out for 4 weeks haha, gonna go hard once i get back into it.

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the key to the stomach is the diet...and it annoys me becuase I could do as many situps/ab workouts as I want but the skin covering the musclees will always hide it haha. I am slowly getting there though.

lol yeah after 8 months back into the gym I've only just come to the realisation that ab workout alone isn't going to get me the results I want as much as I've tried, I'm forming a nice toned v shape but my excess is still in the way

diet it is :D

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Haha yepp you will notice the shape will form but the actual definition won't be there. If you got the tone there, I could make a bet that if you go on a real STRICT diet, you could get good looking abs in about a months time :D

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you actually dont need to do situps to have abs.. low fat % will show abs.. Whats the good of abs if they arnt strong? id rather have no abs but a flat stomach with insane strength :D situps with a 20kg plate on ur chest is where its at...

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you actually dont need to do situps to have abs.. low fat % will show abs.. Whats the good of abs if they arnt strong? id rather have no abs but a flat stomach with insane strength :D situps with a 20kg plate on ur chest is where its at...

But doing ab work will make them grow. Why bother working out your chest when you can just lose a shitload of body fat and see tiny pectorals?

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main parts you notice is chest, shoulder, tris, biceps and legs.. Some people cant have rocking abs, some people cant have any ab definition at all.. What im saying is, if you dont have the CK model abs, dont stress, because not everyone has a rocking set.. Not even me. Im sporting a KEG atm :D

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Hahaha Sheng, I think all the gyms will be having smiles on there faces with Summer coming around the corner :)

Ahh shite, that reminds me....Membership expires next month...Bye bye $$$$

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havent had any personal experience with it..have you used any of those supplements before???

ive heard tribulus is suppose to be good but not really an idea about it.

figured purple wratth and protein ws doiing me good...plus decent diet mainly pasta and rice dishes & chicken :cool:

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