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Making R33 Fibreglass Sub Box, Anyone Interested?


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Hi guys,

Thanks Daniel, glad you like the box, Still investigating the left hand side. Will let you guys know when I've come up with something. I think that cutting out the piece of metal on the left side would have to be a last resort. I would much rather see that piece stay and work around it. Will try and work something out anyhow.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Still some for sale ready to go guys. get your orders in.

Hi Lofty - how much with Postage to Adelaide?

Can you give me an idea of what kind of sub is recommended to go in this, and what exactly is involved in installing the box.

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Hi guys, in answer to your questions,

Ionos- postage to Adelaide would be about $25, I am using a 12" kenwood sub in mine and this works great. I'm sure any 12" sub would sound good and some people have suggested a 10" depending on what your after, check out some of the replies on this post for a bit more info. Installation is easy. just attach the wires already in the box to your sub, screw your sub to the mdf front of the box and slide the box into the cavity on the right hand side of the boot. you will also have to trim the boot lining on this side with some scissors or a stanley knife. If your worried about the box sliding around, (which it shouln't because of the snug fit) you can drill some holes in the back and bolt it to the existing holes for the trim that needs removing.

MATT-R33 - I have no problem fitting my oldschool deep 12" kenwood in the box so I can't imagine there would be too much trouble with a 10". the overall depth is about 300mm but there is a section that conforms to the bracing in the boot behind the trim which is about 120mm in depth. this doesn't interfere with my sub so it shouldn't with yours but I could always construct one with an offset sub hole further to the rear of the car(right hand side of box when looking at hole side). This would be no hassle as I would have to do one for a 10" anyhow as I only have 12" ones at the moment. just need to cut a front and bond and carpet it. already have shells ready to go. I'm on the North Shore not far from chatswood.

Greddy Skyline - These boxes are quite light. The shell being fibreglass keeps the weight down compared to the relatively heavy mdf. I rely on the snug fit of the box to keep it in place and I do throw the car around a bit. so being light doesn't mean it is more likely to roll about. In my experience the boxes available from Strathfield etc. are quite heavy as they are full 16mm mdf on all sides.

hope this answers your questions



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ok well i want one then if i could please.

i can cut the hole myself if you have blanks. i do need one with a 10" hole abd due to my oz audio sub weighting about 20kgs i was actually planning on making a box myself with a 32mm front to cope with all the weight. and i was going to router out a a rim for the sub about 10mm deep. seeing yours on here just makes my life easier i guess.

please let me know what you have avaliable and i am south of sydney in the shire but have no problems coming up to pick one up. let me know when is best for you and how much each box is please.

i'm hoping to get one a.s.a.p. if possible.


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Got mine, it's awesome! Thanks Loftyfang. Installed already.

Only problem I had was that the hole was not big enough for my sub, I had to route it out about another 5mm all the way around. I was using a Rockford Fosgate P1 12"

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Hi guys, thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm glad everyone has been happy with their boxes so far. The hole at the front was measured off my sub and I reduced the size by about 5mm to allow for slightly smaller ones. You can always open the hole a bit more but making it smaller a big drama. For anyone else who has to increase the size of the hole, just do as Ionos has done with the router or even a jigsaw can be used.

I have one box left out of this batch and there is a vaugue possibility of me moving back up to Cairns in the near future. I will try and get a few made and leave them with my mate down here but any further ones will need to be posted and may cost a little more. They are not too bad to post but I am going to look into using courier as they are sometimes cheaper than auspost on larger items.



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  • 1 month later...

One left guys, not making any more batches due to lack of interest. May make them to order but the wait time will be greater and as I am moving to Cairns in December, the postage will also be greater. Like I said one left and if there are more people who want them, better get in quick because, as most people on here would already know, my work schedule is very unreliable and I may not have the time to do them until I get to Cairns.



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Anyone who's considering it should jump on this. I still haven't had a chance to install mine (I'm halfway through the amp install ok :laugh:) but these boxes are very nicely made and take up minimal boot space when installed. You won't get a more compact sub install in a 33 and Ben's done a great job on them.

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Hey mate, I wouldnt mind getting one if you are still making them, I got a 15in with my 33 when I bought it but there just no room and I was thinking of getting something like this made up to fit a 12.

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Hey mate, I wouldnt mind getting one if you are still making them, I got a 15in with my 33 when I bought it but there just no room and I was thinking of getting something like this made up to fit a 12.

Hey TJ,

I have one left ready to go, to suit a 12" fully carpeted with speaker fittings. If you are in sydney, you are more than welcome to pick it up. If you need it posted let me know so I can pm you my bank details and get your address.



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  • 8 months later...
hey im very interested. would love to see some finished pics n then we can talk price. look forward to hearing from u

Its always a good idea to read the thread first, also take note of the date of the last post.

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Mhmm.. still, I want one if theres one available :P

From memory he works for army and is always being posted either interstate or overseas so it limited the time he had to do them, from memory he was not real keen on doing another batch but if there is enough interest that might persuade him.

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