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Just Car Insurance How Good Is It?


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Just so you guys in VICTORIA know..

There is now GIO CUSTOM CAR Insurance...

They are heaps better than Just Car.. I left Just Car as my annual renewal premium went down by $25 however the cars value apparently dropped by $4k! stuff that!

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Just so you guys in VICTORIA know..

There is now GIO CUSTOM CAR Insurance...

They are heaps better than Just Car.. I left Just Car as my annual renewal premium went down by $25 however the cars value apparently dropped by $4k! stuff that!

just car are very dear. although i had an accident and it was in for repair the following week, and a good job was done so i was very happy with that...

but on another note a friend of mine had his Rx7 series8 stolen 6 months ago and they still havent paid him out yet.

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Quick question regarding insurance...

I stacked my work rigid last week into a cow (yes, a cow).

When I am asked this question, is it relating to my car or any vehicle?

"Accidents/claims where you (being the Youngest Driver) were responsible..."

I wasn't in the wrong since a bloody cow shouldn't have been crossing the FREEWAY as it fell off the back of a transporting truck (guess I put it out of its misery before it got to the slaughter house!)

They do need to know everything.

Although being a work vehicle, Im not sure if your 'personal' insurance from your private car would be affected. Either way Id ask....

If it was your own car, and you hit a cow, horse, kangaroo, pelican! it is deemed an at fault/penalty claim cause your insurer cannot claim from that animal!

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ive been with just cars for about 2+ years now

they seem reasonable and rates/prices are ok

just make sure you read all of the policy items - including the excess's for example for my car its;

1200 for the car

1400 for a male over 25

wheels excess i think is 1200 etc etc

so if the car gets flogged its 1200

if i stack it its 2600 for a claim etc

also check market value

you can list mods to bump up the value, ie GTR seats increases value, stereo increases value, so literally add everything

i added to my policy

- gtr pump

- gtr seats

- powerfc

- exhaust

- intercooler

- boost controller

- digital speedo

- wheels & tyres

- stereo

- pod filter

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ive been with just cars for about 2+ years now

they seem reasonable and rates/prices are ok

just make sure you read all of the policy items - including the excess's for example for my car its;

1200 for the car

1400 for a male over 25

wheels excess i think is 1200 etc etc

so if the car gets flogged its 1200

if i stack it its 2600 for a claim etc

also check market value

you can list mods to bump up the value, ie GTR seats increases value, stereo increases value, so literally add everything

i added to my policy

- gtr pump

- gtr seats

- powerfc

- exhaust

- intercooler

- boost controller

- digital speedo

- wheels & tyres

- stereo

- pod filter

hi paul33

did u declare ur have a pod filter? the reason i ask is they say it has to legal/roadworthy and if it not engineered then is ur insurance void?

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I switched from justcars to HBF, premium is $1040 excess is $250! This is an r34 gtt.

Free windscreens, no second hand parts, no dodgy new policies like they decide everything about the claim.

Middle of last year justcars majorly changed their policies and I swore I'd change.

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I find Just Car to be fine...beCause i'e never needed to make Claim! For my R33 (only a couple speeding fines, full licence, 23yo.) and it's $1800.

Is that hectic pricey?

I'm reconsidering comprehensive when this 12 months expires, the car isn't really worth a great deal and i can't see the point. Anyway if anyone is in my shoes some second opinons would be handy :teehee:

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I think it's quite pricey, I got quoted around $1800 for comprehensive on my 96 S2 R33 valued at $10,500

and I've been driving for over 5 years with no at fault accidents, I'd expect it to be under $1500

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Just make sure you realise that Just Car's "choice of repairer" policy is completely full of it (as some others' version of choice are too). Like so:

They tell you to get a quote from a repairer YOU choose.

They also tell you to get a quote from someone on their 'approved repairer' list

They award the job to whoever does the 'most comprehensive' quote.

Guess who wins 99% of the time. NOT YOUR CHOICE.

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Just Car will insure you when other companies won't, so that's a positive in their favour. However, they are fond of the old rape-your-wallet trick. If my car got stolen under them I would pay almost 2 grand in excesses!! Base excess, excess for car, and excess for theft. Now that I keep the car in a locked garage I can get Shannons, similar premium but $500 excess across the board. Much better.

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