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Adobe Photoshop Drawing's


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Why are you drawing in Photoshop...?

You should be using illustrator, more precise, not resolution dependent, smaller file sizes, easier to draw, better result...

Then you can convert it to photoshop if you really have to later...

I usually draw everything in illustrator, I don't find a need to use photoshop for any part of it, even show shading or reflections are done in illustrator...

Photoshop sux for drawing

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I'd have to agree, i love Photoshop, its an awesome program, but Illustrator or Corel Draw will prove far more useful for this type of art, not only is the image sharper but its vector, so the infinite scaleability comes in handy for bg's etc... keep it up

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Here is one i did nearly a year ago. a bit dodgy, some of the lines arent as smooth as they could be but it was just messing around, its a small pic, but have the original somewhere at home, i think i used illustrator, i wouldnt mind doin some more of these though, a little time consuming but look great,

nice work on the above might i add, and the last of the trucks looks to be the best!


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take your photo int PS and using the pen tool, run lines along the main lines of the car to give it its shape, start off with the parts that make up the shape of the car, ie: the main body, headlights, wheels etc... then move onto smaller details like the insides of the lights, indicators, and any other finer details until your happy with the end product.

you dont necessarily have to do them in that order, with practice you'll probably develop your own technique.

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that is what i said in previous posts above...

the question was how do u do it in PS, hence i explained it in PS, that said...

its essentially, the process to create this type of art is the same in illustrator or PS or Corel

Edited by RusH_
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