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Does Anyone Get Done Of " Fail To Stop At Yellow Light "at The Intersection ?

Black Ninja

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According to Qld Transport Operations Regulation 1999, section 57, clause 3, If the driver can not stop safely, the driver must leave the intersection as soon as the driver can do so safely. Very confusing... :rant:

What is your reaction when you see the traffic light change from green to yellow ? pull the hand brake and wait for some truck behind u to kiss your ass so you can claim insurance and get a new rear bar ??? :D

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Yeah I got a warning once , but the rule is "If it's safe for you to stop , you must! do so" So if you accelerate when you see a yellow and the cops are there your fu(ked

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Well hypothetically if you saw that it was a Green light and was proceeding at the speed limit, then disaster strikes, you sneezed!!!! (that time of the year for hayfever), then as you opened your eyes you saw it was amber but as you were unsure how long it had been amber and by then it was unsafe to apply the brakes heavily, then yes you should pass through.

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i was done for this.. seemed ridiculous.. sought advice - pretty much your word versus theirs about whether u had sufficient time to brake.. and it all comes down to the wording of the rule.. i was told that nobody wins these cases so i didn't bother..

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The same thing happened to me. The copper wasn't very nice so I figured there was no point arguing or taking it further.

Pissed me off tho, he must have chased me for about 5km through peak hour traffic and got me as i pulled up my driveway. I didn't even know he was after me lol. Seems like a lot of effort to get someone for running a yellow... But no they don't pick on skylines do they. haha.

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obligation is on the Police to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you could have safely stopped - now to me, this would mean them proving the distance from the traffic light you were when it turned amber, the speed you were travelling, the co-efficient of friction of the road, the type of tyres, weight of car, your driving experience, it is all very subjective 'whether you could stop safely...'

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were they right beside you and have enough distance to stop? if not then they would have to be behind you so maybe it was fine for them to stop safely but they were not in the position you were in so how can they make that judgement. unless you clearly went through it a red. but the claim is yellow light. can they prove that you had time to stop and was it safe to do so at the time of the incedent? As far as i can tell if they are not in the car with you or right beside you then what thier preception and your preception are two different things. and then you have the fact that everyones reaction time will differ slightly. it might take the copper .2 seconds to react, but if its late and your coming home from a long day at work, then your reaction time might be slower. Or it could be that you naturally have a slower reaction time. at the end of the day, they must prove it. where is the video evidence that you had time to stop and stop safely.

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i'd take it to court.. wont cost (a day off work though) and you can put your case towards the magistrate... that you didnt feel it safe to stp (too close, etc).. and dress nice and a nice postive attitude (call the your honor or yes magistrate.. and they won't treat you like a hoon/derro

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were they right beside you and have enough distance to stop?

They were at the other (left) side of the intersection and judge me based on their side of light already turns green. When the light turns yellow i was already passed the stopping line and with the speed i am doing (within the speed limit off course) i will end up in the middle of the intersection if i step on the brake. Just confuse on how do they made the judgment that i can stop safely... :D Maybe they had done a research on my work car (not skyline)and work out the stopping distance based on the tyres, vehicle and my driving skills..... :(

Thanks for the advice guys/ gals :D

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Well hypothetically if you saw that it was a Green light and was proceeding at the speed limit, then disaster strikes, you sneezed!!!! (that time of the year for hayfever), then as you opened your eyes you saw it was amber but as you were unsure how long it had been amber and by then it was unsafe to apply the brakes heavily, then yes you should pass through.

good point Dan... :D

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pretty sure i got done by this the other night

travelling through aspley at around 11pm sitting on the speed limit and about 3m before the lights it went yellow. ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE OF EVAN TOUCHING THE BRAKES.... and FLASH! red light camera.

im still waiting to see if i get a fine in the mail but i was the only 1 there so it couldnt have been anyone else

pretty dumb rule if you ask me

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I thought red light cameras only operate if you enter the intersection "after" the light turns red? Or is that just in NSW? Good luck fighting it...chances are they've fought many of these cases before and are used to it by now.

I was coming up to the Klump Rd / Logan Rd intersection one arvo and someone accelarated through an amber light, turns out the car next to me was an undercover and he chased him through the lights to book him. What's worse, the person who decided to make it through an amber light, or the undercover cop who decided to chase after him, probably after it had already turned red?

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a mate of mine got done with this same issue just after serving a 6 month suspension.

there was a cop on 1 side of the intersection and seen him go through and booked him i think 3 points for it he took it to court and won his argument was that he only just got his license back and the light just changed as he approached the stop line which would have been unsafe and could have caused a accident for the people behind him if he did go on the brakes heavily.

i think it comes down to if u have the time to take the time off work to go to court just make up a story as it would be unsafe to stop in a hurry but if the light was yellow for a bit and u knocked it back a gear and floor it to make it through i think you would have very little chance with a court order being successful.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just pay the fine, trust me..no magistrate is going to dismiss police testimony to accomodate you regardless.

There's the way things should be..and the way things are.

A reality lesson that can be hard to learn..

Lodge a written objection with the superintendant of traffic in your area, if you feel you have a case..then pay the fine.

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Its just a matter of, if you feel that it was safe to stop and you had enough time. If you were to stop and locked up the brakes, the cops probably would have waited for you and then booked you for making unnessesary road noise.

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I work in insurance claims and I think I can help you fight this from a perspective of, avoiding avoidable damage to your vehicle.

You see the stop if it is safe to do so can be broken into a couple of pieces as there are a few factors to take into consideration:

1. Experience of the driver (this includes with the vehicle you are driving and how long you have been driving)

I mean if you have only had your car for a few months then driving in the rain, cornering etc aren't exactly your best points yet

2. Distance from car to line when the light went yellow.

If the distance was <3 seconds to the line then legally, just like with following Third Party vehicle, you don't have enough space to safely stop.

3. Reaction speed of the driver and when they noticed the yellow light.

Most people cruise towards lights and don't expect certain intersections to go yellow as they approach due to experience with that intersection and this also depends on what they are doing in the car. Generally the 3 second rule applies here to.

4. If you had a Third Party behind you.

Police oft forget if you have a hot car with an expensive paint job, insurance won't always cover the full cost of repairs and in many insurance company cases, the vehicle is worth less to write off than to have resprayed and repaired. This means if there is someone right up your arse and you are having to brake suddenly they would not have the chance to stop and will likely cause damage to your vehicle, putting you in a nasty situation. Also if it was the police right behind you then you can put that under entrapment as if they were right behind you they are effectively trying to bully you forward.

Think about these points and what others have said, the only fines I have ever recieved are parking fines and my last speeding ticket was for 70 in a 60 zone when both myself and the officers knew I was doing over 100 but as they had no gun and no clear sight of me they could not enforce what speed they knew I was doing!

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Good points Simon, this is a shit situation though, not cool mate :D Sometimes if I see a yellow light, i'll often put the foot down ONLY if there is someone behind me, mainly because I know I can stop 10 times quicker than they can, it's not our fault our cars come from the factory with good brakes :P I don't wanna get hit up the ass, and the 'safe to do so' rule is basically your word against theirs. If you wanna take it to court, you more than likely won't win, however, if you do decide to, play the 'my brakes are rather responsive, and there was someone behind me. If I had've stopped, it would have caused unnecessary damage. Something like that.

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