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how much is a paint job worth??


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I am thinking of painting my r32 but have no idea what it costs. My main reason for the paint job is because i have a small patch of rust next to the back windscreen and don't know how well the current paint can be colour matched. I know the paint will cost ~$500. What about the labour?? Thanks.

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down to bare metal will end up costing more in product since you will have to prime the whole lot, and if going 2K then it's around $50 a litre for primer, plus $30-$50 for hardener just for that, would need about 3 litres for light coat, or to fix minor imperfections need about 3-5 litres!!! plus rubbing all that back then spray!!!

i did mine recently, did all the work myself then got it sprayed!! cost me about $1800!! took 3 months to prep but!!

details and more info here

Respray Thread

and click link in sig for results!!

could save you about $3K all up!!

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Also it depends if you want to repaint it the same colour, or change colour.

For a colour change not to look dodgy, it's an engine out job.

Also, Craved's suggestions sound great - the more prep work you can do yourself, the more cash you will save BUT remember the prep work is the basis for the whole job, if the prep work is poor, the car will look like crap, it's as simple as that.

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