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Drift Day Sat 13th December at EC


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OK, here's a little video of Saturday's proceedings.

Unfortunately, it contains no Skylines drifting, and no images of the figure-eight track, just the skidpan. Hey, I was busy! :D

LINK REMOVED - Right click > save as

It's in DivX 5.05 codec, 360x288, 4MB

It's also on an Angelfire account, so it might die if too many people d/l it - if it does, just try it later.

EDIT: Sorry, Angelfire killed my account. D'oh!

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Well what a fantastic day. I haven't had that much fun since the 2003 Summernats !! That's the first time that i've -really- been sideways (deliberately and consistently) in a car so it was a totally new experience for me.

I'm still not very confident in my car on wet roads so I was quite surprised at the level of driving and how well everyones car performed out on the wet circuits (I won't mentioned the blue ford that somehow became burried in some mud ROFL).

Thanks Brendan for letting me passenger whore all day it was awesome, quite a nice way to "run in" that new engine haha. Also thanks to Fatz for letting me passenger whore in the legendary Silvia, that thing just didn't give up.

The morning session was alittle crowded but once afew people left in the afternoon it moved along at a good pace. Maybe next time it would be better to have a slightly higher price with slightly less cars.

Edit: I forgot to take pics on the day (was too busy having fun and getting sunburnt) but I did manage to take a 3min movie clip of the last drift session that Fatz performed so upload it asap Fatz.

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poor silvia

good to c everyone had funn

anyway just put some coil overs and drift wheels onto it (diffrent front to back) so i recon she will drift 400% harder now



im not even going to wash the poor thing cause it adds to the apeal of the sucker

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For those who turned up, yes it was a great day. BUT !!!!!!! We burnt a bridge that will take a long time to repair. Out of the 50+ people who were suppose to turn up, we only had 29 1/2 turn up and pay. The organiser, even with $10 per passenger only made $3.1k. The day cost $4.5K! Although we were out there having fun the event organiser, not me, the one paying EC, burnt $1400. In turn this club is not running any more events without being paid up in FULL!!!!!!!!!

Although it was a great day I will not be organising these days any more, I was embarrassed when Dave e-mailed me on Sat night to tell me we costed him $1400. I apologised as best I could.

What I don’t understand is why 20 people chose to make a commitment and then break that commitment. We had plenty of time to get more players so why the Hell did people not let me know! And pulling out with 5min to go is just as hard to stomach.

One reason I am so P!SSED is because I tried to balance the price and and numbers to keep it cheap, but in the end I just ended up with egg on my face.

Again for those who turned up thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed the day, for those who did not turn up this forum will not allow me to pass on the thanks!

P.S. Please don’t send the excuses, send moto concepts $50 to help bridge the cost we passed onto someone else outside the club!


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Paul, that is rather upsetting, but one thing i have found with the internet is there are loads of keyboard warriors who will say "i'm in" cause it sounds cool without even thinking, but once it comes time to cough up the cash are nowhere to be found.... lets just hope these people can find it in themselves to send Dave some cash and help to patch up what Dave may be currently thinking of the SAU Forum Members :D:(

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Paul, that is rather upsetting, but one thing i have found with the internet is there are loads of keyboard warriors who will say "i'm in" cause it sounds cool without even thinking, but once it comes time to cough up the cash are nowhere to be found.... lets just hope these people can find it in themselves to send Dave some cash and help to patch up what Dave may be currently thinking of the SAU Forum Members :D:(

Did someone say key board warriors? I know what it is like organising people for events including track days and throw in V drinkers that do moslty talk and well? Lesson learnt and those who put their hand up and Paul put his name and money on the line, well, naughty naughty, and hope this never happens to you it is not nice or fair. I might add I was wanting to go but I heard it was totally full. You always have to allow for those who don't turn up so over book is the go as well as getting deposits but I guess you did this and people just did not come through after saying they would and sounds like way more than normal.

321GO Drift maniach I would have punted you off with may wash for sure as my big heavy zed makes a big wake.

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P.S. Please don’t send the excuses, send moto concepts $50 to help bridge the cost we passed onto someone else outside the club!

I said I couldn't come on thursday which should have been more than enough time for someone else to take my place (people like John wanted to come), but the forums were down most of the time so nobody could fill in the numbers.

I'm really bummed about missing the day, would have been a ripper. But there's no excuse for the organisers being out of pocket, so if you can put up bank details for Moto Concepts (or PM me) I'll sling 50 bucks their way.


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What a bummer that rude critters did a no-show - this just dampened my memory of the day.

I have sent them a thanks and a sympathy - I suggested that noone would object if ( a big IF) for the next one they collected up front - I had mates asking me right up to the friday if there was still places free.

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Sorry Oz GTR97V,

I was one of the Ba5tards that did not show. I did some engine damage at the Arron Mcgill night & tried on Friday to post a message... no go.

I mentioned it to fatz on the phone. However if the numbers are not made up fair is fair. I am good for my word and inturn have been in contact with Dave from Motoconcepts and have already transfered $100 directly into their account.

I hope others can do the same.


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Hey Oz, I'm sorry to hear that things didn't go well for numbers, especially when there is so much interest. It looks like the deposit system we use for the track days is needed...

On the other hand, with everyone saying how much fun it is, hopefully we can get the comitted numbers next time :)

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This is an honourable thing you have done, thanks for the payment to Dave, it shows a clear message that this club is serious and respects his organisation. If a few more people do the same we may keep the only option we have to use our cars in the manner they were built for. Much appreciated.

Please accept my thanks and respect.

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