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Car Test Drive


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back when i sold my first skyline, i could tell that the young fella who brought it was a bit nervous on the test drive. he was grannying it like ive never seen before (which is to his credit really, he respected it wasnt his vehicle). i ended up forcing him to give it a bit of a squirt about so he could hear the thing run above 3000rpm lol.

That guy sounded alot like me when I went to buy my R33 :( .

When I got into the car with my dad for a test drive we took off super slow around the block going at granny pace (about 25 to 30 in a 50 zone), after when we came back, the owner offered to take me for a spin around the block. She thought I had driven easy coz I wasn't familar with the area, her guess was way off; I have always being taught to drive like a granny. & when I got in for the 2nd time, she just totally floored it around the block & that scared the sh*t out of me :P .

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hahah when i have people look at my car, coz its unregistered, i usually get them to sit on the floor holding the rollcage as i go around the pad a few times lol

most people are dreamers, i wouldnt let someone drive it unless they where genuine

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Just wondering how far people would allow a potential buyer to push their car during a test drive.

I had a guy around today to look at my car and ended going for a test drive, each gear to 6,500 rpm before switching. I don't know if this is normal but I have never even pushed it that far the whole time i've owned it.

Anyway I wasn't impressed but he ended up putting a deposit down on the car so I'm not too bothered.

Should I have stopped him? or is this to be expected when selling a turbo car?

Just curious what others think.

very simple,

its your car, if your not happy with the way the test drive is going tell the person to pull over and get out then drive back to your place.

Unless someone show up with cash or a deposit i would not be letting them thrash the shit out of my car

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I'd let someone floor it in my car - no worries. Just be safe and not a douchebag.

I occasionally treated my car hard, and had everything replaced to stronger specs, if it couldn't handle one spirited test drive, I would never have sold the car.

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Unless of course the buyer is a car dealer and you're hiding something from them in which case don't let em drive it at all ......... ;)

I'm with the previous posts, set the ground rules early so as they know what to expect. Course you have to drive it how you feel comfortable driving it and how you would be driving it, sensibly though. If you want a car for burnouts and drags so forth, that's stuff you'd going to have to find out of ANY car in your own time. It'd be like going to HSV saying "mind if I take that there clubby to the track and launching it a few times down a quater before I make up my mind.....?" Hells no.

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i had one guy test drive my 180 wen i was selling it a few years back and he manage to grab 2nd instead of 4th and blew the engine. then tried to do a runner and not pay 4 it, in the end his dad payed 4 another motor to be put in. but this is obviously an extreme case of a dickhead commodore driver lol

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just had a guy test drive the euro... he took it to about 5k each gear change....

HE then offered me 16k for the car... which is advertised at 19k.


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Our Chaser that we just sold,

Was advertised for 18 and gentleman came for a test drive,

Did not hammer the car, just a nice drive around the block.

Then offered us 12 Grand.

Brrrrrrrrr FAIL.

Chaser is now in a good home, and I believe the new owner is very happy.

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just had a guy test drive the euro... he took it to about 5k each gear change....

What's wrong with that? vtec wouldn't even had kicked in! :action-smiley-069:

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What's wrong with that? vtec wouldn't even had kicked in! :action-smiley-069:

LOL...hahahaha... ur probably right but...


1) i never rev past 4 since brand new

2) Its not a sports car, why does he need to test it that high

3) he gave me a bad offer

Why is it so hard to sell a car

sigh :blink:

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Ah when you test drive a car you should always be able to give it the beans to redline, regardless of if it is an excel or a ferrari. At the end of the day, that's the manufacturer's specified limit and if it breaks doing it then it is not your fault (of course user error ploughing into that tree or getting the wrong gear is different).

But always ask before you do it, it gives the seller an opportunity to come clean "err you don't want to do that, the head gasket has a crack in it"...so problem solved :D

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when i brough my car off syfon i was on my L's so my dad took it for a test drive, kinda granny'd it again, so then he took it for a spin with us gave is some boot. IMO thats the way to go, if your comfortable in another person driving your car hard then let them, although if i were trying to sell my car i would let them redline it, only if they could prove they could pay the asking price :banana:

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I don't beat the crap out of cars I am going to buy.

The reason is that there is completely no point. You can pick up all the issues you need without breaking the speed limit and wringing the neck of the car in question. If I was really keen on the power claims then getting the car to a dyno ,should it reach the short list, will not be a problem.

My cars are usually insured with myself as the only nominated driver so test pilots are then under the pressure of break /prang = buy.

Some people will want to thrash the car they are looking at however because thats the sort of numb nut they are on the road, so it's reasonable to expect them to do that or they are just ignorant of how to mechanically test a car for faults and think the redline test is some sort of usefull tool, or both.

Unless you want to be selective with the buyer group you may have to live with this at least with a car like a skyline.

When buying a car, an owner who thrashes the living hell out of the car and breaks the speed limit to 'show off' the cars potential sure makes you feel like the car's worth more doesn't it?

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I've test driven at dealers as well as private cars and have given test drives for cars I've sold on.

Be it a Porsche, a BMW or a GTR, I've flogged them to the absolute limit cause hey, I'm paying for a performance car and if it can't take a heavy foot, then I'm not interested.

As for when selling, I would drive initially and then allow the potential buyer to drive it with the understanding that if anything happens (ie: accident) then its on them. As for the car breaking, what's the worst that could happen? If you've built the car properly, it'll take it in its stride.

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