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Recent Spike In Violence In Melbourne


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At least you are brave enough to admit the revenue raising role of TMU Graeme. 90% of officers u talk to will tell u its about "road safety". Whether they're dillusional or think they are fooling us who knows

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Divert cops from the TMU units to start dealing with the real crime. That will solve the problem period.

And to all u wog/lebo bashes (talking to u especially Nismoid), have u thought that ur attitude towards ethnic minority groups might be part of the problem.

I'm sorry but Australia is a very racist country as has been highlighted recently by the Indian bashings and the comments by ex Telstra CEO Sol Trujio. When u segregate a portion of society then really what do u expect? And this is not a new phenomenon either. Look at the LA riots, the riots in Paris 5 years back and the Cronulla riots. I just hope that Melbourne never reaches that stage but the situation is not hopeful when you look at the attitude of alot of "anglo australians"

I was simply stating fact. You look @ all the news reports, transcripts and so on... You can't argue that which is clearly in front of you I'm afraid.

Some of my closest mates that i grew up with are all lebanese/italian/maltese/greek/The land of goat sphincter rings, i was the minority group growing up in my area actually. Out of 200 kids in my school year level - about 15 were 'anglo aussie' as you put it, the rest were from groups as i just stated :thumbsup:

I see though you missed the key point where i said - Its these people from these communities that are saying its 'their own' that are causing a lot of the issues, making fights out of nothing, bashing people almost for fun and so on.

So if you somehow transpose what i said into racism and 'leb bashing' - that backs up what the people from these very communities are saying about people getting their backs up for stupid reasons and 'making' things out of nothing.

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I was simply stating fact. You look @ all the news reports, transcripts and so on... You can't argue that which is clearly in front of you I'm afraid.

Some of my closest mates that i grew up with are all lebanese/italian/maltese/greek/The land of goat sphincter rings, i was the minority group growing up in my area actually. Out of 200 kids in my school year level - about 15 were 'anglo aussie' as you put it, the rest were from groups as i just stated :P

I see though you missed the key point where i said - Its these people from these communities that are saying its 'their own' that are causing a lot of the issues, making fights out of nothing, bashing people almost for fun and so on.

So if you somehow transpose what i said into racism and 'leb bashing' - that backs up what the people from these very communities are saying about people getting their backs up for stupid reasons and 'making' things out of nothing.

The club CQ has two nights..

Wog night and Aussie night

Im Italian and ive been both,

Wog night not one punch on

Aussie night i couldn't believe my eyes as drunk Aussies went nuts and let there emotions get to them.

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The club CQ has two nights..

Wog night and Aussie night

Im Italian and ive been both,

Wog night not one punch on

Aussie night i couldn't believe my eyes as drunk Aussies went nuts and let there emotions get to them.

I can confirm this as i work there.

Mind you, any wog can get in on wog night, and usually no trouble.

Aussie night, its all regulars that the promoter knows or has met previously, and still there is trouble.

don't get me wrong, you'll get wogs that are dickheads, that you will get aussies that are dickheads too, no point in singling out one natio.

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The club CQ has two nights..

Wog night and Aussie night

Im Italian and ive been both,

Wog night not one punch on

Aussie night i couldn't believe my eyes as drunk Aussies went nuts and let there emotions get to them.

That may be a skewed comparison though... think about it. Most of the street violence... is it ethnic vs ethnic or ethnic vs "aussie"?

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There are dickheads in every community. Its the lack of screening that allows people into australia. I've seen the permanent residency process, its easy.

The business visa way is very easy.

And marrying an australian, then the whole family gets PR, its like singapore, a lot of trash comes in.

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I've seen the permanent residency process, its easy.

are you serious? it took my family 5 years to get PR. the shit we had the go through to prove that living in our country of origin was dangerous...it is NOT easy

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There are dickheads in every community. Its the lack of screening that allows people into australia. I've seen the permanent residency process, its easy.

The business visa way is very easy.

And marrying an australian, then the whole family gets PR, its like singapore, a lot of trash comes in.

Non-aussie citizens who are convicted of a crime should be automatically deported back home, regardless of their refugee status. You come to Australia, you treat us with respect or you go home.

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are you serious? it took my family 5 years to get PR. the shit we had the go through to prove that living in our country of origin was dangerous...it is NOT easy

Is that for refugees?

Singaporeans just need to marry an australian or a permanent resident, and tadahh, just need the TB test and be certified free of criminal conviction. Its troublesome, but it can be done in a month.

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when everyone was at raves til the sun came up eating pills and hugging there was hardly any violence! lol

making everyone stand on the street to smoke was a bad idea too... many club/bar precincts look like street festivals these days

also parents have gotten soft... I was too afraid of my old man to really get up to serious trouble

same as. i know my old man would have broken my leg if i did some serious shit. as a matter of fact, i once got slapped in the public for touching his money in the public. got told off that young kids should never touch adult's money, still don't even up till today

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Every group has there heroes.

Only reason why you don't hear much about Australians in the city is because they don't have the numbers to back up there mouth, In outter suburbs like Berwick, Pake, Beacy where the Australian contingent is high there is alot of fights mostly due to Football which was stated earlier if Berwick player gets bumped hard by a Beacy player vice verse and because there is hardly any clubs in the area just Blitz they all meet there and rumble.

I don't believe the drugs are the problem, Alcohol is.

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Funny story

I said to two Police officers tonight that "you should police real crime, and not be pulling over cars to raise revenue".

The result?

I was assaulted.

One officer (snr constable) grabbed me by the throat and pushed me about 20 meters down the road to a enclosed area (near the lawyers chamber, queen st). The other officer just stood by and watched. He was only around 5"6' so probably suffering a large case of little man's syndrome.

I was strangled for around 10-15 seconds whilst being forced to the darkened/enclosed area, it wasn't a heavy strangle so as to cut off circulation - but i'll probably carry a bruise or two in a couple of days none the less.

Threats like "we will stick you in the lockup for 3-4hrs", were thrown at me - i mean ffs - what the fk for - a few words? lol... :P

And that "you'll think twice now before mouthing off to the Police" - haha - as if. I'll do it again next week if the chance presents.

Gotta love the fact that as a single lone anglo male i was targeted - yet groups of 4+ people are not targeted and then go and bash people!

Also the fact they were pulling over a car that had nothing more than a set of shiny wheels... i mean fks sake - do some REAL WORK.

Of course, i wont be lodging a complaint or anything... Regardless of the fact i would sign a stat dec stating the incident. It means nothing... why?

Two officers, my word against theirs. Usual story really as Police are well known to lie black and blue in court to protect each other (as i've personally seen on a number of occasions).

I must admit i laughed the whole time @ the fact i was assaulted for nothing more than half a dozen words... yet i know 1000% it would not have happened had i been in a group of 4+ people.

The 'police' wonder why there is no respect for them when they behave like that... bunch of silly muppets really.

(no offense to you Graeme - i know without question you are a decent officer of the law as opposed to the vast majority who are simply sub standard)

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As a general rule, it is arguable that Alcohol, or rather the excess consumption of Alcohol is the main culprit in the recent spike in Violence in Melbourne; particularly when considering the violence that is occuring on a Friday / Saturday night in the CBD.

Having read through the entire thread, I can see the main contentions revolve around increasing police numbers / creating new government policies / harsher penalties etc. I would argue that it is the nightclub owners / managers need to take more responsibility in terms of the serving of alcohol, particularly to those who may already be intoxicated.

After all, this is where the alcohol is being dispensed. If it is anywhere where harsher penalties should be implemented, it is within the bar, to establishments who clearly break the rules by serving alcohol irresponsibly.

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Funny story

I said to two Police officers tonight that "you should police real crime, and not be pulling over cars to raise revenue".

The result?

I was assaulted.

One officer (snr constable) grabbed me by the throat and pushed me about 20 meters down the road to a enclosed area (near the lawyers chamber, queen st). The other officer just stood by and watched. He was only around 5"6' so probably suffering a large case of little man's syndrome.

I was strangled for around 10-15 seconds whilst being forced to the darkened/enclosed area, it wasn't a heavy strangle so as to cut off circulation - but i'll probably carry a bruise or two in a couple of days none the less.

Gotta love the fact that as a single lone anglo male i was targeted - yet groups of 4+ people are not targeted and then go and bash people!

Also the fact they were pulling over a car that had nothing more than a set of shiny wheels... i mean fks sake - do some REAL WORK.

Of course, i wont be lodging a complaint or anything... two officers, my word against theirs. Usual story really as Police will simply lie in court to protect each other (as i've personally seen on a number of occasions)

I must admit i laughed the whole time @ the fact i was assaulted for nothing more than half a dozen words... yet i know 1000% it would not have happened had i been in a group of 4+ people.

The 'police' wonder why there is no respect for them when they behave like that... bunch of silly muppets really (no offense to you Graeme - i know without question you are a decent officer of the law)

That's incredible! Perhaps you could check out whether the buildings had any surveillance cameras? I would imagine there would be a good chance of this?

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^ unfortunately there is not a lot stopping your mate from buying you another beer if you are over the 'virtually impossible to judge limit'.

And hence - you can go far beyond any liquor licensing laws.

End of the day - it still comes back to the good ole slack ass Police officer that are more concerned about making money than doing proper job

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That's incredible! Perhaps you could check out whether the buildings had any surveillance cameras? I would imagine there would be a good chance of this?

There probably would be - Freedom of information however (and so on) would render this largely useless however.

The Police know this - i know this.

By the time my application of any possible footage is granted/approved it will have 'expired/overitten' as there is no set laws to state how long private footage is to be sorted/kept for security reasons :bunny:

The Police are not stupid in that regard, the officer knew exactly where he was, had a good look around to make sure there was no-one else to witness it and so on.

It is almost as if it were a sneaky drug deal considering the way they went about it.

Not surprising in any way, shape or form however. The Police are there predominately to make money.

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They know i can't do a thing - i know i can't do a thing.

Unless i had two mates or something both filming it from other sides of the streets - the officers would simply lie in court and it would go their way.

Similar to charges they have lied about in the past when i've had to go to court - luckily i had decent supporting evidence then so the judge saw through them rather easily.

But all it comes back to is this - there is no punishment for Police who colaborate to lie in court

If you get wrongly charged and taken to court (and charges dropped), the officer in question just walks away, virtually no questions asked style.

However - If the officer was made to cover say "costs upto $300" out of his own pay when lodging a charge (should it be dismissed) - you would soon find that ridiculous policing, like revenue raising fines for cars etc, would go away - and real policing with factual evidence (crimes, assaults, rapes etc etc) would actually benefit from the whole situation.

That wont happen of course. The Gov't relies on the income :bunny:

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Yea right, nice story Nismoid, you always have some little analogy to back up ur point but most of us know that 95% of the stories u say a purely lies.

I mean this might have worked 5 years ago with ur little world of warcraft buddies but you don't seriously expect us to believe a story like that?


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I was simply stating fact. You look @ all the news reports, transcripts and so on... You can't argue that which is clearly in front of you I'm afraid.

Some of my closest mates that i grew up with are all lebanese/italian/maltese/greek/The land of goat sphincter rings, i was the minority group growing up in my area actually. Out of 200 kids in my school year level - about 15 were 'anglo aussie' as you put it, the rest were from groups as i just stated :bunny:

I see though you missed the key point where i said - Its these people from these communities that are saying its 'their own' that are causing a lot of the issues, making fights out of nothing, bashing people almost for fun and so on.

So if you somehow transpose what i said into racism and 'leb bashing' - that backs up what the people from these very communities are saying about people getting their backs up for stupid reasons and 'making' things out of nothing.

Yea well i have a story too. I grew up in an all my white mates and they have all admited to me that it is "their own" that are creating the trouble. Does that prove anything? No.

As has been mentioned here already, maybe if u actually went out into the real world and saw with ur own eyes what is happening you would see a much different picture than the one ur getting from sitting behind a computer screen

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