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Broken Exhaust Manifold Studs


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Finally got the turbo and exhaust manifold off. Only took me a couple of hours, I thought that was pretty good considering ive never touched a skyline before.

For starters 3 of my studs were already missing :( and broke another 2...

So now I have 5 studs broken and sitting below the head surface!

How do I get these outs, would it be easier to call someone? who could I call in the melbourne area.

Also what is the best way to clean the gasket surface (talking about head to manifold, manifold to turbo and turbo to dump pipe gasket surface) is 1500 grit sand paper ok? How clean does clean have to be before I put the new gasket on?

Edited by ascenion24
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you can get the studs out my using a smaller socket, IIRC its 8mm i think, you'l notice on the very end of the studs, there's a sorta hexagonal design, that fits into a socket, have a try to see which socket fits...

As for your broken studs, try vice grips to get them out.

Or if they've broken off at the head, if you're really worried about it, any decent workshop should be able to weld something onto them and twist them out, or even drill it out for two bigger studs...

And the gasket surface doesnt need to be a work of art...

Just make sure there's no large pieces of gasket left on there, a bit of carbon deposit is fine, just again, no big bits. If it feels sorta smooth to touch, its fine... Use sand paper's probs not the best to use,you dont wanna get bits of sand scouring you cylinder walls (stranger things have happened). Just use degreaser with an old cloth and elbow grease...

Good luck...

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The studs are broken because you have a non-original exhaust which is stressing them out.

that's not entirely correct. they often break because of the constant expanding and contraction of the manifold as it gets hold and then cools. you can get broken studs with a stuck exhaust.

also, to get the studs out that aren't broken, just put 2 nuts on them, hold 1 nut and do the other nut up very tight to it (as a lock nut) then turn the nut closest to the head as if you were trying to undo it off the stud and the stud should come out (or snap if it is weak). i would replace all the head studs, because if they are weak you may snap more when you tighten the manifold up when you put it back on.

to get the broken ones out you can either call a professional, or buy an "easy out". for these you drill a hole in the centre of the broken stud and screw or tap in the easy out and then turn it to remove the broken stud. if going down this route, also by some of the metal feeze stuff (not sure what it's called) but you spray it into the hole you drilled first and it is very cold and makes the metal contract (shrink) and makes it much easier to get the stud out. you could also spray some on the studs that are still ok before you try to remove them to make it a bit easier to get out

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