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Cam Aligment Out Of Whack ?


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I took my cas off today and front cam cover to get it power coated by Craved ;)

i noticed my ex and in are out of aliment ... the dots dont line up (car is r33 gtst)

can i fix this by myself of best of getting a mechanic to do it?

can they be just turned back and set to line up?

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the fact that you are asking about this issue tells us that you should go and see a professional to get it sorted.

call Yavus at Unigroup Engineering, www.unigroup.com.au

He will be able to give you before and after dyno tests so you know the difference in performance.

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its not hard at all if you know what you are doing..it does require the removal of the radiator and therefore a cooling system bleed....suggest replacing the belt while your in there.

just wanted to see if its something that an be done easy but i guess for mech should be pretty easy , thank you for reply
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The inlet appears to be fine. The exhaust appears to be 2 teeth advanced. But of course it all depends on where the timing marker on the crank pulley is pointing.

You don't need to remove radiator to make the adjustment.

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mate wait! please dont tell me your mechanic charged you for this?

If one of your cams was a tooth off, your car would drive like an absolute slug and you would def know.

What happens is, the dots only line up every 720 degress. So all you had to do was rotate the engine 360 degrees and it would of lined up...

(in other words nothing was wrong with your engine)

If it was truley out, your mechanic would of had to remove the timing belt to fix it, and it would of cost big bucks, not an easy job.

If he said it was an easy fix and charged you a little amount you just got ripped.

Try a new holden SIDI engine, have to rotate 3000+ times before it lines up correctly.

Edited by pauly24
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No Pauly, he's not talking about the white marks on the belt lining up.

If you look hard at the horrible out of focus exhaust cam photo, you can just see it's 2-teeth advanced while the inlet cam is on the mark.

She'd be a belt loosen job to fix.

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So your mechanic, pulled out your radiator, pulled off all your belts, removed the fan, removed the timing belt cover, untensioned your timing belt, slid your camshaft cam over a couple of teeth and put it all back together. Effectively he just did everything he needed to do to replace your timing belt and charged you nothing, what a nice mechanic. :)

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So your mechanic, pulled out your radiator, pulled off all your belts, removed the fan, removed the timing belt cover, untensioned your timing belt, slid your camshaft cam over a couple of teeth and put it all back together. Effectively he just did everything he needed to do to replace your timing belt and charged you nothing, what a nice mechanic. :)

you dont need to remove all that

You can get the cam gear off/on the camshaft without the need to pull the timing case apart.

yep that's right :laugh:

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There are 24 teeth on the crank gear, 48 on each cam wheel.

You can do the maths from there.

Since the O.P. didn't note if the engine was at TDC in those photos, we don't know if the exhaust wheel was advanced or the inlet retarded.

All that could be deduced was that there was a cam timing fault.

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