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Car Stolen And House Broken Into!


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Oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Hope insurance doeant dick you around. Sad to say but those 'indigenous australians' will only get a slap on the wrist, it makes you wonder why alot of people think of them how they do!

So sorry about your loss.. Lucky you are insured.

Yeah I used to live in Townsville where there are alot of aboriginals and they broke into my family's house and stole all the fishing rods and beer and tried to steel the motorbike helmet but left it outside behind a tree :S wtf. Obviously the alcohol was more important, When they got caught Im pretty sure all they got was a slap on the wrist..

We had some come past our house breaking beer bottles and taunting our dog so dad set our old mastiff x onto them. All you could hear was screaming LOL :) That kept them away.

Maybe you should get a big dog aswell?

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Yeah I used to live in Townsville where there are alot of aboriginals and they broke into my family's house and stole all the fishing rods and beer and tried to steel the motorbike helmet but left it outside behind a tree :S wtf. Obviously the alcohol was more important, When they got caught Im pretty sure all they got was a slap on the wrist..

And isn't amazing the difference between Brisbane and Townsville Aborigines? The animosity towards them makes so much more sense when you've witnessed it living in a place like that. I still don't care either way, a prick is a prick no matter whether they're Aboriginal or French...

...or Serbian.

Sorry to hear about your car mate. I've got a huge soft spot for the 4door 33s ;) but at least Karma penetrated that guy nice and quickly for you.

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Thanx all for your comments! Here is a pic of my car at the holding yard before the investigators came out to dust it. The back seat was full of syringes and stolen goods.


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ouch dude i heard about it on the new

only good thing about it is the driver got stuck so couldn't bolt either so hopefully he gets a good ol reaming

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Now that car got f**ked up! Really sorry to hear about it shit like this, especially when it happens locally and even more so to a 4 door. I have always liked those. Wish you the best to get everything sorted asap.

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yea I'm hoping the insurance to be sorted out and finalised by the end of next week. I'll let u guys know what happens. One thing I'm glad I didn't change was the steering wheel. I had an aftermarket wheel without the padding and I've heard the driver shattered his jaw on impact! I was actually expecting the factory steering wheel in the mail sometime next week as I had a warning about it a few weeks ago from the police. All I can say is that karma will catch up to you and bite you on the arse!


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Far out the car got mashed up pretty well and the steering wheel! God damn. I hope he eats through a straw for the rest of his life, that'll teach the scumbag more than any justice system can.

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Far out the car got mashed up pretty well and the steering wheel! God damn. I hope he eats through a straw for the rest of his life, that'll teach the scumbag more than any justice system can.


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Hey Ty1 your missus is mates with my missus it turns out she showed me the pics on face book sooo not cool bro feel so sorry for u mate was a really clean looking car to. If it was me i probably would have ended up in that hospital finishing the bastard off. Hope he gets what he deserves mate and that you are compensated accordingly.

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Hey Ty1 your missus is mates with my missus it turns out she showed me the pics on face book sooo not cool bro feel so sorry for u mate was a really clean looking car to. If it was me i probably would have ended up in that hospital finishing the bastard off. Hope he gets what he deserves mate and that you are compensated accordingly.

Thanx chubs! yea and i know which hospital he's being kept at too! my gf's dad works up at the p.a so maybe i should get him to pay him a visit lol And my step-dad works at the watchhouse so when they catch these other grubs hopefully they get taken there!

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Man, these douches deserve everything they get, while it brings tears to my eyes to see a nice car like that so mangled, at least they found the car and the driver, which is more then alot of people are getn with the thefts happening in brisbanes southside...

guys i know from now on where my keys are going, under my pillow, or invest in a cheap key safe.

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Man, these douches deserve everything they get, while it brings tears to my eyes to see a nice car like that so mangled, at least they found the car and the driver, which is more then alot of people are getn with the thefts happening in brisbanes southside...

guys i know from now on where my keys are going, under my pillow, or invest in a cheap key safe.

Exactly right mate! i couldnt agree with you more. I can at least sleep a little better at night knowing he's up at the hospital in a critical condition. next car i get the keys will be under my pillow also :thumbsup:

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the 2 that ran prob had broken legs, but were farken high as lol. "the stealing generation." lol, bad luck mate thats crazy. hope ya find another nice one :P buy a 2 door next time then a gang wont fit in it.

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