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First Time Drifter


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Hey Guys,

Im going drifting at Eastern Creek on the wet Skid Pan (Twilight Drift) later this month. Just wanted to know any tips as such for a first timer. The car that I will be going sideways in is either a R32 RB25DET or a R32 RB25DE. It'll most probably be the boosted 32.

As being on a wet surface, I dont think I will be touching the handbrake too often. From what Im guessing, I'll just be abit aggressive with the steering?

Another thing is stalling the car... :)


Sorry, Im pretty eager to get it right and not make a fool of myself.


Edited by Rallye
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i dont have heaps of drifting experience but from the little i have, in the wet your front wheels have less traction too! smooth and steady is the key imho.

The last thing you wanna do is wrench your steering around & lose traction to the front. try a quick touch of handbrake to get you sliding, then low power to keep the drift going. shouldnt need much if your using a boosted 32.

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Be smooth, use Scandy flicks if understeer is a problem, Skidpans are surprising great ways to learn-doesnt make you 10ft tall & bulletproof tho- remember wet handling slides are very different to dry but it does help more than you will know at the time.

Stay away from Handbrake as much as possible but practice it for entries none the less or even to extend the slide-which you will learn to do with the throttle-eventually-work on weight shift.

Dont pump throttle unless trying to upset balance of car.

Best way to learn how to skid steer at skidpans

Most of all have fun & obey the rules of the arena

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