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Help Car Missfiring Between 5-7K Revs.


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hey guys i just did a wasted spark conversion and it works great but between 5-7k revs it miss fires... <5k it runs better than the rb20 coils and above 7k it runs way better than normal, what do i do? should i just get new coils? (these are second hand coils.) the leads are brand new from the box and the spark plugs are still the same ones that were running fine before the conversion.

i am now using au falcon coils.

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Rb20 needs 7000 rpm lol. Only good thing about them is the fact they rev so freely lol. And yes splitfires are a rip off. I could happily afford a set if I choose to but in many circumstances there is no need. Nissan coil packs do a f**ken good job to last as long as they do. I run nissan items on my track car. No aftermarket coil pack is gunna last 15 to 20 years imo

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Going to do a wasted spark conversion soon if I dont sell the R33.... coilpacks are giving me the shits, i dont want to spend $400 to get new JJR ones, so will just run a VN coil pack setup.... then if 10psi wastegate goes ok with it ill upgrade to MSD units. Don't know why everyone isn't doing this, surely the MSD VN V6 packs have more oomph then the RB ones!

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hey guys i just did a wasted spark conversion and it works great but between 5-7k revs it miss fires... <5k it runs better than the rb20 coils and above 7k it runs way better than normal, what do i do? should i just get new coils? (these are second hand coils.) the leads are brand new from the box and the spark plugs are still the same ones that were running fine before the conversion.

i am now using au falcon coils.

You installed a new ignition system (completely different to the factory setup) and now spark is breaking down... I would be inclined to REMOVE it all and go back to a stock setup.

My 30DET is running standard RB20 coils with no dramas.

The Neo in my Stagea is running Splitfires as standard neo coilpacks are notoriously dodgy, older RB coilpacks (RB20/26) are pretty damn good.

If you're having misfire issues with a standard setup then I would also be looking at the wiring harness. I was troubleshooting a serious spark breakdown issue when hot on my 30, went through a couple of sets of coils and ignitors before I figured out that it was the plugs on the harness falling apart that was the cause of the issue.

Edited by bubba
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