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Bf3 Night - Complete


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ah if you had of msg'd someone i could of kicked a person

Wasn't that, game kept crashing. Tryed restart but no go. Was playing for a few hours before.

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You've fked up the settings then.

I cant remember what it is, but one setting will cause that constantly. Ill try find out which one

The problem is related to the TS overlay plugin

Go and disable that somewhere in the settings, and you'll be fine. Had the exact same thing.

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oh oh sorry i didn't mean g15 overlay


In Settings-Plugins, I've only got the top two plugins ticked

I think I had DirectX plugin ticked before (cause I wanted to figure out whose voice was whose while playing) and that crashed it.

Pretty sure that's the one I was talking about...? Not sure. It's christmas day and i'm a biut drunk

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oh oh sorry i didn't mean g15 overlay


In Settings-Plugins, I've only got the top two plugins ticked

I think I had DirectX plugin ticked before (cause I wanted to figure out whose voice was whose while playing) and that crashed it.

Pretty sure that's the one I was talking about...? Not sure. It's christmas day and i'm a biut drunk

That one worked :) Thanks.

Funny it only started happening about a week ago. Prior to that I never had an issue.

Edited by Cozi
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  • 7 months later...

Could someone please give nee the low down on what the f**k I need to do in order to play this game now? I bought the special edition or whatever, karkand thingy...didn't play for a while and now there's like no servers :(

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Check your filters, Troy. If you have one wrong filter selected it can get rid of all the servers. Try removing all filters and see what happens.

I'm keen for Saturday night. One caveat though, I often have to go AFK to look after my daughter and/or wife.

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Could someone please give nee the low down on what the f**k I need to do in order to play this game now? I bought the special edition or whatever, karkand thingy...didn't play for a while and now there's like no servers :(

You have to own BF3 bro!

And you want to help me with DayZ? dfarq

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Check your filters, Troy. If you have one wrong filter selected it can get rid of all the servers. Try removing all filters and see what happens.

I'm keen for Saturday night. One caveat though, I often have to go AFK to look after my daughter and/or wife.

Positive it's not the filters. It's either as if all the servers I played on previously vanished when I downloaded the huge patch recently, or I have to now also purchase the most recent expansion pack to continue playing as I normally did.

You have to own BF3 bro!

And you want to help me with DayZ? dfarq

Seriously dude. Seriously. Just you wait. Seriously.

(I've got nothing)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Positive it's not the filters. It's either as if all the servers I played on previously vanished when I downloaded the huge patch recently, or I have to now also purchase the most recent expansion pack to continue playing as I normally did.

Seriously dude. Seriously. Just you wait. Seriously.

(I've got nothing)

as the others said there must be something wrong with your filter settings, can you post a screenshot of your server browser settings?

There are still lots of base game & karkand servers around. Though I am liking close quarters

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