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March 2012


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This isn't an especially awesome shot. I haven't taken my camera anywhere recently or seen anything i wanted to photograph but i went for a walk on my lunch break the other day and some of the gardens in the area around my office are beautiful (though they are a little fresher when it's not the end of summer :P).

And i freaking love puppies! who doesn't? Communists don't.

And Jay that topic pic looks epic, but you already knew that cheers.gif

Edited by Passive
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After the Chocolate Cruise yesterday I stopped by Waragamba to see what the overflow looks like in person. Snapped a few shots but really didn't take the time I should have to set up some decent stuff. Was incredible how many people came out to see it too.







Last ones are a couple of shots from the car cruise.




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nice shots guys

I've been wanting to work on a film/80s style look for my photos. I spent a good 10 minutes playing around and come up with this

Normal photo post-50568-0-29660300-1330860087_thumb.jpg

Film photo post-50568-0-54198500-1330860093_thumb.jpg

If you guys have some good processes and don't mind sharing, would love to know how you guys go about it. I'll spend some proper time on it hopefully Monday to try and get something a bit better.

Happy to share my settings to those who are interested

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Jay that topic pic looks epic, but you already knew that cheers.gif

aw cheers man, but there is still room for improvement on that one. bits forgotten and a bit more light, but I am pretty happy with the way it turned out anyway.

Jay the two shots you posted look incredible. The first shot of the graffiti is wow. Im assuming the edges were light painted right?

cheers sidd, yeah the edges were light painted, as was most of the inside of it, just not as bright as i had hoped.

took a couple of panos today. both hand held and quick and dirty, but thats how i roll, lol.



i couldnt get far enough back on this so it was shot with a wide angle. it did have the whole car in it except for the very last shot so i had to crop it a bit.

loving the variety of shots in this thread, keep up the top work everyone!

Edited by Jay019
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Sorry richie I like the original better. My personal taste however..

I agree with you, but I am still looking for that 80s/film kind of look. I haven't got it right in that photo of course... which was a first time attempt of about 10 minutes, but I am hoping someone on here can point me in the right direction.

Love the two portrait shots man...

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Most important thing to note about your 'film effect'. It makes her skin look nasty. She's not going to be fan. Make sure you keep the processing complimentary if you're doing wedding/portfolio stuff.

Sidd, Awesome location and really nice shots. DO LIKE.

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That photo with the cement background would be a perfect experiential photo for me sidd! I've gone and stolen it from you and tried to add that film effect again. It's getting better but still a ways off what I am trying to achieve. I'll have to leave it at this for a week or so until I get some more spare time to waste again...

Slight adjustment of curves, photo filter, brightness/contrast, exposure (for gamma) and Huge/saturation


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I do like the colours and texture in your edit more than the original, but I don't like how she fades into the wall now. In Sidd's she pops out a bit off the darker wall. I guess it's a taste thing, but you're level of processing is good. not over done :D

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