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Slamming Doors

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Does anyone else have this problem with there doors are really easy to close yet everytime I have a passenger get out of my car they SLAM the F#%KING DOOR?

This wouldn't bother me to much if the window had a frame but it doesn't and i cringe thinking the glass is going to break.

Is this just me and my car??

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my girlfriend does this all the time.

It absolutely shits me to tears.

first she opens the door with her foot because its too heavy.

then she slams it


abobroad minded personely makes me rage!

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I don't even have to push my door to close it. I just get out my car and quickly move out the way while the door shuts itself. I like to think its an automatic door closing feature. Honestly only need to push the door closed when there is a strong wind in the wrong direction.

I'd never see a reason to slam the door, but I see it happen and it makes me want to cry.

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Does anyone else have this problem with there doors are really easy to close yet everytime I have a passenger get out of my car they SLAM the F#%KING DOOR?

This wouldn't bother me to much if the window had a frame but it doesn't and i cringe thinking the glass is going to break.

Is this just me and my car??

Bahaha i'm the same. Heavy arse doors close by themselves with the slightest of touches, yet every goon that jumps in/out BOOM!

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try having a boot with stuffed struts. the amount of times i warn people yet they still drop it from the highest possible position is annoying to say the least

Edited by drunkn snail
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People that slam doors are usually one or more of the following:

- Don't have a car

- Cannot afford a car

- Don't know anything about cars

- Have a car with rooted doors, so they slam doors out of habit

- Generally people that talk BS

- Generally rough with anything they hold.

- Usually messy

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I don't even have to push my door to close it. I just get out my car and quickly move out the way while the door shuts itself.

it's the same game i play too!

jump out of the way before it takes you with it

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I don't even have to push my door to close it. I just get out my car and quickly move out the way while the door shuts itself. I like to think its an automatic door closing feature. Honestly only need to push the door closed when there is a strong wind in the wrong direction.

I'd never see a reason to slam the door, but I see it happen and it makes me want to cry.

I had to lol at this. I do the EXACT same thing when I get out of my V.

1. Swing door open with a flick.

2. Step out of the car like a boss.

3. Door perfectly closes by itself as I walk away.

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People that slam doors are usually one or more of the following:

- Don't have a car

- Cannot afford a car

- Don't know anything about cars

- Have a car with rooted doors, so they slam doors out of habit

- Generally people that talk BS

- Generally rough with anything they hold.

- Usually messy

So true!! Thats the guy who slammed my door today hence the start of this thread.

He's my room mate and a clown.


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People that slam doors are usually one or more of the following:

- Don't have a car

- Cannot afford a car

- Don't know anything about cars

- Have a car with rooted doors, so they slam doors out of habit

- Generally people that talk BS

- Generally rough with anything they hold.

- Usually messy

hahahahaha oh shit that made me laugh

I got so many bruises from cleaning car and having the door slam on me, but yeah i make friends believe i have auto closing doors, funny as!

Edited by R6n350GT
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some cars it just sounds louder and harsher when the door is slammed i know my R34 sounds pretty bad, so when a mate does it i let them know to ease the F@ck up because it one of the most irritating sounds and thing to do to your prize possession.

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Some one needs to develop the soft closing hinges like they have on cabinet doors. You know the ones where it doesn't matter how hard you try slam the door/drawer it always stops an inch before closed and continues the rest of the distance slowly & softly.

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