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Looks Like Garrett Slipped Another Gtx30 Variant In .

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@ Mark - here was my previous GT3071 setup revved to 8,000rpm so 4,000rpm would be around 112klms


Did the S15 have a 5 speed box in it?

If the gearing etc is the same that makes GTScoTT's GTX3071R capable of 20psi < 4000rpm - which is really quite impressive :)

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Just picked up the car. Haven't had a chance to go for a proper drive yet, but here's the dyno plot:


Boost is both lower and later than I was expecting. I got the impression talking to Josh that they didn't quite solve the boost issue they were having. He mentioned potentially using a different rated actuator spring to improve things (currently 10psi).

Very happy with the quality of the install they've done though. They really took the effort to keep the stock / black theme, and using quality fittings for things like BOV return. Can post up pics if anyone is interested.

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Hmm it's strange that it's coming on that late, looking at the curve it doesn't look to be a boost control thing to me. You are running Nistune? Is VCT being used?

That boost curve doesn't look like it is necessarily using the full potential of the turbo but as you mentioned, good chance the actuator is making it impossible to go any further. It's decent power for the boost through, I reckon - and while in the range of what seemed doable there could be a bit more in it with a stiffer actuator.

Let us know how it drives when you get more of a chance! Be interested in how quickly and easily it comes on, the curve makes it look no better than my old GT3076R which doesn't really make sense, I am assuming there is more than meets he eye going on there.

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Also for sh!ts and giggles, here's comparison with previous stock turbo (just with exhaust, pod and tune).


When I get a chance will take some photos of install (looks very neat), and hopefully can feedback on driving impressions.

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Also for sh!ts and giggles, here's comparison with previous stock turbo (just with exhaust, pod and tune).

When I get a chance will take some photos of install (looks very neat), and hopefully can feedback on driving impressions.

That comparison looks a heap better when comparing apples for apples. So is your Nistune setup running VCT? If that's not with VCT and there is more boost available then the result starts seeming a lot more understandable. Driving (ie, response) should give a fair bit more of an impression of how well it works :)

Thanks for keeping us updated through it all!

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I have the Z32 ECU with Nistune so should still have VCT.

Aiming to get a decent drive in on the weekend, but power does feel great when it comes on. But impossible for me to gauge how it is compared to other setups except stock.

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OK, interesting.

When you drove it did it feel conspiciously laggier than the stock turbo? A typical "full boost at 3750rpm" combo would feel very noticeable. Maybe we should just let you get the weekend and have a proper go? :D

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Perth dyno's always read lower :whistling:

Yep just throw more boost into it once the control issue is sorted.....as it one thing the GTX's seem to thrive on.

Please post up pics.

Edited by juggernaut1
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I thought the z32 ecu needs an additional window switch to control the vct.

Mat only very recently added vct control to the z32 ecu's. I would look into whet you actually have it or not.

A quick way would be disconnect vct plug and go for a drive. If it's the same you need to get it working.

Contact matt at nistune about the update.

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Yep. I got z32 and r32 confused!

Still worth checking as I mentioned.

Sounds easy enough to check. I assume it won't hurt anything if unplugged?

Lith, it definitely feels laggier than stock turbo. Need to get out on the weekend when less traffic around so I can try and get a better feel of when boost builds. I will say though that it feels like it ramps up real quick, whereas on dyno plot looks like more of a gentle increase.

Josh did mention that PZP's dyno tends to read low, but I'm not going to put any stock in that unless I can confirm somewhere else.

Can I also get some advice from you guys? I was told that to make use of higher boost, I really needed to look into freeing up flow more (cams, cam gears, and possibly freer exhaust). I was told the turbo actually has quite a bit more to give seeing as GTX series like higher boost, but couldn't get there without these changes. Does that sound right?

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Definitely won't damage anything driving with the vct plug unplugged.

I wouldn't think cams are the best use of money at this stage.

Cam gears perhaps, but the dyno time to dial them in might not be worth it.

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Looks like it has a lot left in it, my GTX3076 was asleep til we gave it 1.5bar thru the midrange,

E85 or water/meth with boost next for 300kw's of anger..

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