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R33 Gtr Build

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No plans for aftermarket dumps in the future, if and when the turbos come off, they will be replaced by a single or high mounted twins

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Completed fitting the tomei sump baffle today. To my surprise, the holes that needed to be drilled according to the instructions were already there!

So I got my money back from Bunnings for the 400mm long drill bit that I bought just for this!






Also cleaned the intercooler today...should have the clutch on tomorrow as well given that my friend can drop off the input shaft for me.

Weather is looking pretty crap for the end of the week so might not be able to get the engine in before the end of the week as the car sits outside :(

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Updates and photos are becoming few and far between but progress has been good.

As per last post, the intercooler has been cleaned and plenty of coolant and oil came out of it with now only clear water running out which is a good sign.

Which also means everything that was connected to it suffered the same fate.



bovs after a clean


Religiously cleaned ready to be put back on






Genuine Nissan left, Ryco right


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And the engine is now all bolted in, most of the loom all plugged up (correctly I hope), starter motor in, all that's left is the minor stuff. Let's hope for no more hiccups and a smooth sail start up by tomorrow night! Fingers crossed!

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Unfortunately there was a bit of a problem...

Filled the thing up with fluids and water in the radiator. Noticed a leak and turned out to be turbo water lines

There's no way of me getting it tight enough on the engine so theyre coming back out to check all the banjos

are tight as a nun's you know what.

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Unfortunately there was a bit of a problem...

Filled the thing up with fluids and water in the radiator. Noticed a leak and turned out to be turbo water lines

There's no way of me getting it tight enough on the engine so theyre coming back out to check all the banjos

are tight as a nun's you know what.

this is the very reason why I chose to replace the oem water and oil lines with braided lines.

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ANDDDD turbos back on! So the banjos were hand tight only, must've slipped my mind to tighten them after installing onto the engine. Nothing is leaking now and tomorrow will be the start up day if nothing else happens touchwood!

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At long last! She started up just fine today and tomorrow will be the final touches before I get the thing to my mate's workshop for a roady and she'll be back on the road!!

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haha indeed i was! one does not simply hear a gtr fire up and not cop a fatty.

roadworthy done today and will be registered next Tuesday! Wooo!

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So got the roadworthy no worries and just been doing little bits and pieces here and there now before I can chuck all the other stuff on after VicRoads tomorrow :D

My friend came over and took some better quality shots of my car for me so here they are!




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