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Turbo Flutter

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Hi all will turbo flutter kill my turbo or is it ok because I love the sound

LOL - the scientific name for turbo flutter is compressor surge. Search it in google - it's not good for your turbo but its not as dramatic as some people make it!

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LOL - the scientific name for turbo flutter is compressor surge. Search it in google - it's not good for your turbo but its not as dramatic as some people make it!

Surge or stall? I thought its stalling the compressor as the air is traveling back through the compressor wheel. I thiught compressor surge is when the turbo is surging before coming onto boost.

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Surge or stall? I thought its stalling the compressor as the air is traveling back through the compressor wheel. I thiught compressor surge is when the turbo is surging before coming onto boost.


Compressor surge occurs when the compressor turbine is chopping up excess air which is stored in the compressor housing - occurs when you change gears because the motor rejects the airflow... ;)

Love the sound but hate when people completely over do it and it gets screechy and long...

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Yeah, it sounds Wicked, for about five minutes or untill Mr Police Man says Allo Allo, which ever comes first.

Slows the turbo down so when you change gear you have extra spooling to do before you're on boost again.

Noisey, slow and PoPo.

Recommend. :wacko:

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I don't know about you guys ? You the attitude that well it sounds great so lets do it more ///

For starters the compressor blades would not have equall loading so that induces unbalanced gyroscopic forces 90 degrees in the drirection of rotation, that in laymans terms means at 100,000 rpm the shaft is trying to tear it's self out sideways from the housing. Now that means bearing loads increase and bending moments on the shaft increase. Even if you look at the formula's and simplify it, the force goes up with the square of the speed, look at the speed it's rotating? Golfer know swing faster and hit the ball further, well go figure a hundred thousand rpm or more. You will figure it out in a short enough time ! and we haven't even looked at the unequally loaded blades that are trying to bend off . Yah do it some more !

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