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Where to mount the xbox

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hay guys

my problem is i have all the parts an xbox, screen, good stero and all i need know is how to mount the xbox.

I want the xbox able to be used from the driver set, yes i have a remot but cant find a place where to mount it. i have thought about under the frount set with the draw able to come out in to the passengers leg area but i think it will get smashed around to much.

then i thought about placing the unit where are glove box is but that seems its going to cost alot to get it dune and look ok.

does any one know like the playstation if it could be mounted on its end?

any way if you have any solutions or photos of what i can do in my R33 it would be great

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What you should do is, get the xbox chipped and install a larger HDD, then you can store all the music and vids and stuff on the HDD, and mount the XBOX in any position you want e.g. upside down, on it's end etc. Then you will have no problems with skipping and damaging XBOX/CD"S/DVD's.

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What you should do is, get the xbox chipped and install a larger HDD, then you can store all the music and vids and stuff on the HDD, and mount the XBOX in any position you want e.g. upside down, on it's end etc. Then you will have no problems with skipping and damaging XBOX/CD"S/DVD's.

This is something I have never thought of. For years I have been meaning to build a decent carputer system. This just may be the solution.

Out of curiousity are you guys still using an inverter, dc-dc converter or does the xbox itself take 12V. How does it go with cranking? How is everyone controlling it etc.

I am going to have to explore the issue more on mp3.com but I am curious about everyone's experiences here.


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yep guys but where in the car do i mount it i thought the dash with its own slot but the dash is to full of shit to do that so any one got any photos of where to put it or a web site that can show me any of these things

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are there any detailed instructions on how to do this - ie modding power supply and getting xbox to automatically boot with power ie from the boot?



xbox owns all for a couple of reasons:

1. boot up time (windows takes forever & you stop running it)

2. Its pretty knock resistant already (designed as a console)

3. the software out there is great for these kinda of activities.

4. you can run a decent sized hard=drive & forget about disc reading.

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  • 5 months later...

I'm in the process of re-installing my Xbox in the line, but not in quite so much of a heath robinson way as I had it before.

I have a 7" TFT on an arm, which I can swing out of the way whilst driving, or the passenger can watch it, without annoying/distracting me. (Legal Requirement)

I've also fed the audio into the head unit (Kenwood double Din) - and the Xbox in the boot.

As mine's a '33 - I have some space in the battery area, which i'm fabbing a shock resistant platform for the Xbox to sit on, as running hard disks don't like sharp knocks!

(Have a 120gb disk fitted in my Xbox)

Mod Chips - I'd only recomend 2, the Aladdin and the Xenium ICE. The Aladdin is 25 to 30 AUD, and the Xenium is 80+ AUD.

The Aladdin is probably the best for the car, as the Xenium has many features you wouldn't need in the car. (These are easy to fit, unless you have a 1.6 xbox - latest version, which takes another 15 mins)

Both allow backups onto your HDD of your games, as well as XBMC, Multi Region DVD players, mp3's, apps etc (Even Linux - For whatever reason you may want it)

As for automatically booting from the boot, what i'm doing is modifying the inverter in the boot with a remote control, and fixing the Xbox so it's always on.

The remote control i'm working on is a 15AUD wireless door bell ringer, with a suitable on/off relay. With mods, it should cost about 30 bucks. (awaiting suitable relay to test)

This will switch the inverter on & off, the xbox is set to come on as soon as power is present

As the Xbox is for all intents and purposes a PC, it uses a form of the ATX PSU, and would be a pain to convert to 12v operation, so it's easier to bung in a 300-400W inverter. (Warning, some 300W inverters do not have suitable cooling for being in the boot, and need an extra/upgraded fan fitted - as they may trip out for being too hot atm - the boot can get *real* warm)

If anyone has any questions, post here, or pm me.

I have no excuses for any spelling mistakes, as i'm still seeing stars from crowning myself on the boot lock :-/

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Extra : On the R33, there is a convenient area next to the Battery & Fuse box, which has plenty of space for the xbox, and is good for wires back & forth.

K-Mart sell a non-official wireless xbox controller, made by Tru*Blu - It works fine, even if the xbox is in the boot, and the boot is closed :-) (Pretty good quality as well)

Xbox software/Easy Upgrades for HDD's etc. For the newbie, there is a set of install software called Slayer's Xbox installer. It will do everything you need to upgrade HDD's install a good dashboard etc. pm me for more details. (It also repairs broken setups)

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yeah f**k tha age of the thread post up some pics man i have mine under the glove box with a little shelf made for it and it sux if anyone cept my gerl sits there they cant fit there legs comfortably...so keen to see what your on switch looks like

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That's cool.

I looked at putting the xbox or laptop in the front, and there's just not enough space.

Tbh, it'll cost <> 100 Bucks extra to have it in the boot (wireless stuff etc) - but it leaves much more room.

I carefully threaded the Video and Audio feed down seperate sides of the car, to avoid big bumps, and to keep the cables hidden. (I used high quality Audio Cable - (Unsheilded) for the video feed, as that's what was to hand, and it's fine, normal audio cable for the feed to the head unit)

The 7" TFT I used came from Ebay for 80 AUD, as it didn't have a case, (in progress) and the flexable arm came from a desklamp (bunnings) - Which I mounted the bottom of the arm on a right angle bracket onto the passenger's side, between the seat & the center gear/brake area.

I'll grab some shots without any pretties, so you can see how it's mounted.

I'm doing the shockmounts for the xbox this avo, hopefully the plan in my head 'll work :-)

Anyone's welcome to pm for xbox modding etc, it's all pretty straightforward :-)

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You could allways get one of the custom boxes from dicksmith/jaycar, and ditch the dvd drive making it smaller and adding better anti-vibration materials. Ive thought about doing this and adding a laptop harddrive in place of the standard one, to reduce heat and better survive knocks. It would take a bit more work but the result would be better worth it as it could be customised to suit a neat stereo install ie painted to match amps or something like that.


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hahah about the date but thanks man iv been waiting for some person to finally tell me something about what to do it sound like im going to put the xbox in the boot and run the wireless system so if you have any pict of you project the screen and mount of the xbox this would be much help to me thank again

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's not a prob. It's pretty much all in & done, had a few long drives to check it out over good old NSW roads ;-)

I'm putting the pics together. It's not too bad, and works well.

I'll list up the mounts etc.

The only unexpected problem was some extra RF noise from somewhere, easily cured with a few chokes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

have you guys ever considered totally changing the xbox - i mean i mod xboxes, 1 once got a requests for me to mod a xbox - and place it all in a micro tower case - i also modded one and placed the cbox in a conventiopnal stereo housing.....

Inside is:



DVD Drive

Disk drive

Thats It!

I reckon with some ****ing around i could mount the actual xbox components somewhere - such as near the battery etc - but be warned guys, the HD is VERY suseptable to shock - I don't care what anypone says - vibration will kill your HD's

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  • 3 weeks later...

* I wouldnt have the Xbox come on all the time when the car is on.. Ive had alot of tvs / game systems in my cars in the past and it wouldnt be good, trust me..

Remember this.. The xbox needs good ventilation, they can and do get hot. Say its a 42deg day and your driving a long distance, 2 - 3 hours.. your xbox is going to hate you.

RE: Zebbie thinking about his box running all the time.

PS: I worked in a car audio shop for 4 years and trust me ive seen alot of fried PS2s N64s die because of this problem.. allways on.

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I've been thinking of installing a PC/laptop with a TFT Touch Screen for the control of MP3s and movies with an input into my deck.

Has anyone ever experimented with XBOX running linux, controlled by a touch screen?

Also, are there powersupplies for PC's built for the specific use of 12V input?

I don't want more than one power converter involved.

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