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w00t my car's registered as a Maxima


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haha didn't even realise, but was goin over the paperwork for the car, and I realised on the rego it said the car was a Nissan Maxima A31 :D hahaha

Now the good part is when I ring up to do the insurance for my dad, I'll go "yeah I need to insure a 1990 Nissan Maxima Sedan thanks". Sweet! I think the vehicle's VIN number sorta gives it away tho with the "6U900000" start.

What is your ceffy registered as...

Oh btw, just checked the numberplate CEF130 is available at VicRoads.

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was at NRMA insurance and they had me as nissan cima. Because they had no other name for it on their options list.

I made NRMA add cefiro to their list of options. The chick had to ring up the IT department to get them to update their car list. I had to sit around for half hour while this was done.

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I made NRMA add cefiro to their list of options.  The chick had to ring up the IT department to get them to update their car list. I had to sit around for half hour while this was done.

oh man... good one... now I have to pay extortion rates when I go to renew it coz they'll know its a ceffy.

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I made NRMA add cefiro to their list of options.  The chick had to ring up the IT department to get them to update their car list. I had to sit around for half hour while this was done.

So it was a pretty quick phone call then???

But yeah its as a cefiro for everything, even RACQ (but auto for that)

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I made NRMA add cefiro to their list of options.  The chick had to ring up the IT department to get them to update their car list. I had to sit around for half hour while this was done.

Oh no for the luv of god noooooo.. The end has come for my insurance. :zap:

When i did it 5 months ago they never heardof one so hence the CIMA. But now its updated we gonna be goneski. :)

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Wouldn't it be their call? they put it in the system as that knowing it's not the car but the closest fit..

Billion $$$ insurance co. 'v' dude with smashed up ceff.

I know where my money is. Its the minions that put it in the computer, the little cubical people, not the people that give you the money. Stupid but if it came down to it, insurance would win.

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Hmm, true - they would win.

Here me out though - In theory (In theory) the broker who sells you the policy has to get it underwritten, and the underwriters have to sign it off.

In that process everywhere the assumption is the information is correct - and your duty of disclosure is based on the notion of good faith - as such in "good faith" you've told them your car was a cefiro. You are NOT required to tell them things they are supposed to know in the normal course of their business, or things that lessen the risk to them. So you've told them it's a cefiro, they say it's classified as X.

Theoretically there are no schedules in the policy to say that if they decide to classify it as X, and it isn't they won't cover it (good faith applies both ways because they have duties of disclosure also).

But yes - I agree with you deveo I would have my money with you as we live in the realistic world and not the dream technical world.

P'raps you guys with misc classifications could get a schedule added to your policies to be sure?

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I got my A31 officially green plated. Mine is a 90 model and didn't come in as 15 year old rule. I've had for about 3 years or so now.

On the compliance plate my car is called a Nissan Matthews A31. The guy who did the compliancing was Alan Matthews. Coincidence, I think not :D

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