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Which run to do first????


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Ok - I have the great pleasure of spending a bit over a week in the Canadian Rockies over New Year in Jasper, Banff and Lake Louise. But I was just looking over the Lake Lousie Trail maps and I'm left with a very tuff decison - which run to do first???





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I've got something for you Andrew.....

FCKYOU :rofl:

Where ever the powder and the drops are, then head to the park in the arvo once the powders been tracked out :D

LOL - I put this thread up especially for you actually mate!

But yeah Goj I think the Sunny T-Bar is where it'll be at. My snowboarding skills are even worse than my driving skills.

Still - I'll give that back basin a shot. I mean - whats the worst that can happen??

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Andrew: yeah o well, i went to NZ earlier in the year, not as good as Canada, but next year i want to get back to the states, got some friends there i wanna hook up with and go ride...

By the time you get back you should be able to keep up with me... now if only i could keep up with you on the track!

Photos from my NZ trip: http://photos.ferni.net/nz2004/

Some on snow to take a look at:




and of course the powpow:


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