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Moto Concepts Shut Down!


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I recieved this email yesterday.

To all our loyal customers.

The ARDC advised us a few weeks ago that we had to place a tender for the exclusive rights to run ride days at Eastern Creek.

Unfortunately the ARDC have decided that we are no longer eligible to conduct ride days at Eastern Creek.

We wish to thank you all for the support you have shown to us since we started way back in 1992.

Our first events were training/ride days designed to give riders greater skills for riding.

Since we started we have run

. more than 300 ride days,

. 18 race meetings including the 6-Hour endurance race from 1997 to 2000.

. We were involved in Formula Xtreme when it first started in 1997

. We have been involve in the growth of the motorcycle industry and led the ride day revolution.

. We were the ones who put into place the marshals, the flag points, the crash recovery crews etc etc. Others followed our lead and we even copied a few things from those overseas.

. etc etc

We hope we have made your life a little more exciting and raise your level of riding safety.

Have a wonderfull christmas and new year.

Above all we will miss you all.

Our last ride days will be Thu 13 January, Sat/Sun 29/30 January and Thu 3 February (1/2 day) and Thu 17 February 2005.

Dave Stone & Tracey Wade

Moto Concepts Australia

Motocycle Concepts

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Yeah I got that too Paul. Seems like there's something fishy going on.

"The ARDC advised us a few weeks ago that we had to place a tender for the exclusive rights to run ride days at Eastern Creek.

Unfortunately the ARDC have decided that we are no longer eligible to conduct ride days at Eastern Creek."

So are the ARDC trying to get 1 operator to run all the events (Highest bidder?) or is this the downstream effect of the Coroner's finding on "the Judge" accident?

Maybe the impending scrutiny of all track/ride days, as I was told the Dept of Sport and Rec. would be doing, has commenced.

Whatever the reason, lack of competition cannot be a good thing....

Now where did I put that cotton wool blanket?????

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Well it seems all is not lost. Just received this from Motoconcepts:

We have been working overtime to ensure that you all have a choice of Ride days.

We can now advise that we have secured dates at Oran Park Grand Prix Circuit.

Oran Park is a demanding and challenging Circuit.

We will be providing a service equal to anyone in the industry.

The event schedule is being finalised over the holiday period and will be loaded onto the website as soon as possible.

We thank you for the unprecedented number of emails of support which continue to reach us.

Your support has been overwhelming and we trust we will see you all at our events through out 2005. We have a new callender which will be posted on the website shortly: www.motoconcepts.com.au .

The remaing events at Eastern Creek will remain at 2004 prices + $1. Remember this will be your last chance to ride Eastern Creek at these prices.

Moto Concepts Australia

2005 Event Schedule

***January 2005

Thu 13th Ride day Eastern Creek

Sun 16th Drive day Eastern Creek

Sat 29th Ride day Eastern Creek

Sun 30th Ride day Eastern Creek

***February 2005

Wed 2nd Intro Oran Park Gp Ride day

Pay for any EC ride day and get this event at 1/2 price

Thu 3rd Ride & Drive day Eastern Creek

Sun 6th Ride day Oran Park GP

Thu 17th Ride day Eastern Creek

Sat 19th Oran Park GP

***March 2005

Tue 1st Oran Park GP

Thu 10th Oran Park GP

Sat 19th Drive day Eastern Creek

Sun 27th Oran Park GP

***April 2005

Tues 5th Drive day Eastern Creek

Wed 6th Ride day Oran Park GP

***May 2005

Tues 3rd Oran Park GP

Thu 5th Oran Park GP

Fri 13th Oran Park GP

Mon 16th Oran Park GP

Fri 27th Oran Park GP

***June 2005

Thu 9th Oran Park GP

***July 2005

Mon 4th Oran Park GP

Mon 11th Oran Park GP

Fri 22nd Oran Park GP

***August 2005 TBA

***September 2005

Mon 5th Ride day Oran Park GP

***October 2005 TBA

November 05

Wed 2nd Oran Park GP

Thu 17th Oran Park GP

Tue 22nd Drive day Oran Park GP

Wed 23rd Oran Park GP

Thu 24th Oran Park GP

Dave Stone & Tracey Wade and the Team from Moto Concepts

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brilliant, OP GP is much more fun than boring old Eastern Creek

This hardly the first time ARDC have acted like a pack of arseholes.

They are running their own trackdays now and probably didn't enjoy having to compete. The rates they charged were always sky high compared to other tracks so no doubt it will get even worse.

For those who are interested in another option for trackdays, a $80 CAMS license thru the club measn you can join in most supersprints

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