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stopping the "HOONS"

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id say advanced driver courses, and fines for REPEAT offenders of the extreme cases... coz everyone speeds sometimes... i mean my grandmas speeds sometimes, its just natural... your cruising along and u look down oh shit im 10kms over.. u cant help it sometime, especialy if ur behind the wheel of a turbo car...

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Drip feed heavy sedetives to everyone in the popuplation for ultimate control.

That's it for sure -- It'll hurry up the job I see being done on all you 'good little boys and girls' already. My generations fault. We did'nt stop them from grabbing our little freedoms, one at a time, on the basis that they were doing it for our own good. Now you all think it's normal. Leave the so-called "hoons" alone. Rebels are better for us than conformists.

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It sounds harsh but if there were some effective system to report dangerous driving/ road behaviour, I'd seriously consider it. X number strikes/ bad reports about you and you're out, or some other nasty stuff hits the fan. Mostly aimed at NEW drivers. Road users are a community and any community has a right to disapprove of menacing behaviour. If you can't fit in or at least respect fellow motorists, you have no place in that community.

Imagine if you get notified that you were driving in an antisocial/ dangerous manner... u know that people are watching so the onus is on YOU.

I'm tired of having some twit P-plater, a$$hole, hoon etc. (and yes, i am just naming from majority of experience) come close to killing me, my girlfriend and some other poor inncent road user for no seemingly logical reason other than to cause rage and inconvenience to everyone, and literally being able to do nothing about it.

Yeh, system open to abuse and would need a lot of work, but give some power to the real road users and the people who are affected - not just the police i say!

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dont let p platers drive turbo cars?

man not every1 will be that crazy behind the wheel of a fast car

their or any1 else's lives

not creating an argument or anything. if what u said is true, why cant ppl accept driving a 2.0L N/A skyline ? why must it be a turbo ? if speed and power is not the case, wouldnt a 2.0L be good enuff ?

lol, please dont get the wrong idea or anything. im just curious.

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Definately harder training as someone has already said. Also a much stricter power to weight ratio.

A large difference has to come from the insurance companies as well. When there are companies like Just Cars who will insure anyone at a price, it doesnt help the problem.

Anything other than a festiva/excel/barina should be out of bounds until at least 21. I had to do it in the UK and it worked.

This had me thinking yesterday as I was sat at a set of lights in the rain of a 3 lane intersection and some absolute tool came accross them turning right and did a broadslide in his old falcon straight towards the fence. Sure he handled it but what the hell was it on a public road at an intersection for?!

Rant over!

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Another point too taking constant offenders car and selling them wont do much but spark dangerous persuits because i know i wouldnt just handover the keys to my car for it too be sold

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ok my old excel did 1/4mile in 15 seconds :(

back to the topic tho.. they should just impound ya car for abit if your caught doing stupid stuff. Be nothing worse than having a licence but no car to drive :)

as oposed to vice versa where you can drive around without a licence.. in theory.

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A large difference has to come from the insurance companies as well. When there are companies like Just Cars who will insure anyone at a price, it doesnt help the problem.

Not sure how that figures.. if kids can't get insurance, they'll just drive without insurance (as many already do). What are the consequences then?

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Honestly there is no need for a boosted skyline on your red P's If you got one, say thankyou to your Mum for cutting your life short.

If you got a skyline and you don't hammer it occaasionally on Sydney Roads your full of shit .

Buy an excel and enjoy the fuel economy and expand on your driving skills ,judging looking ahead at whats up ahead of you and what other drivers are doing ,Instead of gazing at your boost gauge and Monster Tacho bro.

The only way to reduce hoons is to keep me off the road and enforce restrictions on power of vehicles that being said plenty of excels can fry the wheels well into forth gear spinning to 140 travelling 100 km/h In the wet of course with 13 's lol.

Also as mentioned earlier we need a place where hoons can let loose and punish there cars.Not just on a Friday night ,Every night ,hell make the fascilities available all day everyday."on the way to work ""yeah i did some drifting "New fascilities the Gov't built

Yeah I know I'm dreamin ,the boost bug will do that

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A large difference has to come from the insurance companies as well. When there are companies like Just Cars who will insure anyone at a price, it doesnt help the problem.  

Not sure how that figures.. if kids can't get insurance, they'll just drive without insurance (as many already do). What are the consequences then?

Sorry, my bad the word was meant to be "anything" and not "anyone" i.e they insure anything from an excell through to a high powered car. Companies in the UK just tell you to clear off if you are too young.

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Build a Bridge.

It can't and won't be stopped. Its been happening since the dawn of time.

It doesn't effect enough of the population to considered an epidemic IMO

Focus on better things, things that will be noticed.

its only an issue because of one sided biased, pure golden bullshit of a current affair. no one would care if it wernt for them.

yes, we should be fixing things that actually affect society, like corruption. :P

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I dont really agree that making kids do advanced driver training courses will help them become more sensible behind the wheel. I work in a government job and drive a car with sirens (im not a cop - honest), and theyve found that putting employees thru advanced driver training courses actually makes them feel more confident and invincible behind the wheel. These thoughts, coupled with an 18 year old in a powerful skyline is a bad combination.

I dont have the answer, however, i believe the solution lies somewhere with the banning of certain types of vehicles to 'inexperienced' drivers. But then, when part of your job is attending to people involved in accidents, it becomes clear that the human body is much softer than metal and glass, and an excel is made of these materials as well. So if you hit a tree at 70km/hr in an excel or 170km/hr in a skyline, your still gonna die.

So dont hit a tree.

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Good points Shaun. I used to drive an ambulance and traffic accidents were the worst. I think the defensive driving courses with loss of control aspect reinforced should be mandatory. I used to instruct on Army driving courses, taking drivers with little or no experience and 6 weeks later they are driving 16 ton combos, then 12 months later we graduate them to 36 ton then if they show merit 60 ton +. We have few accidents and it is an attitude thing, but they get the loss of control stuff. When you know how hard it is to get control when it is lost accidentally (unlike an induced slide) then you go a bit easier. I drive the 220rwkw track car which sticks pretty good, and am constantly passed in the wet by young idiots and bimbos in their excels etc going too fast for the conditions.

I agree on the human organism. As a weapons engineer I know just how fragile it is.

It's not the car though, it is the driver and attitude adjustment that is critical.

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It not the cars they should be banning...its the drivers...many of the hoons i see are driving around in their gay little hondas or VLs...authorities shouldnt be looking to ban high performance cars on the basis of stupid acts of hoons in piss weak cars (especially in my area).

Authorities should also be treating cars equally and not discriminate towards high performance car... many low performance vehicles are just as dangerous driving normally as driving a high performance car fast. I saw a camry the other day which was freaking me out because they had no brake lights. I bet if the cops were looking to pull someone over they would choose me 9 times out of 10 (I drive a R32 GTR).

Unfortunately, as long as we have this minority of hoons, we (the majority) will be judged accordingly.

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