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Everything posted by Seano350GT

  1. Ok so i need to replace the bolt in my front left, rear castor bar (behind the disk brakes) and it's basically impossible to do it from home as the original bolt is extremely tight and there isn't enough room to get a good go at it from being jacked up. I need some advice as to who to go to to get this done, Nissan have said "we don't have the equipment" the chick at the counter must have been drunk. Pedders want $140 P/H and can't do it until next week sometime, although it should be roughly an hours work i still don't want to pay that much. I haven't tried anywhere else yet but i wanted to know if anyone has had this done before and could recommend a place or an individual to do it. thanks
  2. Goodluck with the sale man, that's cheap!
  3. I talked to a guy from Meng in the main street, he was very helpful and i brought up wheel allignments and he replied it can be done in about 2-3 days. Pedders in north mackay have a huge wait, 1 week + and from memory i think an allignment is about $75 from Meng.
  4. Haha classic, i shit my pants last night i had a cop come up behind me flashing his lights so i went to pull over then he turned down a side street. Not that i was doing anything illegal i'm just generally scared of police officers
  5. Cheers, will take it in to him some time this week
  6. damnit.. was going to grab the grounding kit.
  7. Go for the R33!
  8. Upgrade week is definately the best week good stuff man
  9. Haha yeww Taree, my home town. That is all.
  10. Good to know man, only problem with that is i've only just got into the mechanical side of cars so it's a massive learning curve. I've called 4 different places now just to get a bolt replaced in my front rear castor bar and aparently no one can do it. Such a joke. Nah what happened to it?
  11. really? that's awful.. If only there were more shops up here that cater for performance vehicles I heard that Monster performance is shit so i'm assuming there's no others.
  12. Haha reminds me of the cop that pulled me over and started talking about his brother who's in a Skyline club (didn't say which one) was the chillest cop i've ever met. and YES buy motordyne!
  13. I've just realised there is the Touch up Guys right near my house... might go over and have a chat. Original owner of my V looked as though he attacked the rear Nissan badge with a screwdriver to get it off and left a very deep and large scratch on the back and i want it gone.
  14. I am looking at getting a few scratches, paint chips fixed up somewhere in town and i was curious if any of you guys have had experience with any of the detailing places and any you can recommend. cheers
  15. Spotted a red 350GT coupe all badges on with spoiler, looked to be 04 model at Nebo rd lights near Autocorner, gave u high beam flash as i turned would of waved but it was pissing down!
  16. I feel your pain going through RTA and QLD transport, i dread going in there. I'd assume that the check would involve inspecting joints and they would obviously look for repair work and yes the VIN numbers etc. Other than that i couldn't help you mate, best of luck though.
  17. Motordyne Shockwave TDX2 is DEFINATELY the best sounding exhaust i've ever heard but in saying that it will cost you $1,500 + installation (if u don't know how to do it) + shipping goodluck!
  18. from 1st to 2nd it's a bit knotchy for me, i shift at around 2-2.5k rpm. 2nd to 3rd i go up to 4k pm because of the sound it makes at around that point which i love aha. but down shifting i usually rev match.
  19. where abouts in QLD did u see it mate?
  20. i agree with allan on this, also where did u see that r32 with white wheels? sounds like my mates maroon r32
  21. Going to race the V for the first time tomorrow, let's hope the weather is good! Anyone else heading out to test n tune?
  22. every time i see Tai1or Made comment on a post i know it's going to be good
  23. still got that grounding kit? what's it like to install?
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