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f**kwit gets away with damaging my car


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well about a 8 months ago so little bastard shot at my car with a slingshot on the M1 coming home from the coast. He hit the back of the car and left two sizable chips in the paintwork and a dent. Incase you wondering, no i wasn't racing the car he was travelling in or giving them a reason to shoot at me. At first i thought they were shooting a gun at me because the bang was so hard(they shot a metal ball bearing). The driver of the car (80's corrolla) then tried to run me off the road so my girlfriend (who was f**king terrified) rang 000 and i was given permission from the police to get out of there as quickly as possible (speed), yet they did not send a car out or request me to report to a police station to give a statement so i did it the next day at indooropilly. Well, after 8 months of waiting, i get a call today telling me that they caught the guy who shot at my car. Apparently he is only 15 (he looked mid 20's) and because of no previous convictions he was let off with a caution and because the police estimated the damage at only $200 (bulls**t) i will recieve no restitution. As for the driver of the car he didn't even get talked too!!! God i hate our legal system

B.T.W if anyone knows how to get addresses from liscence plate numbers please PM me as i'm going to get my compensation with or without the polices help

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yeah car is insured, but as my excess is over $1000 and damage is only around $800 (estimate) i can't really claim it. The cops said i could take the guy to civil court but he would just get off because of his age and clean history, so basically i'm screwed

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if you have full comp, the insurance company is meant to fix damages and take the culprit to court, as long as you can identify them.

Seeing you can, then there shouldnt be a problem with claiming it. Also it wouldnt effect your ncb either.

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Guest Boxhead

simple solution 400r, just get one of your 17 yr old friends who is big on violence, and has a clean record to go beat to crap outta the guy, because of the clean record, and his age, he will be let off...:) make the system work for you

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boxhead - thats what i'm trying to do but i need his address first

chaos - i would off except for the fact that it was just me and my girlfriend and they had five guys (none of which looked 15) the one that shot at my car had 4 or 5 teeth missing too, i had two carloads of people (they were cruising with me earlier) that were waiting on the side of the M1 with baseball bats etc, but the guys turned off before they reached them. i also found out from the police that these rednecks live around Browns Plains so i'll be searching for them.

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Yes the legal system certainly does suck. You should have followed him to either scare the hell outta them or atleast piss him off.

In my old car when people would do sh1t to me on the road i'd be like "if only i had a decent fast car i'd do sh1t back knowing i could easily get away from them"

Now that my car is relatively quick compared to 99% of the junk on our roads lookout to the next b1tch that crosses me.

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also the police were telling some more bulls**t about the fact that if you are driving and the passenger directly behind you were to , say, fire a slingshot at a car, then even if you have the car's liscence plate, the driver can claim he wasn't aware of what occured and he doesn't get in trouble and doesn't even have to dob his mate in, but in my case the driver gave the name of the redneck c**t, who shot at my car, to the police not aware that he could of told them to go stuff themselves.

So i was thinking, what if i found out the addresss, got into the back of my friends car (behind the drivers seat, of course) and drove past the house and fired a weapon at their house, would i get off, I DON'T F**KING THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!!! what a load of bulls**t

if i was to walk into the police station again and tell them this time that someone fired a gun at my car from the seat behind the driver i don't think the cop would have fed me the same bulls**t story, i know most cops are decent people, but god they really sh*t me

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benm - i would have followed him except for the fact that (1) i was being fired at with a slingshot (2) my girlfriend was crying in the passenger seat while on the phone to the police who didn't do a damm thing (3) they were also trying to run me off the road and every time i went to pass them they swerved, blocking my way (4) there were 5 of them and only me and my girlfriend

i did eventually get away from them by stopping on the M1, letting them get a bit further infront, then flooring my car, passing them at 160km/h(with permission from the police, courtesy of phonecall by girlfriend), keeping that speed till i could no longer see them, meeting up with some mates at the coomera BP who had a vast array of weapons

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I know exactly how you feel mate. Not only that but your gf sounds quite distraught from it all.

Quite interesting that the cops gave you permission to "get away quickly".

Opps sorry office i thought you meant ram them off the road into a tree, my bad

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