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Got Busted Street Racing

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There are too many people on this website that act like angels on sau, but are completely hypocritical on the roads.

You dont buy a skyline to drive like a grandpa

Excellent contribution.

If you are dumb enough to knowingly race someone from a set of lights, be prepared for whats coming.

Personally I bought my skylines to enjoy, and I enjoy a good drag race - at WSID on a wednesday night

With the powers police have, why in gods name would you risk even being suspected of street racing? Thats just stupid.

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There are too many people on this website that act like angels on sau, but are completely hypocritical on the roads.

You dont buy a skyline to drive like a grandpa

hey dont be sexist!!! dont forget about Grandmas!! :laugh:

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I said that there are too many... im not including everyone.

Can you tell me that you have never given your car a squirt against another at the lights? Tell the truth.

I did actually, 7 years ago and I got fined for it and felt like and absolute dickhead for it too, realising how stupid it was.

There is no excuse for driving like a twat, if you choose to do so, dont complain when you get caught :laugh:

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The whole line of arguement in his defence is that he gunned it UP TO 60km/h when his post said XXXkms/h. Yes, I can count and thats three figures without any mention of the speed limit!

Speaks volumes that he hasn't reposted.


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I did actually, 7 years ago and I got fined for it and felt like and absolute dickhead for it too, realising how stupid it was.

There is no excuse for driving like a twat, if you choose to do so, dont complain when you get caught :laugh:

Very good answer

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so street racing has to involve another car right??

Technically... what if you were racing your own shadow? :)

Anyway to sum it all up, if you going to race on the street, do it up to the limit, do not speed but before you even going to do this, do a head check 360 degrees for the cops... while I dont condone "street racing" I can vouch for just about everyone on SAU or any other car based forum that everyone raced, is racing and will race at some point in their life... be it legal at a car circuit or on the streets. If you disagree with this then by all means sell your 17 K second hand Skyline and buy a brand new Hyundai Getz, youll have a few $K left over for the years supply of petrol.

Personally I dont like squirting it for the mere fact that:

1. I dont want to cop a speeding fine

2. The petrol is too dear

But yes I admit to street racing too, in the last 3 weeks of owning my R33 I even had an older lady in her AMG C5 Merc drag me in the 80 zone... I got up to 80 and let it go while she proceeded to speed off to a 100... so perhaps yes, dragging on the street is dumb as it will make normal people do dumb shit even though its exciting and gets your blood pumping! (Ps I got my ass kicked by that AMG)

Having said this, I dont drag every freaking car at the lights more like if I feel that the conditions are safe and there are no police around and Im generally curious to see how my car measures up to the one next to it.

We can keep going with this thread until Officer Friendly finds it and reports it to his colleagues or we can say adios and move on. Im done. :laugh:

Edited by Sir-D
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Once you have an accident it changes your whole mentality about speeding etc...

Try not to do anything stupid.. I know I don't anymore.. :laugh:

Get yourself a good lawyer, barrister, because, basically all you have to do is cause enough doubt in the prosecution to prove that mens rea ( guilty mind ) and actus rea ( guilty act ) never happened. Then you're off... So in other words you don't need to prove you were completely innocent.. :P

I do legal studies :) So if there are any other people involved with the law here, please fix up what I said If I was off by too much.

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jesus guys. when did everyone on here become so holier than thou?

get off your goddamned high horses and realise that people do things everyday. so get caught and some dont. i have not been on a skyline cruise yet which didnt have some enthusiastic driving going on.

you get caught , you try to get away with it. thats life.

this guy is not begging for sympathy, he is only asking for advice. i must have missed the bit where he begged for a sermon from the grandpa mob.


rightousnous is another word for pure evil

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These days there isnt any point speeding. Police have to much power now. It doesnt matter if they are wrong you cant win. Even now its getting difficult to even drive your import on the streets, police feel they need to pull you over anyway. If more people road push bikes i reckon they would start defecting them to try and earn some revenue!!

sorry alittle off topic but a lawyer would probly help in your case.

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jesus guys. when did everyone on here become so holier than thou?

get off your goddamned high horses and realise that people do things everyday. so get caught and some dont. i have not been on a skyline cruise yet which didnt have some enthusiastic driving going on.

you get caught , you try to get away with it. thats life.

this guy is not begging for sympathy, he is only asking for advice. i must have missed the bit where he begged for a sermon from the grandpa mob.


rightousnous is another word for pure evil

Well the point of condoning street racing is that it's not only illegal but it's dangerous. One wrong turn and you could swerve into the car of the young mother with 2 kids in the back, or hit the man trying to cross the street at the crosswalk. There's a reason street racing is illegal, and it should be condoned.

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jesus guys. when did everyone on here become so holier than thou?

get off your goddamned high horses and realise that people do things everyday. so get caught and some dont. i have not been on a skyline cruise yet which didnt have some enthusiastic driving going on.

you get caught , you try to get away with it. thats life.

this guy is not begging for sympathy, he is only asking for advice. i must have missed the bit where he begged for a sermon from the grandpa mob.


rightousnous is another word for pure evil

Thanks for that Reverend Lovejoy, but here's a news flash - I'm not holy, I don't ride a horse, and he's a wanker.

Edited by d0p3y
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he knows he did wrong , thats not the issue. he only wants to know what his chances of getting away with it are. he admits racing , pure and simple and admits that it is wrong.

nobody is condoning street racing . have you NEVER driven enthusiasticly? are the grandpa mob taking over this forum?

i dont understand why you are all judging this bloke when almost all of us have done something similar.

kermit ( who is not some 16 year old noob)

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