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Hi all,

Its been a while since i've been on here as I sold my 34GT-t. Now i'm looking at selling my current car and returning to the Nissan fold. My question is this, what benefits does the R33 GTR have of the R32 ?? Am I still able to pop the ATESSA fuse on the 33 and put it into RWD mode on the 33 ?


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or get an attessa controller bluprint :thumbsup:

advantages the 32 has over the 33.

stock, the 32 beats the 33 performance wise.

obviously the 33 has slightly more responsive handling etc due to steering upgrades etc.

but the 33 interior is a bit, disappointing really.

I have been looking at both recently and read many reviews. They say out of all 3 gtr's, the 32 is the most chuckable, and it's also the most fun to drive out of all 3.

Match that with good prices, great performance, the best looks IMO (34's rank second just because they're so aggressive but I think they are too big) and the ability to pop the fuse (if you want) then you have a great car.

Attessa controllers to disable the front drive on 33's and 34's CAN be expensive, but I would view it as an investment to greater handling at the same time as you could then tweak the 4WD better and create a better handling car for road / circuit use.

GO THE 32 :dry: I am.

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:thumbsup: you should know that by now.

as for the age. I'm getting a 94 model because like you I was slightly concerned with that. But seriously, anything old can be upgraded or replaced. If the interior gets tired, re trim it. If the body is in bad nic, re do it.

Everything comes down to money.

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:) you should know that by now.

as for the age. I'm getting a 94 model because like you I was slightly concerned with that. But seriously, anything old can be upgraded or replaced. If the interior gets tired, re trim it. If the body is in bad nic, re do it.

Everything comes down to money.

Yeah, this is true. I'm currently driving an 02 STi, but want to return to RWD (i like skids :no:). I was looking at an FD RX7 but they are still priced too highly. The GTR seems to be the best all round car for what I want.

Edited by Binky1970
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For the cost of an R33 GTR you could get a tough R34 GT-T = Newer, cheaper to run/maintain, technically the same power as GTRs stock (very different animals obviously) and RWD for skids (stupid but if it floats your boat, Why not).

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I don't like the way people seem to love 32's cos they are "faster" Only in a straight line. Around a race track a 33 and 34 GTR would be faster. Nissan wouldn't of gone backwards. Anyone can redline a car and drop the clutch it takes a bit more skill to go around some corners.

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Bang for buck go a 32.

Faster isnt always better. Im old skool love the look. Dislike the 33's would rather a 34. but since i cant have that (well i can but i choose to see the world instead.. hrrm hard choicce) im saving my pennies for a 32. well i aint saving. I told my boss id stay if he gave me 10K cash in hand in january! lmao whe i get back from OS he said ok son

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But you have to remember if you do the same mods on a 32 as a 33 the power gained will be greater on a 33. Same goes for the 34.


Ummm why is that? all have rb26dett, obviously minor upgrades from one to the other, but i dont understand how you have come to this determination...

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Ummm why is that? all have rb26dett, obviously minor upgrades from one to the other, but i dont understand how you have come to this determination...

Better: engineering, turbo's, intercoolers, dump pipes, etc.

If you still dubt it, look in HPI issue 51 ;)

PS: If i had to choose between a R32 or R33 GTR, i would personally go for the R32. I love my 33 GTST, and chose a 33 over a 32 GTST, but when it comes to GTRs i always prefered the 32.

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Ummm why is that? all have rb26dett, obviously minor upgrades from one to the other, but i dont understand how you have come to this determination...

If they were all the same why would people lash out and spend money on a newer model. As they other guy has stated things get revised with a each model you dont think they would be exactly the same do you?


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If they were all the same why would people lash out and spend money on a newer model. As they other guy has stated things get revised with a each model you dont think they would be exactly the same do you?


Of course they are not the exact same and i never said that, and obviously people will pay more for a newer model, but i would have thought, that the basic engine is very similar and to say that a 33 gtr will always respond better to mods than a 32 gtr (especially when you consider the weight of the cars) i would not have agreed with.

Also I would consider the fact that the 32gtr in straight line was quicker than the 33 to start with.

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