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Trying To Make Paintball Work


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With the way you guys are acting it'll be only a matter of time before Shell blocks this thread too...


I love the way people over look others' errors/law breaking and still continue to point the finger at the one who is trying to help resolve the situation. I am trying to clean up this mess from f*cking Sydney. I could have just de-registered from the forum and left you suckers a big what ooooooooooooh $25 out of pocket!!! But instead, I have stayed on to get your deposits back.

Quit the personal attacks and legal threat, cut the horsesh*t and leave me to get the deposits back.

I have spoken to Daniel about the situation that is really getting out of control. He has decide that if the deposit is not back in a week due to constant interference he will deposit the refunds out of his own money, which means if the refund doesn't come back then he is out of pocket and who will then fix him up??

So anyone who is on the list please pm me all your account details and I will pass them on to him or you can email them directly to him at [email protected] it is a valid address just for the paintball refund.

Bluprint can you please get james' bank details or i can give it to you






Veilside R33


James (sorry don't know your screen name)



the deposits will done in the order that Daniel recieves the details and veilside he will refund you too.

So as you are all worried about being $25 out of pocket Daniel could be 11 times more then that, just to keep you all from harrassing me.

I never thought that trying to be nice and organise something would be so much trouble. I can not believe the childish behaviour and the immature acts that people go to over $25 but i guess i expected to much.

The rest is in your hands to get your deposits back.

Edited by SL33KY
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:X my post before wasnt meant as a personal attack, was more of an 'if they have pulled a runner they can be found' then a 'lets grab our pitchforks' kind of post.

PM sent aswell

Appreciate you setting up the paint balling in the first place, shame it went bad. Im still overly keen to go if someone wants to disregard what happened here and try again :laugh:

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Thank you for the reply Emily, any response is welcome. Daniel being deregistered may well account for some missing replies.

If the money has not been refunded then they are trying to play us off against each other and that gets me annoyed. I was informed today that the money was refunded weeks ago, if they are lying I am willing to force the issue. Actually either way I want this at a close. Currently Ministry of Paintball is blaming Daniel fully and claiming the money is in your account. It may well be that MOP is in financial trouble and does not have the money to pay. But so far we have not seen a single bit of solid evidence supporting either side, and with Daniels past miss-information MOP currently has slightly more credibility.

Constant attacks on someone who found out that Daniel was "miss-informing" the group about the status of funds originally, and then Daniel posting that there was nothing else that could be done, does not help credibility. Your recent posts seem to be blaming SAU members rather then addressing the problem.

No one (well maybe no one) wants Daniel to be out of pocket, however you have not kept the group regularly informed and you have not requested assistance.

As a willing group we can accomplish near anything. I can set up teleconferences with Ministry of Paintball so we can both talk to them at the same time. If MOP is playing with you, find someone that can play back.

Small claims

Debt collectors

Police enquiries

Special audits

Annoying phone calls

Property adjustment

Government troubles

Bad publicity

The list goes on for possible reasons MOP may wish to assist.

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With the way you guys are acting it'll be only a matter of time before Shell blocks this thread too...

as long as everyone keeps it relatively inoffensive I will be leaving it open - I want you guys to sort it out just as much as anyone else.... hopefully there'll be an outcome soon :laugh:

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I could have just de-registered from the forum and left you suckers a big what ooooooooooooh $25 out of pocket!!!

J is the only person on here thats been able to keep his cool for so long, the rest of us are just getting pissed off that it takes so long to give back $25, but ooooooooooooh only $25 if its that small an amount then why does it take that long to give it back?

dont f**kin pull that shit on any of us. yeah its $25, but its OUR $25 which was ment for paintball, which didnt happen because it wasnt possible to organise it. which leaves you with what $250+ oh wow, funny how $25 can add up huh? doesnt seem so childish now does it?

Doesnt take much to communicate and update the people that paid the $25, you owe us that much

All of that aside, its good to finally hear were we are up to with the refunds.

you will receive a PM shortly


Edited by SKYLVIA
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I have spoken to Daniel about the situation that is really getting out of control. He has decide that if the deposit is not back in a week due to constant interference he will deposit the refunds out of his own money, which means if the refund doesn't come back then he is out of pocket and who will then fix him up??

I think you need to talk to MOP for those funds. Good for D to front his own cash if needs be. As you said,'a big what ooooooooooooh $25';shouldn't be too hard if MOP doesn't come to your party,although I agree that they may be trying to play each of us off against each other. I'll bet it's easy to sound them out to their 'refund deposit transaction' details-number + date-so maybe E + D can sort this out to prove MOP wrong,if what E + D is saying is actually true...

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It's not actually about the $25 to most I'm sure. It's the principle behind it. Money was paid for a service, service was not provided, money needs to be refunded.

That's all. Whomever is reponsible will eventually be found out (and that may be MOP) I have my theories as to what's happened but time will tell.

I'm not fussed about the money, but now it's a matter of principle.

Time will tell.

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Have received one email from Jayce with bank details... Could everyone else please follow suit and we will start paying back the money out of our own personal accounts.

It won't be too fast because of our own financial commitments, but it definately will happen. Refunds will start as of this Tuesday.

CEF11E you will received your total deposit back.

The only reason we are doing this is because we're sick of what is going on and want it sorted ASAP as most of you do as well.

Bluprint can you please get james' bank details or i can give it to you




LTSJayce (bank details received)


Veilside R33


James (sorry don't know your screen name)



So could everyone please email [email protected] with all your details thanks. I'm not going to get into this legal mumbo jumbo with you guys I just want it sorted ASAP.

Edited by SL33KY
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Pm's and emails have been recieved and details recieved.

Bluprint can you please get james' bank details or i can give it to you



Cef11e details recieved

LTSJayce (bank details received)


Veilside R33


James (sorry don't know your screen name)

SKYLVIA details recieved


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arrr went to paint ball today, what fantastic time getting shot at... hit in the head paint in my mouth but what a day, wouldnt have found a better way to kill some time. Good luck and enjoy. We also took all the rules out as well so no 5 meter rule.

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shaun... incase you didnt read the thread... we aint goin ballin...

But maybe later down the track we might successfully organise a PB day... who knows!

Something tells me that you lot have a foul taste in your mouth about paintball...

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Hi All,

My aplogies for not having processed any refunds as yet, I was recently defected :laugh::):yes::P:(:stupid: so it has thrown my finances out the window for this week, will be working on it to mark a start. Thanks for your patience.

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