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How Long Does Compliance Take?


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Shows nothing for me. Also shows nothing for other imports I have had in the past.

I cant understand why it should take this long. Nor do I see a way to speed the process up. Dotars refuse to speak with me about it and my workshop never calls me back.

Edited by BigWillieStyles
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My compliance shop said they farked up the paperwork and had to resubmit it. When I asked how long it would be, the question was not answered.

I'm just over it to be honest.

But I have no choice but to just wait for it to get done. It's not like you can put in a complaint or anything.

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Hi guys,

Sorry, I'm only coming in on the tail end of the conversation here, but a few things to bear in mind when it comes to delays with compliance:

1) The most important one - THE WORKSHOP DOESN'T GET PAID UNTIL YOU PICK UP THE CAR. In other words, every workshop wants your car done and out of there as quickly as you do, so they can get paid for their work.

2) There have been delays on issuing import approvals and compliance plates right across the board. Evidently a few staff in Canberra decided to all take holidays at the same time, apparently oblivious to the effect it may have on the workshops. Everything has been delayed through RAWS as a result, and it's still happening, nearly a month later. All standard stuff for Canberra.

3) The more there are delays and hiccups in the system, the harder it gets for workshops to keep an eye on their "plates per 12 month period" limit. Whether or not you've hit the limit is determined by a computer system, and of course if the wrong data is entered at the other end, it basically means the workshop can't comply any cars until it's sorted out.

4) The closer you get to getting your car, the more frustrating the delays will become ;) remember, I buy my own cars too, and I find it just as frustrating as you guys do!

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PS If any of our customers are having specific issues, PM me and I'll make some calls.

PPS As frustrated as you may be, DON'T be tempted to call Canberra!! They will tell you nothing over the phone, and the ones who abuse them the most are also the ones who tend to wait the longest.

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I've got the same problem, but at the other end!

Bought this a few weeks back, but there was a mixup with overseas transfers and the money was sent to my aunt (who is currently in China!), so have to sit tight until she returns....grrrr


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OK I am one of the owners of JLM and just to let you all know what we have been up to with Compliance -

An R32 GTR was delivered to our shop approx. 5 weeks ago now before you jump up and down and say IT IS TAKING TOO LONG - READ ON.

I personally watched the car arrive on the truck while chatting to a SAU forum member had dropped into our shop for a chat.

To start with the car was running on the truck when it pulled up, the driver damaged both front & rear bumpers getting it off the truck.

The people who know me will understand why I flipped it at the driver - who casually said 'I did not damage the car 'and drove off.

Upon opening the bonnet the car dropped all of it's coolant on my driveway and on closer inspection the temp guage was of the scale.

I called Iron Chef (Kristian) to advise him of the issues and sent pics.

The car was that hot it took over an hour to cool down far enough to get the temp guage to drop below H.

We let the car cool completely and added coolant, upon starting we heard the worst news any Skyline owner can hear "bearing knock".

On the phone again to Iron Chef to advise of the further issue and yes Kristian was suitably upset to say the least.

Now the R32 is a really nice example - under 100k's genuine.

As any importer knows the freight company covers ZERO damages generally, it is even harder when they say "must have happened in JAPAN".

Now we heavily support the SAU family and Iron Chef (Kristian) apart from being a great client is a personal friend of mine, he's not a bad guy.

I went to town in support of both Kristian and the R32 owner.

The freight company inspected the car twice and some "expert" inspected the R32 on the freight companies behalf - all of whom denied liability.

Kristian and I agreed we had to fix the R32 GTR and it could not leave the shop until it was running like it should be.

Now the question was - WHO IS GOING TO PAY?

We both agreed it had to be the freight company but they refused to pay upfront for a complete bottom end rebuild on an RB26.

The repairs ran at over $6,000.

The situation was resolved when I met with the GM and CEO of the freight company and came to a compromise - JLM will do the repair and the freight company will credit me with freight on car imports, this will take a year to recoup as I rarely import cars anymore unless it is something special. The agreement was reached approx 2 weeks ago.

I am not trying to make myself or JLM look good \, I am simply explaining that we try very hard to make sure everything goes smoothly for our clients.

We support our friends and extended family from SAU and will continue for many years to come.

Just to make problems worse - ACL no longer make gaskets and they will stop bearing production by the end of April / May.

I have ordered all genuine parts for this RB from Nissan - Gasket kit was X JAPAN.

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JLM bought my car at Auction in Osaka after inspection that it truly was a Grade 4.5.

On the back of this freight company's tilt tray, the LR quarter panel was damaged (and the edge of the door).

It did not leave Japan like that...


Damage is about 10-11 o'clock over rear wheel.


JLM fixed the car up through his panelbeater without charge.

JLM also changed Japan fluids to ours, which I know they do for others who import through them.

Q. Time to comply?

A. I referred a friend through OzFoz Forum to JLM to purchase his 8MR.

Ash's EVO was on another ship arriving at Pt Kembla a week after mine.

His car was complied 2 weeks before mine.

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#@SecretR33GTR thanks for taking the time to come in here and post.

Sounds like a a shit situation to be put in and good work on absorbing the costs.

I think the main thing that got me frustrated with my current compliance of my 34 was the "It will be ready next week" (this was in an email about a month ago)
But once next week never came then I had to do the chasing up and asking what's going on.

Kristian has now explained the situation pretty clearly that all of your delays are caused by this ACT holiday shit that happened.

So I understand that the time frames are out of your control and you are probably very busy trying to get everything sorted.

Just an update would be awesome if you guys miss the time frame that was advised.
Again the only reason I was frustrated because I didn't understand why it was taking so long and I had to do the followups

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