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Smash Repairers- DODGY AS!!


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I can not belive what these Smash repairers think they can get away with, I would be pissed off if i could stop laughing.

i have a few scratches on my front bar, most of them have always been there so I have a bit of dosh so I decied to get my front bar re-painted.

Go to the first shop, the guys I always use, I got a guy that didn't know me so he trys to con me. "Yeah, thats a pretty big job, got to take the lights out, then get under the car, it will cost $300 easy." I reply with "It cost me $200 to repair my rear bumper ,and i have taken the front bar off many times, it takes less than five minutes." The guys didn't know what to do, he was caught. "Alright I will do it for $150".

The second place I went was even worst, first I waited 30 mins to get a quote, but he seemed like a nice guy so he is excused. He then told me "Yeah, getting the front bumper off takes about 4 hours" :lol: "It will cost $350" :eek: So I tell him that I have done it in five minutes and have already got a quote as low as $150. He then has the nerve to tell me that if i take the front bar off it will only cost $300.

What a joke!!

Sorry about the long post

Greg. :devfu:

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Heya dude,

I gotta say it's people like you that saves me hundreds of $$$$$! not ever taken the front bar off and thinking about getting a respray myself i will definiately keep that $150 figure in mind!

Panel beaters are shonky as! the 2 that i have been to basically bogged over about 30 cm of my old cars door, did the worse colour matching i have ever seen and charged me $650!

I was only just 18 so i didn't realise what good panel beaters were, i would rather not say what company it was but they are located in Kingsway.......

I would be interested in knowing how the job goes for $150!

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Whilst on this topic.......

As some of you are aware, my R33 is 2 toned Silver on top with greyish on the bottom (skirts, frontbar etc).

How much do you reckon it would cost to respray the grey bit Silver?? So my whole car is Silver........... Or is that pointless and you would be better off respraying the whole car (not going to happen $$)

Just curious and toying with the idea.



(attached a pic for those who dont know what colour i mean)

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They just get worst and worst, After checking three times, THREE TIMES and told if I put my bumper in on monday mourning It would only take the day, and I could pick it up at about 5pm. This mourning my dad dropped the bumper off (his work is a few shops down from this place) to be told I could have it back on Wends at the earlyest. Please, we need a club so that we can have a Sponsor that promisies to not jerk us around.

Any one out there up for this challenge, I dare you, no I double dare you no backsies!

There the gauntlet is thrown down to any Smash repairers.

Greg. :devfu:

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Originally posted by rob77

I agree, I intend on getting a bodykit in the future and I want someone decent to paint it and fit it, I dont want a half assed job or to be ripped a new one.


Dude my brother is a very good spray painter, I'll get his details for you next time I call past.

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Called today to find out when my bumper would be ready (already one day late) they say, "yeah we are just about to start to prep it, it will be ready tommorow arvo at the earliest." I can't belive this a less than two hour job (Not including drying time) and it has taken 2 days to start, and may be ready in 3. They didn't even know what paint colour to use, and so called me to find out.

And just then I had the worst soup of my life. Two minute in a cup thai chicken and veg soup, crap, tasted like spit. Avoid both of the above things. Learn from my mistakes and get everything, even what time it will be finnished in writing.

Greg. :devfu:

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Finnal Update:

Called themthis arvo, the bumper was still wet but ready to be put on the car.

So I rock up and put the bumper on my car, looks pretty good, you can still see where the big scratches were is you look really really hard, they gave me some new screw to put it back on with s that was a bonus as the old ones were rusty.

All up $150 was a very good price for a decent job. No I have to give my car a good wash and full polish. Just remember that Panel Beater are bastards, and if you are a panel beater, or know a beater, I dare you take take me on my challenge throwen down a few posts above.

Greg. :devfu:

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When my brother smashed up his car he took it to Zammits in Osborne Park.

Now admittedly they are a touch on the expensive side but they did a beautiful job. When he got it back it was all polished and cleaned and looked better than new.

Obviously the best part is that you could never tell any damage was ever done to the car.

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