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Can I Afford A Skyline


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I have been wanting to get a nice 2nd car for a while now and really want to get a skyline, Im preferably after a manual r32 gtst or gts. What I would like to know is how much I will need to buy a fairly cheap stockish example in average/reasonable condition?

Right now I can pay up to 6k for one, not including 1.5k set aside for maintanance and repairs. Is this reasonable? I'll probably do around 5-10k kms on it a year so what can I expect maintenance costs to be?

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I have been wanting to get a nice 2nd car for a while now and really want to get a skyline, Im preferably after a manual r32 gtst or gts. What I would like to know is how much I will need to buy a fairly cheap stockish example in average/reasonable condition?

Right now I can pay up to 6k for one, not including 1.5k set aside for maintanance and repairs. Is this reasonable? I'll probably do around 5-10k kms on it a year so what can I expect maintenance costs to be?

@ $6000 NO

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I would set aside 8-12K for a R32 skyline. Some that you pick up for 8K will be that cheap for a reason. Loads of km's, bad panels and paint or absolutely thrashed motor etc. If you buy one for a lil higher it a neat clean car.

Then comes insurance of 1-1.8K for full comp if you go that way. And with the cheaper car something will need to be replaced soon enough cos its so cheap.

Don't bother getting a GTS, it is non turbo and too much of a mess around to turbo (via engine swap or bolt ons)

If it near 100,000km you will need to change the timing belt, maybe water pump etc. which can cost up to 1000$

If you don't have 10K get a S13 Silvia or a 180sx. They are cheaper and more common. But if u can hold out and save up get a R32 GTST, they are brilliant cars

/my 2c

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OVA 9000


there around 8k-9k, But Dont look at the car, ask yourself if you can afford the insurance first. You would hate to Break it :)

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I'll probably do around 5-10k kms on it a year

5-10kms a year! dude y dont u just get to know some guy who has one and drive it to the shops with him

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stealthed: u can also get an R33 for 9k would u buy a manual turbo R33 for 9k? id rather pay 12k for an R32 and buy something good

and3_3: he said 5k as in 5000-10000

Edited by Char
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stealthed: u can also get an R33 for 9k would u buy a manual turbo R33 for 9k? id rather pay 12k for an R32 and buy something good

Yea, I didnt say "Good" 32, But thats Generally where they start for Prices. +1 to Buying a Decent one for around 12k tho

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I sold my R32 GTS4T auto for just a touch more than your budget, was mechanically superb, just needed some of cosmetic work. Shop around and you'll find one.

Obviously the mint ones at 11-12k are the best but if you can't afford one, you cant afford one lol.

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OVA 9000


to much 4chan?

I agree that if you want an import on a budget then s13/180sx is the way to go for your budget

otherwise you will need to save more for a Skyline wheter it be a 32/33

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why is everyone going on about insurance?

By the looks of it he wouldnt be even be able to afford the excess that would come with full comp for a turbo import. It would prob be close to 2k. So why bother? Just be wasting 1.8k minus say 500 for third party = 1.3k.

Just go third party + fire and theft and leave it @ that.

Use the 1.3k on something else. =)

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If I cant get one for 6k then I'm just gonna save up a bit more, currently I'm saving $100-150 a week so sooner or later I'll have enough. I'm more interested in how much I should have set aside for maintainence and repairs. What does the average stockish 32 gtst cost to maintain per year, is 1.5k enough or will I need more?

As for insurance I'm an 18 year old male no crash history but a 71 in a 50 zone speeding ticket so I'm not even going to ask about full comp in a turbo import, I'll stick with 3rd party maybe fire + theft. How much is this gonna cost roughly?

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As for insurance I'm an 18 year old male no crash history but a 71 in a 50 zone speeding ticket so I'm not even going to ask about full comp in a turbo import, I'll stick with 3rd party maybe fire + theft. How much is this gonna cost roughly?

My old bare 3rd party was just over $300 (no fire & theft though) with Just Car, I was on Ps, was 21 & have no fines.

JC also quoted $550ish for fire & theft so I would say it would be around $300 to $400 for you depending on where you live & stuff.

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iv seen some 32's go for 6K, i purchased my last R32 GTST Auto for 6500 from NSW but by the time i freighted it, cleaned it up alot, converted it to manual, put rego on it, it owed me about 9K.....if you purchase one ex east you will pick one up cheap.. auto's are allways cheaper, manuals you pay a bit more for usually. most 32's under 8K are usualyl pretty rough tho..

if your buying a 32 under 10K be prepared to throw some dollars at it for maintanence

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