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R32 Dmax Rear Wide Fender

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today i test fitted my drivers side dmax rear widefender

i had to buy a guard roller as to flare my original fender out so it would meet up with the wideness of the dmax fender

will be putting it on permanently once i can find a passenger side fender 2 match,

tried empire aero as they said they were getting them in but havnt been able to get in contact with them by fone or email





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  • 2 weeks later...

hi again, i got a hold of empire aero and my fender should be in stock soon he said

i put my drivers side fender on permanently the other day i ended up using a whole tube of sikaflex 227 and i sprayed a whole can of expanding foam onto the inside of the fibreglass fender right before i put it on as to make the fender more rigid and unacceptable to cracks if anyone leans on it, the good thing was like the sikaflex the expanding foam was polyurethane based which i guess helps with adhesion to. i used pop rivets to put the fender on 2, will post up pics in the next few days

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...
HI mate, what's the go with these fenders - do they give a GTS a GTR rear end or wider? What price did you end up picking up a fender for?


...It does looks a little more wider than a standard GTR. I am not sure but it my opinion.

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Yes it is wider then a gtr the finders are 20mm wider as stated from dmax but i measured from the inside of the wheel well and they seem to be 50mm wider.

I ended up getting the other fender from viva garage as it was the same as the dmax ones

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Do you know if cutting the guards off decreases the rigidity of the car substantially. I guess it depends how much you cut off - if it is just a bit at the wheel arch to improve clearance it probably wouldn't effect it alot - but I was thinking of cutting off most of the guard.

Any thoughts?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

yeh it better to keep the rigidity and leave the original fender intact and just box out the wheel well and weld it

i reckon they would fit an r32 gtr and would look really wide

heres some more pics, it is getting painted tomorrow finally







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yeh it better to keep the rigidity and leave the original fender intact and just box out the wheel well and weld it

i reckon they would fit an r32 gtr and would look really wide

heres some more pics, it is getting painted tomorrow finally

it took 2 years too paint??????

anyway, cant wait too see the final product

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