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Looking For A Better Isp


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hey guys, currently on Optus ADSL + 2 which is 20gb p/m and house phone is linked to it which includes free mobile calls, now im kinda after same package only, more download limit, bout 50gb+ no cable please, only adsl coz my area doesnt do cable. doesnt have to be optus, any isp is good as long as it has that free calls to mobile phone deals. thankyou.

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TPG are the dogshit of the ISP world if you ask ne

iinet, Internode are where it's are in terms of -




And by clarity I say - they do NOT randomly cap/artificially shape/limit your connection during off-peak like TPG does to keep their network running (and they actually deny it which is worse, especially when factually proven).

They do NOT monitor your downloads and send you letters like TPG does claiming you are downloading illegal content.

You do NOT speak to someone in KL/Malaysia/India when you ring technical support and get someone utterly clueless on the end of the line.

IMO TPG is cheap, and as a result you pay for what you get.

Spend the extra $10/$15 month and get onto iinet or Internode and you’ll be thankful for it.

I’ve had TPG a couple of times, friend of mine also had TPG for a while – nothing good to speak of experiences at all.

Myself and 5 mates are all iinet, my brother and another half a dozen mates are Internode – never had a major issue that wasn’t fixed/resolved to a high level of satisfaction.

Eg. If you get stuffed around, iinet will simply give you a month/two for free. TPG will carry on like a dying dog and you still won’t get compensation.

EDIT - ooo... just read the part about free calls to mobiles - no idea about that/if the ISP's above offer that.

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yeah iinet is good. great quality, fast ADSL2+ and for $49 I get 30gig peak and 30gig off peak. not bad, even with their new shorter off peak periods (now only 2-8am for OP). never get shaped and I can't think of any downtime I've encountered.

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as an example I just had to log into their 'toolbox' to make a small change to my account. being at work I didn't have my ADSL password with me. I rang up, and even on christmas eve, and at lunch time I got an answer within a minute or less, it was by a real person, in australia. He was able to quickly verify who I was, give me the details I needed and answer one other quick question all within about 30 seconds and all without trying to flog me any shit or giving me any kind of spiel. I logged in, made the change and I'm on my happy way. plus 60gig a month, coupled with reliable, fast ADSL2+ speed and good service is good value for $49 I reckon.

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That sounds like the go. I only have the net at my parents or father in laws. We are going to get rid of pay tv and use the money to get the internet at home. Its hard to get a decent comparison purely looking at price lists. Might look into iinet

Cheers. Luke

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mmm might give iinet a ring n see if they do house phone packages....any1 got some new about dodo? Prices look pretty good

I have heard numerous reports that they have good pricing but fairly average service and connections drop out a bit.

But i have never had any experience personally with them so I cant confirm this.


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NO f*kN WAY, STAY AWAY FROM DODO!!! (sorry about the caps but it deserves it)

GOOGLE 'whirlpool forums dodo complaints'

Is hould have done that before i had tried to go broadband with them.

I to was one of the THOUSANDS that get screwed over by them!

Was until i gave them an industry ombudsman case numbers till they gave me my money back and 3 - 4 months free on dial up as a way to say sorry.

Long story short was on dial up, went to go broadband, they tested my lines and said all was ok so i agreed, they took money out of my account for contract and modem.

Modem arrived then they told me i could not use it as it wont work on my line, and to add salt in my wound took money out of my account.

Called them up to complain, got transferred to India, told them to cancel my account and they said they could not until i returned modem, i said OK where to? He said he does not know, then he transferred me to what sounded to be an American helpdesk where they also did not know. They would not transfer me through to anyone in Australia when requested. It felt like a nightmare, being caught in a contract that i cant get out of and no one good help!

Called up obudsman where they agreed to give me case number. finally after 4 different phone calls got put through to a helpdesk in Australia (many requests for this came from me but they always said we can put you up to tier 2 dispute resolution - which is still not based on OZ and could not help :-( )

Please learn from mine and others mistakes dont use em, they are so cheap becuase they shape peer to peer networking and all support is based in sweatshops similar to Nike ones around the world :-)

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yup iinet or westnet seem to be the go over here in WA.

My pleasure in letting you know that info, thats what these forums are for. I would hate for you to go through the same frustrations as what i and thousands others have had to!

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Internode as sex for your internet... great customer service... hosted game servers that don't go to your limit plus a few download websites...

Plus they have accents over in SA, the staff are awesome and I know several of them from way back when.

If you don't wanna wait on hold you can leave a msg and they call you back pretty quick.

Internode is also part of the AGILE network who are those sexy bastards bringing broadband(DSL2) to a lot of the country. I had their dsl2 24mb connection in Salisbury and practically always got my max speed being near their exchange in Brisbane.

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Been both an internode and iinet user for about a decade now - can highly recommend them both :D

My experience with the internet industry in Australia (working for various ISPs and telcos over the years) says stay away from most of the cheapos - tpg, dodo etc

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  • 3 weeks later...

yes, iinet do bundle home phone and ADSL2+ packages. I have their ph service and adsl2+ and never had a single problem with either in nearly 2 years now. :( speed is awesome, the only count download traffic towards your quota (some count up and down) and no shaping or other bullshit. sure some shitpot companies are cheaper but you get 'quality' internet and service. it's like a hooker. you can get one on the street that gives you have an hour of intersex for $50 and one in a high class brothel offers half an hour for $200. both are giving you half an hour of intersex. both look and talk like a girl, but one has crabs and used to be a man, one has no lice or stds and was born a woman. I know which one I think is better value.... it's the same with internet.

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So you're lying and really have a TPG account?

We all know that you love a good reach around

I'm currently looking at swapping over. Westnet and iinet are the go I think.

or I'm lying and I really have crabs.... :(

haven't tried westnet but I can say iinet have been very, very good. can't really fault the service or connection in any way.

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