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My Car Got Stolen

Thomas parker

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adeliade, close to east terres, was getting one but had a club lock on

a Skyline without an alarm ?????? sucks to hear..... but really it is one of the targeted cars ??? hope it was insured ???

this town is full of savages I swear..lol

wish police would lock em up for a long time, not defect cars all night long. cause it's easier then catching real crims.

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a Skyline without an alarm ?????? sucks to hear..... but really it is one of the targeted cars ??? hope it was insured ???

this town is full of savages I swear..lol

wish police would lock em up for a long time, not defect cars all night long. cause it's easier then catching real crims.

You'd hope the insurance is going insure the car without an alarm system as most insurance would want the insured to have an alarm system as a pre-requisite.

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You'd hope the insurance is going insure the car without an alarm system as most insurance would want the insured to have an alarm system as a pre-requisite.

yep exactly.. and needs to be up to OZ standards to be covered in most cases too

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needs to be up to OZ standards

This is the important bit, most alarms out there are absulute crap. I helped a mate remove an alarm from his s15 the other day that he just bought - as it wasn't working.

Although it looked like a mess of wires under the dash and I thought it was going to take me all day to remove and get the car running again. In the end the way it worked was stupidly simple, and it would have only taken one wire to bypass it all any semi profesional theif could have bypassed it in minutes. But to make matters worse, what ever dodgy installer put it in there must not have been able to get around the factory smart key system, so they sticky taped the original key to the ignition barrel and put the cover back over the top.

About the only thing any alarm system that I have ever delt with has been good for is drainig your battery if you leave it parked for more than 48 hours, and making sure your cental locking never works the same again :P

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guys going on about alarms.. I'd say a clublock is just as good, if not better then an alarm when it comes to stealing a car (alarm better for people braking into it)...

You sure you had the lock on? I know theres ways of getting them off, but they take a fair bit, unless they were out there for awhile doing it...

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guys going on about alarms.. I'd say a clublock is just as good, if not better then an alarm when it comes to stealing a car (alarm better for people braking into it)...

You sure you had the lock on? I know theres ways of getting them off, but they take a fair bit, unless they were out there for awhile doing it...

That's why you need an alarm AND a club lock - the alarm draws attention to the vehicle so they don't have 2 minutes uninterrupted in which to get the club lock off .... AND I have 3 piezo sirens inside the cabin that are absolutely deafening - no thief in their right mind would be in my car more than 5 seconds with those things piercing their eardums!

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That's why you need an alarm AND a club lock - the alarm draws attention to the vehicle so they don't have 2 minutes uninterrupted in which to get the club lock off .... AND I have 3 piezo sirens inside the cabin that are absolutely deafening - no thief in their right mind would be in my car more than 5 seconds with those things piercing their eardums!

True, Usually a clublock does it's Job, but yes, I do agree with you.. Least he had something, unfortunatly probly not enough for insurance purposes..

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I’m also sorry to hear that another Skyline has been stolen. Ill also keep an eye out for it. I like that piezo siren idea Andrew. I’ve considered installing a set in my car and your right they will make ones ears bleed in no time.

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Yeah JMW (James) has 2 HOUSE alarm sirens - one in the engine bay AND one inside the car - they are the loudest bloody things you have ever heard. Same principle - deafen them and they won't have a chance to try hotwire your car :P

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this is a bad wave atm.. sorry to hear. in a semi serious/semi joking kind of way lets just set up dummy cars and all hide on the tray of the hilux 200m up the street, then do some of that funky ninja stuff..

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And last 2 cars (this one and the silver S15) were both stolen from the city... Lock up your cars like a military tank if you live or park in or around the city anywhere...

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