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Sau:nsw 26Th Of Feb 2011 Wrap Up Thread


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Awesome day, thanks to the organisers.

Sorting out pics now and will upload tonight.

ok so im going to cook dinner first and then sort out pics :) hard to take pics and drive a winding road lol :)

I had heaps of fun and the company was great! I loved hearing the Skylines through the winding roads it was music!

and Owen (CPD) I thought ahead and got sunscreen for the ride! not burnt at all and I had no roof! :)

Edited by woodsy900
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Thanks for organising Matt, had mad fun and it was great to catch up with quite a few of you guys as well as meet some new faces.

Terry and I also had a nice "mini cruise" with Sean, Woodsy, Owen and Patrick on the way back up North.

I've taken a few pics which I'll also upload later.

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oh I almost got taken out by some dumb blonde Green P plater in a white junkbox... i was practically beside her when she thought it would be a good idea to get into the left lane the look on her face was priceless but many bricks were passed into my underpants...

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Thanks to Matt for organising it, see you at the next cruise probably! Had a great day, got half my face sunburnt - it's a great look, as well as my arm..

Could you have guessed my passenger who was taking most of the photos was a bit of a fan of Terry's GTR? wub.gif

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didnt catch up with the main group till it got to the pie shop thanks to a dodgy GPS and a sleepy gf but was great to see everyone there even if table space and shyness prevented me from getting to know everyone but it was good to be able to put a few more faces to forum names and then join them for the final leg.

unfo' we were all held up by a rather twee couple in a little Bimmer on the way down the mountain but at least the low speeds and hairpin corners allowed me to glance back and see the R34's in all their glory as they navigated the tricky terrain.

more calories were consumed in Berry before everyone went their separate ways and we almost had a run in with a VL club who looked even more out of place than we did in the boutiquey tourist town.

and oh yeah mini cruise part way home was awesome, wish i had some video of me catching up to you guys on that inside lane as i swept down from the mountain, glorious views out to the ocean in the background and even better views of all that shiny JDM metal in front of me getting closer and closer..perfect.

wanted to stretch the cruise out but i can sit on ten under the limit for only so long :P

dont know how u batch resize all your pics to fit in here but lazy ole me just did a select all upload to fbook and heres the link..


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Lot's of terrific Pics! Fantastic pics! And many thanks for comments - gratefully for my car and not for me...

...because I apologise for being late - and therefore not as sociable as I usually am.

I also apologise for missing the Bulli Pass turnoff and leading some of you the wrong way into a precarious U-Turn > SH!T

Asian driver in me - LOL. Oh yeah, I nearly rear-ended a bikie on turn 6 of Mac Pass. Oh well - be warned, next time!

And in case you're having trouble holding your tongue about a giant rear wing being owned by a 60 yr old, may I say this...

one person here on SAU and also another on Prelude Australia would love to take that C/F rear wing off me - lol

Many thanks to Matt for putting this on, especially when...

* his own car is in pieces

* those pieces are at someone else's garage

* he can't enjoy driving

Great to drive a great road with my son Matt + enjoy company with Owen, Owen, Matt, David, Patrick, Andrew, Micael, Brian, Genelle, Sean, Steve-0, Indi and others I met at the Pie Shop.

I think we need the give the Pie Shop facia a new coat of paint with R32/R33/R34 pics all over it!

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