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5 Speed Auto In R32 And R33?

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I've been searching for a Jatco RE5RO1A for ages, and have never been able to find one for sale.

Are they that rare?

There are plenty of the 4 speed RE4RO1A models around...

Currently, I have a Jatco 4N71B (VL 4 speed auto) matched to my RB25det, and I really want to upgrade to the 5 speed auto.

If anyone knows of a place I might be able to ask about getting one, could you please let me know. Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think you'll find it's the same as V35, M35 Stagea, and late model Patrols. The latter two obviously have a transfer case.

Happy to be proven wrong, but I'm fairly sure that's it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi ive been told that the 5 speed auto came in the non turbo 32s and as the trans housingis the same size as the 4 speed the internals are smaller(read weaker) so that the whole lot would fit in

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  • 1 month later...

in theory, could I buy this, rebuild it with stronger parts, and fit it to my RB25det?


Aftermarket ECU to run it?

. so you you want to pull a recon trans apart so you can fit stronger parts?your keen with deep pockets that for sure, i know info is limited but you might want to investigate this 5 speed AT some more. . .you might find your car is pulling the same revs in 5th as it would with the 4 speed auto,aftermarket ecu to run it? MIGHT be something out there

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Not so interested in the revs in the last gears. More interested in the extra pull from the early gears.

I found the gear ratios in comparison to the 4 speed, once, a while ago. Cant find them again. But it was something like this:

1 - 3.857 - 2.785

2 - 2.140 - 1.545

3 - 1.384 - 1.000

4 - 1.000 - 0.694

5 - 0.694

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  • 1 year later...

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