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Vic Wasteland Thread


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The thread topic is usually a straight up give away if the topic is going to be good or not.

Then you read the first few post, if it's all shit talk = Shit thread.

Constructive discussion = Good thread.

Nisskid has the know-how.

In one thread, he was explaining to us about the types of wheel qualities and builds through out different brands.

LOL! For the trololols!

I bought a sticker set from On The Run Motorsport.

Lol they about me for having varrstoens, then I ask them about stickers and no one says anything.

Muski is a good guy too he helps out too

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wish i was online when that dr pepper comment was made. but then i wouldn't have had a comeback anyway cos even i laughed, and dr pepper does taste like shit haha.

f**k you guys. and shut up mohsen :rofl2:

:wub: you too alex hahaha

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Now they're starting about my latches on the front bar lol.

Ryan, tell me something, why do NS'ers worry so much about other peoples cars?

actually i too was wondering what there for, quick bar removal?

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actually i too was wondering what there for, quick bar removal?

yeh sort of.

did a driver dynamics day and kind of got ahead of myself and went into the first corner sand trap. it ripped off the front bar from its mounting...

jono below im pretty sure saw it happen.

but now it takes me 30 seconds to get the front bar off when i need to so its pretty useful seeing as im always pulling shit apart.

Is correct i believe.

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I'm gonna lose my licence on this bike, at least you 250 riders can wring your bikes to their limits. I can't get out of farkin 1st gear :(

Need to track...

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I'm gonna lose my licence on this bike, at least you 250 riders can wring your bikes to their limits. I can't get out of farkin 1st gear :(

Need to track...

it's easy you just click up :happy:

mechanic just picked up my bike, he recognized it soon as he saw it says he's worked on it before

f**k this flu. f**k it to hell


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posting an F&F liner to the people who were crying about my varrstoens.

im having a go at the mod, and im pretty sure ive ruined his argument. this is where boredom gets me.. lol

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you get booked?

f**k this flu. f**k it to hell

Nah man, but if I keep riding it I reckon I will. Can't have fun on it without breaking a lot of laws :/

Remember the first few days of owning a turbo car, how easy it was to get up to speed limits and find yourself surpassing them...multiply it by 11ty :/

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