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December 2011 Photo Thread


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Awesome shots there josh. Your making me miss europe more and more!!

Richie - So how was it man? Was this your first wedding? Or shooting from the side? Not a fan of selective colouring in wedding photos, but thats personal taste. Keen to see more from you.

Epic sunset on the way to Canberra:



Edited by siddr20
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Yesterday I photographed one of the most extravagant Indian weddings ever. Just a random pic below. No processing apart from boost in contrast and blacks. Love the 50L :)

Wish I bought this lens earlier. Anyways... this was just the start. They then stopped for a minute while some fireworks went off in the sky and other crackers.. They also flew in some international Indian singers/performers which got the crowd dancing in no time. No shortage of dancing pics lol..

oh and should have seen the catering!! OMG!!!.. This was just the ceremony yesterday. Wedding event is still going. Had a small event to cover tonight and one more tomorrow night..


random pic I just opened up.


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^wow, i want fireworks at my wedding! :D

also, those sunset shots from canberra, photomerge them together then crop it... would make an awesome pano!

i used to live in one of the suburbs at the base of that tower. would spend the morning climbing the hill to the tower then fly down the hill in the arvo. such an awesome place.

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Richie - So how was it man? Was this your first wedding? Or shooting from the side? Not a fan of selective colouring in wedding photos, but thats personal taste. Keen to see more from you.

That was the first wedding I have been asked to shoot hehe... I had quite a bit of fun.

All the b/w photos, I do keep the full coloured also as some tend to dislike/like.

Yesterday I photographed one of the most extravagant Indian weddings ever. Just a random pic below. No processing apart from boost in contrast and blacks. Love the 50L :)

Wish I bought this lens earlier. Anyways... this was just the start. They then stopped for a minute while some fireworks went off in the sky and other crackers.. They also flew in some international Indian singers/performers which got the crowd dancing in no time. No shortage of dancing pics lol..

oh and should have seen the catering!! OMG!!!.. This was just the ceremony yesterday. Wedding event is still going. Had a small event to cover tonight and one more tomorrow night..


random pic I just opened up.


Sounds like it would of been a fun day. So indian weddings normally extend over 1 day?

I've attached a few more photos




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Jay - yea wasnt thinking of pano at the time :( But will give it a try. Thanks man.

Richie - Indeed Indian weddings can go on for days. From pre-events to post events. This one is 5 days (sangeet night, ceremony, bride welcoming party, another small ceremony tonight, and reception this saturday). There is always something happening and there is never a dull moment.

I like the waterfall pic. With the last two increase some more fill light in PP. So you gonna get into more weddings? Good to see the wedding dress isnt blown out (always hard to expose correctly).

Edited by siddr20
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Yeh something wrong with the thread.. Every time I post it comes up with an error. I then open up a new window and see if the post had actually posted. Even though I get the error it seems to post every time.

I did find it quite hard to expose the wedding dress nicely. Most of the time, I found it was either JUST too dark and made the dress a slightly off colour, or it was over exposed and you couldn't see the patterns/beading etc..

Taking wedding photos - awesome. Much prefer wedding's than cars haha *hides from most SAU members*

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Wil, How did you go shooting that wedding? Were you shooting solo?

If you're going to jump on the bandwagon with the tilt shift effect you've got to nail it, or don't do it at all. You can tell instantly that the first shot is just photoshopped, it just doesn't look right. there's no difference in distance so the T/S wouldn't be so pronounced. Also the ground is untouched, which means your pretend focus plane is impossible. I think the original shot with out the fake T/S would be an awesome shot standing on it's own two feet and your shooting talent alone. If you've got a good reason, or it adds to a shot, do it! If you're just experimenting do it! But if you're trying to jump a band wagon for the sake of it don't bother man. you're work is coming along nicely without the need for cheesey post processing. (take this as a compliment, not an insult, i just re-read it and it sounds kinda harsh, it's not meant to be. meant to be helpful.)

The 2nd shot needs some fill on his face to bring it out, and the 3rd shot is nice and works. The T/S is just blurring colours so it's less intrusive.

Cool shot Rohan, got any action shots??

I had a massive photo weekend. V8's at homebush with the Sieders Team friday+sat. then sunday shot a good friends wedding down at balmain. first real solo wedding. Even thought I was mainly stepping in to help a mate out and the expectations weren't that high it's a pretty full on day. Making sure you're on the game every minute, trying to not miss that next special moment between the couple, or guests. It was pouring all day too, that got me stressing hard. Luckily the photo period between wedding and reception stayed dry long enough to get our shots. I'll post a few up as a get around to them. Feel free to throw in your 2c as to why they work/don't work.

here we go...





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Those photos look awesome as usual matt

I am not attempting any kind of T/S... I just like the blurring which targets the subject. Yes, real DOF goes by metering and the non-DOF blur I used is not metering... but its a style I personally like - Which I am assuming is why they asked me to do the shots (well I hope so lol).

But when I do any post processing I keep the non-processed image for them so they can decide what they like best.

I wasn't solo shooting that wedding - There was another photographer there for the point and shoot "smile at the camera" couple and group shots. Although I noticed every time I setup a 'scene', he would come in and also take a shot of what I setup after I was done...

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Yeah I've experienced that, I double teamed another friends wedding a few months ago, the other guy was the 'main' photographer, i was just called in to do a few other shots with them. He ended up just shooting what I'd set up. When it came time to organise the family shots he wanted to put them in a weird spot that had heaps of reflected light and shadows, i recommended we shoot them in this little gazebo so the light is nice and easy to control... 'yeah, i was just thinking that...' lol, i'm sure you were :P I didn't say anything though :)

I'm not having a crack man, that style with the blurring is faux T/S. I still reckon that top shot would be an awesome shot without the blurry distraction at the top, but thats what makes this hobby so good, we all see differently.

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Yeah I've experienced that, I double teamed another friends wedding a few months ago, the other guy was the 'main' photographer, i was just called in to do a few other shots with them. He ended up just shooting what I'd set up. When it came time to organise the family shots he wanted to put them in a weird spot that had heaps of reflected light and shadows, i recommended we shoot them in this little gazebo so the light is nice and easy to control... 'yeah, i was just thinking that...' lol, i'm sure you were :P I didn't say anything though :)

I'm not having a crack man, that style with the blurring is faux T/S. I still reckon that top shot would be an awesome shot without the blurry distraction at the top, but thats what makes this hobby so good, we all see differently.

Haha giving some people a free ride. I can imagine how you felt. I spent quite a bit of time setting up some jewellery to take a shot. After I was done he just walked up and took a shot - fark.. lol... not sure about you, but it does give me a bit of an annoyed feeling. I think I shouldn't have that feel but I can't help it!

Viet's really like their good luck red as you can tell....


And a shot I really like the lighting for


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Two more I've given a once over



Really liking all the wedding photos guys, got to have a crack shooting people. Everything I take is either landscape, my zed or a combo of the two!

cheers, Tim

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So I went to Bali for schoolies this month, heres some pics ive processed.


Bali Sunset by Ben Isaac, on Flickr


GWK Statue by Ben Isaac, on Flickr


Uluwatu Coast by Ben Isaac, on Flickr


Smokes by Ben Isaac, on Flickr


Bali Sunset by Ben Isaac, on Flickr


Green Sea Turtle by Ben Isaac, on Flickr


Owl by Ben Isaac, on Flickr


Sad Monkey by Ben Isaac, on Flickr


Thinking Monkey by Ben Isaac, on Flickr

Click on the pics for larger images :)

Hopefully will be getting my own telephoto soon (the one I was using for some of them was my friends crappy 75-300)... also hoping to get some filters to improve my landscapes

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So I went to Bali for schoolies this month. Here is some of the pics ive processed so far


Bali Sunset by Ben Isaac, on Flickr


GWK Statue by Ben Isaac, on Flickr


Uluwatu Coast by Ben Isaac, on Flickr


Bali Sunset by Ben Isaac, on Flickr


Green Sea Turtle by Ben Isaac, on Flickr


Owl by Ben Isaac, on Flickr


Sad Monkey by Ben Isaac, on Flickr


Thinking Monkey by Ben Isaac, on Flickr


Smokes by Ben Isaac, on Flickr

Click on the photos for bigger versions! :D

Hoping to get my own telephoto sometime soon, ive taken a liking to them lately after borrowing a friends. Also hoping to get some filters to improve my landscapes, so sick of being frustrated that I cant get nice exposures for reasons of lacking certain filters!

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Two more I've given a once over

When I see that second photo I think 'how cool would that look with a long exposure'. Just with the waves in the background and what not.

Otherwise I like the reflections on that second photo...

Ben: The first and third landscape shots are stunners man

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