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R33 Gtr Build

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Its so damn loud its not funny. No wonder why people end up changing to something quieter half the time

The sound however is absolutely amazing and music to my ears :D

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Its so damn loud its not funny. No wonder why people end up changing to something quieter half the time

The sound however is absolutely amazing and music to my ears :D

You know deep inside you going to have to change it though:(

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And until then I will endeavour to enjoy every single moment of it lol

have been considering the fujitsubo twin 60mm titanium which seems to come on the 400R.


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Saw a guy with a varex dosing down the road into the servo. Sounded awesome fully opened. I complimented his car and he said it was a 3.5 inch inlet into a 5 inch cannon. He closed it and it was dead quiet...probably less than stock. He said he pulled 320 on the dyno and had cams. I might look at this option shortly.

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Just had a quick look at the Varex and it's 3.5" OD, which is not too bad, taking a stab the the wall thickness of the pipe would be 2mm or less, you're left with approximately 85mm or approx 3.3" ID which is still some difference from the

run of the mill 3" exhausts. Would be great for temporarily deterring the wrong kind of attention!

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Just had a quick look at the Varex and it's 3.5" OD, which is not too bad, taking a stab the the wall thickness of the pipe would be 2mm or less, you're left with approximately 85mm or approx 3.3" ID which is still some difference from the

run of the mill 3" exhausts. Would be great for temporarily deterring the wrong kind of attention!

Spoke to a few varex exhaust installers and they recommended not going down that path. They said the 3.5 inch canon had inherent issues when closed. They said when fully closed when cruising or in peak hour traffic, they became very hot because the gases were diverted through the muffler 3 times before the were expelled and they recommended that you would have to continually open and close the valve to help it cool down. This heat issue was causing overheating and failure of the valve motor. The larger oval type muffler did not have this problem. So I suppose it best to stay away.

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Cant wait till we cruise mick!

So hurry up and finish your engine!! :D

Meanwhile, who would like to lend me $3000 for Haltech, ID1000 and a tune at 0% interest?

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I finally found the courage to comp test this engine. Turns out it's not TOO bad but definitely could be better.

155, 155, 160, 153, 153, 148.

No 6 gets me a little worried, might ask Trent to keep that cylinder nice n rich when it gets tuned.

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Is that a huge issue? I thought it was only if it was around 10% out or so.

Mine came back as 155,150,160,150,155,155

Not a huge issue, 148 is getting pretty close to 10% though. Even so, as long as I take care driving it until I have money to get it tuned, should pose no problems.

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