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Catted Midpipe Options?

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So I've decided to wise fully invest my tax return. So far I've got my Cobb and down pipes sorted but now looking for a midpipe. so a few Q for you guys,

Anyone running a full cat less system?

Have looked around for catted midpipes but not much out there. So any recommendations?

Any tips would be sweet .

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I've got the Mines titanium straight converter type 2 I was thinking about going full catless with downpipes as well but I don't think that would be too wise

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I was thinking about going full catless with downpipes as well but I don't think that would be too wise

Yer why's that? Apart form the defect reason is there something i dont know? I have ran cattless set ups in other car in the past and found it worked well apart from extra carbon build up on the back of the car.

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The carbon build up and also I reckon it would be loud as f*** and draw attention and get me defected especially being a full titanium set up I'm looking at getting the Amuse r1 Titan 90spec catback

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There is no carbon buildup with e85... ;)

I would be finding a local fabricator who specialises in custom stainless performance exhausts, it's just a pipe after all. Make sure there are flex joints in it if there are no others in the system. The merge is the critical part, you don't want a 90 degree merge, you want it as tight and smooth as possible. If they don't purge the inside with argon, get inside there with a die grinder and clean the welds up before fitting.

If you are relying on a pair of race cats to quieten your exhaust you have problems. Large mufflers are what drop decibels noticeably, and most Ti systems lack decent mufflers because they have a weight penalty.

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i have the cobb catted midpipe with catless downpipes and a highflow muffler

on e85 there is no black smoke natch and that is what i daily drive on

but on 98 ron i still get ALOT of carbon blow out - only times i run 98 is on interstate trips, and sitting on the hwy for hours builds up alot of carbon that when i do overtake it leaves a big cloud of smoke behind

cobb released some new idc tables, which Martin did try for me but it didn't work. we may need to have another go at it next time i do a tassie or interstate trip

if i was daily driving on 98 i'd have to switch back to oem downpipes with cats, as the carbon clean up every wash would be annoying, not to mention getting dobbed in to epa, or stung at one of those road side epa checks

cliffs - only start removing cats if you're on e85

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if i was daily driving on 98 i'd have to switch back to oem downpipes with cats, as the carbon clean up every wash would be annoying, not to mention getting dobbed in to epa, or stung at one of those road side epa checks

cliffs - only start removing cats if you're on e85

Thanks for the advice....I was considering going down that path myself.

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Including shipping and duty that midpipe will cost nearly 3 grand shipped, and it's not even titanium. GTR tax at work, obviously.

I could make a better quality midpipe with more flow for 1/3 the price. Get some local quotes first...

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