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Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party


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Who is interested in joining a sa chapter of Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party?

Looking holding a meeting in next couple of weeks to establish a committee. Whilst the federal election is nigh, there is still plenty to be done beyond the 7th

Express your interest via website http://www.australianmotoringenthusiastparty.org.au/get_involved

and we will update everyone as soon details are firmed up.

Keep an eye on the Facebook page for updates


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  • 2 weeks later...

C'mon people, there is little time until election day, show your support - this is all about supporting those with modified cars. Anyone here?

The party are looking for enthusiastic people who can distribute how to vote cards on election day - TIME IS RUNNING OUT

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For too long, Motoring Enthusiasts have not had a voice, legislation is brought in without any consultation with our community, and our rights are slowly being eroded. Well no more…

We can no longer sit back and hope everything is going to be okay. We need to take control of our future, and we need to do it now.

There is a movement that has been happening across Australia over the past seven months, spreading the word for the need to unite… to come together so we can present a strong, united front with Government.

Forming our own political party was the next step…

It is about unity… It is about coming together and sharing our knowledge, resources and experience. It is about putting aside our differences, and appreciating each others passion. It is about sending a strong message to Government that our Community must be respected and considered.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so the newly formed govt may have to negotiate with this clown (Ricky Muir) when the Senate is finalized July 1st 2014!

gimme a break....looks like he barracks for Collingwood......no one in parliament will take this clown serious.

we need someone better to represent motoring enthuisiats.....someone who'll be taken seriously.

be interesting to hear if he has any policy....or if he even knows what policy is, LOL :rofl2::cheers:

''I have owned, maintained and modified a couple of street driven Commodores, nothing magazine worthy but they were safe, reliable and reflected my taste," Mr Muir wrote on Facebook.


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so the newly formed govt may have to negotiate with this clown (Ricky Muir) when the Senate is finalized July 1st 2014!

gimme a break....looks like he barracks for Collingwood......no one in parliament will take this clown serious.

we need someone better to represent motoring enthuisiats.....someone who'll be taken seriously.

be interesting to hear if he has any policy....or if he even knows what policy is, LOL :rofl2::cheers:


bet he drives a comy with stockies on the back too.I think someone like Warren Luff or similar would make a good spokesperson

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Pete, I like the concept of automotive enthusiast representation at senate level. If the aftermarket industry and end user had one quarter the influence in Australia as say the US we could see some real positive change in Government's attitude to the genuine and level headed enthusiast.

One should never judge a book by its cover but I see this venture with the potential to do as much harm as it does good. Perhaps Mr Muir will prove me wrong. I certainly hope so.

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The seat in the senate would need to be held by someone known and respected in the motor racing industry.

Then, and only then, would there be a voice for us that would be given any credence.

My instincts tell me that this guy has already done too much irreversible damage and will only add further weight and argument to the hoon labellers

Matt, I also like the idea of representation, but unfortunately there are times when you can judge a book by its cover.....and my conclusion is ZERO substance!

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Ricky represents a party, he is one of 20 regular people who showed the courage to step up. We are all from different backgrounds to achieve some balance, for example I'm a skyline owner, which in the general publics eyes puts me on the same rung as the a commodore with stockies described above, whoever that is.

If there are people in the SA community that want to contribute, contact me and tell me what you have to offer. At the end of the day, we are trying to support a broad range of automotive interests along with an $11bn aftermarket industry.

If not, carry on as you are. . .

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